"Look, someone has come out from the Tongtian Tower."

"Isn't that Sect Master Yang, eh? The other one seems to be the silver-haired powerhouse from the Tongtian Tower!"

At this moment, the super sect disciples who were being stopped by the desert giants suddenly noticed Yang Zilei and Bai Yuzhe.

Regarding the two of them coming out of the tower and Bai Yuzhe's appearance, they were suddenly surprised.

Obviously, he had never thought that Bai Yuzhe would appear in this place, and at this time it seemed to take Yang Zilei where he was going.

What is even more surprising is that the isolated light curtain that had previously enveloped this space suddenly disappeared, completely connected to the ancient mystery outside.

"Is it because of the silver-haired strong man?"

For a time, countless eyes cast towards Bai Yuzhe and the direction where Yang Zilei was flying away.

There, it is the forbidden area of ​​the ancient mystery, the land of Antarctica!

"Why is he taking Sect Master Yang to that place?"

The super sect's Yue Lingfeng and others said with a surprised expression.

Although they were quite curious about this, none of them dared to follow up and investigate.

After all, under Bai Yuzhe's powerful majesty and deterrence, if he dared to set foot in the restricted area, he would probably be punished not lightly. This was the prohibition that was explicitly forbidden before entering the ancient secret realm, and no one dared to violate it.

In this way, everyone was jealous, staring at the two figures that were getting farther and farther in the sky, until they disappeared at the end of their sight.

"Senior White, what's the situation in Antarctica?"

Along the way, Yang Zilei couldn't help asking.

For the so-called restricted zone, it is better to make some psychological preparations in advance.

After all, he had learned some rumors from those sect disciples before, and it was said that there existed some ethnic groups from ancient times in that restricted area.

When the ancient mystery was first opened thousands of years ago, some people did not believe in evil and trespassed in the Antarctic land.

But in the end, most of them were brutally killed and eaten, and the sect disciples who escaped by chance were all mad, as if frightened stupid, and extremely frightened.

"Like the rumors you heard, there are indeed ancient races there, and their strength is terrifying, and they don't have the ability to respect the realm. If you set foot there, it will be difficult to escape."

Bai Yuzhe's face was slightly solemn and said: "That's why, this seat requires you to upgrade your cultivation to the earthly respect level before you can take you to the Antarctic land."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's eyes flashed with surprise, and he couldn't help but wonder: "When the Tianyan Continent set up a sealed enchantment, didn't the ancient alien races have been isolated? What's the matter?"

After Bai Yuzhe pondered for a while, he nodded slowly and said: "The Tianyan Continent is indeed separated, but the ancient secret realm has not been completely cleared. There is still a part of the ancient alien race, which is still left in the Tianyan Continent. Hidden dangers."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei frowned, and said in a puzzled way: "You are so strong, coupled with the power of the eight super sects, why don't you join forces to destroy those ancient alien races? Eliminate the troubles forever."

Bai Yuzhe shook his head, with a hint of helplessness on his face, and sighed: "I have never thought about it, but the power of those ancient alien races is not as simple as imagined. If you attack rashly, you will accidentally destroy the prisoner. The formation and weapons may not be worth the loss."

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