When Yang Zilei was suspicious, he only heard Bai Yuzhe continue to say: "Since you are the new tower guard, this seat will no longer conceal it. In fact, there is more space outside the Tianyan Continent..."

However, before he finished speaking, Yang Zilei interrupted aloud, "I know, it's called the Primordial Realm, right? Tianyan Continent is just a part of it."

Hearing this, Bai Yuzhe's eyes flashed with surprise, staring at Yang Zilei, and said deeply: "I don't think you know this secret. It seems that I didn't find the wrong person. You are indeed the one that the master said."

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, is that master really that amazing?

Can actually calculate my arrival!

Isn't it just a random checkpoint, as long as you pass it, you are the one who is predestined?

"I don’t know exactly what the master looks like. I just learned from the last tower guardian, my master, that the master is the strongest in this world, far beyond the realm of the emperor. Terrible strength."

Bai Yuzhe showed a sense of awe on his face, and continued: "And Master once said that after ten thousand years, the Tianyan Continent will have a catastrophe and will be involved in the disputes of race wars again, but then there will be a The young man who has swallowed the metal and appeared with a dragon, ape, and a beast around him will be the one who will resolve this catastrophe."

Swallowing metal with a dragon ape around?

Isn't this me? !

Damn it!

What a fortune!

Yang Zilei suddenly took a breath, there was a kind of creepy smell.

I thought that the so-called predestined person was just making up a random object, but I didn't expect it to be so precise.

"Your master, are you still alive?"

Yang Zilei couldn't help asking.


Bai Yuzhe shook his head and sighed slightly: "The master was in fierce battle with the strong men of the major races. Although he repelled the enemy, he was also hit hard. In order to preserve the seeds for the human race, he exhausted his whole body when he was dying. The power of Heaven has sealed the Tianyan Continent from harm."

Yang Zilei's face was slightly moved, it seems that the master is quite great, able to do the feat of self-sacrificing.

Instead of being yourself, you still care about human seeds. Do what you should do. It is important to save your life first, and then find a chance to settle the account after autumn.

"When I first saw you, I was actually not sure that you were a predecessor, thinking it was just a coincidence."

Bai Yuzhe smiled indifferently. After all, Yang Zilei's current strength is too weak, so how could he be the one who saved the Tianyan continent.

"However, following secret observations, I discovered that you and Master have one thing in common."

Hearing Bai Yuzhe's words, Yang Zilei's face was startled, and he asked in doubt, "What is in common?"


Bai Yuzhe gave Yang Zilei a weird look, and said: "According to the records of the Tongtian Tower, it is said that the master used a powerful weapon, called a weapon killer, which is exactly the same as your weapon."

While speaking, a metal gun flashed in Bai Yuzhe's hand, with red light permeating the surface, exuding the power of hot flames.

"this is……"

Yang Zilei's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the shape of the metal gun, it was clearly a Gatling gun!

He clearly remembered that the guns he sold to the outside world, even though he had been in Cangqiong Wufu, in order to support Leng Yuyan's Shui Ling Pavilion disciples to win the championship, he specially sold five Gatling guns.

But they are all beast cores that incorporate thunder-type fierce beasts, and have never used beast cores such as flames.

In other words, this Gatling gun did not originate from him.

In addition, the Gatling gun in front of me seems to have gone through a long period of time. The metallic luster on the gun is not so brand new, and it has an ancient taste.

Otherwise, Yang Zilei really thought it was Bai Yuzhe who didn't know which arms store channel he got from, and deliberately fooled him.

If this is the case, doesn't the so-called master also have a god-level weapon system that can strengthen arms and firearms?

Moreover, he is very likely to be a traverser just like himself? !

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei's breathing suddenly stagnated, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Obviously he hadn't expected that there are still traversers in this world, as well as the same system capabilities.

Is this too coincidental? !

What's even more exaggerated is that the guy even knew his every move, and calculated that he would appear in this place ten thousand years later!

When Yang Zilei was surprised, he looked at Bai Yuzhe and asked curiously, "What's your name, Master?"

"Yang Guo."

Speaking of the master's name, Bai Yuzhe's face clearly showed a deep reverence.

However, Yang Zilei's complexion suddenly became weird.

Yang Guo? !

Isn't this the name I used the last time I fought with the sunset sect.

Yang Zilei's thoughts suddenly became a little messy.

I even wonder if the master named "Yang Guo" is the previous life of his own? !

Otherwise, how could everything be such a coincidence.

"It should be impossible..."

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei couldn't help but laughed at himself, and denied the idea, feeling that this situation is indeed a fantasy.

"This is for you to enter the Zun Dan. After you are promoted to the Earth Zun realm, this seat will take you to the Antarctic Land."

After saying this, a red golden pill flashed in Bai Yuzhe's hand, and the whole body shone with light, exuding an extremely strong energy fluctuation.

"Antarctic land? Isn't there a restricted area?"

Yang Zilei asked in surprise.

"For others, it is a forbidden area, but you are already a tower guard and you are qualified to enter the Antarctic land to inspect the situation."

Bai Yuzhe said calmly, but there was a trace of solemnity between his eyebrows.

Yang Zilei nodded and stopped talking, and immediately took the Zhuzun Dan, threw it directly into his mouth, and swallowed it along his throat.

This pill is so miraculous, if it can really break through the Supreme Realm in one fell swoop, it would save a lot of strengthening points.

After a few breaths, the Ruzun Pill melted completely in his abdomen, and suddenly turned into an extremely surging energy, which spread out like a heat current in the body and poured into the meridians throughout the body.

Soon, there was a burning sensation in the meridians, and as the energy flowed to the limbs, the burning sensation spread throughout the body.

However, Yang Zilei never frowned.

In the past, his physical body had experienced inhuman torture while absorbing the dragon's essence and blood to quench the body. At this time, this level of pain was not unbearable for him now.

At most, I feel hot in my body.

In this way, under the control of Yang Zilei's powerful mind, all the energy of the pill was deposited in the dantian and began to temper the martial spirit.

Since there are two martial spirits, Yang Zilei divided the energy into two, each tempering the dragon spirit and the ship martial spirit...

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