"Take the Tongtian Tower away, don't be greedy."

Yang Zilei's eyes sank slightly, and he immediately dispelled the thought.

After all, even if the powerhouse of the Tongtian Tower did not find him to settle the account, many sectarian forces in the Northern Territory will inevitably come to fight for it. When that time comes, it will really catch the fire, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

"Ten thousand years, you are the first to enter the tower."

At this moment, a vigorous voice sounded abruptly as if it came from ancient times.

Yang Zilei's heart beat wildly, and he immediately sought fame.

But I saw a white glow in the void not far away.

Immediately afterwards, this white light spread rapidly, gradually forming a human figure, vaguely revealing a powerful breath that made people palpitating.

"It's you……"

Yang Zilei's pupils shrank slightly, and when he saw the figure clearly, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Because this person was the silver-haired man who opened the entrance to the ancient secret realm in the deserted plain at that time.

How could he suddenly appear here?

Yang Zilei furrowed his brows, and immediately became vigilant.

The little dragon and ape's eyes were fierce, and the Ruyi mysterious golden rod in his hand was also suddenly clenched.

"Don't be nervous, it's safe here, I won't hurt you."

Seeing Yang Zilei's guarded look, the silver-haired man smiled faintly, his peaceful eyes gave people an elegant taste, but the sharp meaning between his brows was hard to conceal.

"Why are you here?" Yang Zilei asked in confusion.

"This seat is the guardian of the Tongtian Tower. If someone enters the tower, they will naturally appear."

The silver-haired man looked indifferent, as if he was telling something more normal.

"The tower guard?"

Yang Zilei was even more confused.

Does Tongtian Tower still need to be guarded?

"Let’s introduce yourself first. My name is Bai Yuzhe. I am the 186th tower guardian of Tongtian Tower."

The silver-haired man stared at Yang Zilei, and said meaningfully: "And you, you have passed the test of the desert giants in turns. If you can successfully pass the next test, you can become the 187th generation tower guard."

"As for the reason, I will talk to you in detail after you successfully pass the barrier."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's face changed slightly and looked at Bai Yuzhe suspiciously.

Be the tower guard?

Naturally, Yang Zilei would not accept such a boring day.

Even if the reason, it sounds curious and mysterious.

"No need to check, I am not at all interested in the position of the tower guard."

Yang Zilei refused directly without hesitation.

Just kidding, his current status in Tianyan Continent is not only the emperor of the arms dynasty, but also the sovereign of the sunset sect, and his small life is very moist.

If you are really trapped by this Tongtian Tower and become a tower guard who lives like a year, wouldn't it be like a walking dead, losing the joy of life.

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei, who has never liked being bound, feels that this profession is not suitable for him.

Bai Yuzhe was also a little surprised to see Yang Zilei's rejection so decisively and simply.

In this regard, he was not in a hurry, and smiled lightly: "Don't rush to refuse first. Later, if you know the precious resources that the tower guard can obtain, you may reconsider."


Hearing this, Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly. He was indeed aroused a little bit of interest. He couldn't help asking, "What resources are there?"

"Metal resources."

Bai Yuzhe stared at Yang Zilei indifferently, and said meaningfully: "You know everything you do in the ancient secret realm. Although you don’t know what your secrets are, this seat has discovered that you have the magical ability to devour metal, and every This will result in an increase in cultivation level every time."

Upon hearing this, Yang Zilei's heart sank.

Unexpectedly, this guy has been peeping at himself!

What is his purpose? !

Yang Zilei frowned, his expression even more solemn.

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