Under this bombardment, the entire island seemed to be earthquake-like, and after trembling for more than ten breaths of time did it return to calm.

However, the ancient giant crocodile lurking in the surrounding waters was so scared that it dived into the deep water and did not dare to emerge.


Yang Zilei hovered in the void, standing proudly, looking down calmly.

But there was a huge pit that was dozens of times bigger than just now. As for the eight desert giants who accepted the challenge, all of them were killed.

"Sect Master Yang has won again!"

"That's amazing, Sect Master Yang is really a role model for my generation!"

Looking at this scene in a daze, Yue Lingfeng, You Quan, Bai Mingxuan and many other super sect disciples finally came to a sense of relief.

For Yang Zilei's powerful power, a touch of shock and ecstasy appeared on their faces.

In four consecutive games, thirteen desert giants were annihilated, and all of them were monsters whose strength was equivalent to the peak of the spiritual realm.

Such a powerful record is almost unmatched among the younger generation!

"Sect Master Yang has won four battles and four wins. Then, we can enter the tower."

Everyone was overjoyed, feeling that they were able to enter the tower this time, although it was all the credit of Yang Zilei, but they were able to sit back and enjoy it, which is very good.

After the headed desert giant pondered for a while, he raised his head and stared at Yang Zilei who was standing in the sky, and said in a low voice, "Formidable human beings, I admire your strength very much. Congratulations, you are eligible for the tower."

After that, the desert giants in front of the team retreated one after another, giving way to aisles that could only be passed by one person.


Hearing this, everyone looked startled, as if they could hear the meaning in the words.

If it is you, it represents everyone.

But at this moment, what the desert giant said as'you' meant that Yang Zilei was the only one.

Thinking of this, everyone was suddenly a little confused. Didn't it just say that as long as Yang Zilei passed the four rounds of challenges, he was eligible to enter the tower?

But how did you change your mind now? !

"I said earlier that the winner enters the tower, but it doesn't mean that he wins. You can sit back and enjoy all of the gains."

The desert giant smiled low, and his dark eyes jokingly swept towards those super sectarian disciples, and said indifferently: "If any of you still want to enter the tower, you can challenge it like this human powerhouse."

Hearing this, everyone felt a chill and challenged dozens of desert giants one after another. This was undoubtedly seeking a dead end.

That kind of risk, it's better to join forces directly, to come more reliable!

"The little ape is my beast, can it also enter the tower?"

Seeing that the desert giant was convinced, Yang Zilei turned his gaze to the little dragon ape and asked politely.

The desert giant groaned slightly, looked at the little dragon ape, and then nodded, "Allow."

"Oh yeah!"

The little dragon ape suddenly cheered, suddenly turned over and jumped up, and a tumbler broke away from the crowd and came directly to Yang Zilei.

In this way, Yang Zilei took the little dragon ape and flew towards the Tongtian Pagoda under the envious eyes of everyone.

They looked at the thousands of desert giants who were blocking the front again, and their expressions changed, and they were obviously hesitant.

To fight or not to fight?

If you really break through, facing such a group of desert monsters that have reached the peak of the spiritual gods and have strange healing capabilities, the odds of winning are extremely slim.

Thinking of this, those sect disciples who only had the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm sighed in their hearts, undoubtedly they wanted to break through.

After all, compared to the heritage resources of the Tongtian Tower, it is not a cost-effective thing to confess a small life here.

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