In the mirror, a woman with snow-like skin and a beautiful appearance is looking at herself steadily.

If it weren't for the distorted grimace on his left cheek, this face would be a country and a city, and it would be stunning in the world.

At this moment, Nangong Yun had the urge to cry.

She has been rejected by others and even her family for so many years, and she was even divorced and insulted in public...

Now, we are finally seeing the dawn of hope.

And all of this is brought about by one person.

Gu Xuan.

"Well, it works pretty well. This beauty pill will protect your face from festering for three years. But after three years, if you can't meet the requirements I said, Yang Yan Dan won't be able to save you."

Grimace said lightly.

Nangong Yun bit her lip, her face showing a look of confusion and hesitation.

Grimace told her that if she wanted to completely restore her appearance, she had to go with her to a secret realm for retreat.

It may be painful, but it's her destiny as a Spider Body.

These are really a little far away for an ordinary daughter like Nangong Yun.

The unknown filled Nangong Yun's heart with fear.

At this moment, a maid suddenly came in a hurry.

"Miss, Miss.. Something is wrong!"

Nangong Yun quickly put on the hat and said lightly: "Something's wrong, panic." "

"It's the second son of the Sun family who has an accident. "

The little girl said breathlessly.

Hearing the words of the second son of the Sun family, Nangong Yun's body trembled slightly, and the beautiful eyes behind the white veil revealed a strong color of pain and resentment.

is this person, who divorced in public, and gave her the nickname of the first ugly woman in Yunlou City, making the Nangong family and her the laughing stock of the entire Yunlou City.

It is also the culprit who directly pushed her into the abyss of pain.

Holding back the emotions stirring in her heart, Nangong Yun said coldly: "What did he do to me, what happened to him?"

The maid whispered: "The second son of the Sun family was picked off by someone and broke his tendons and tendons, and his face was carved with a few big 'ugly' words, and his whole face was ruined...

And I've heard people say that it's... Gu Xuan, the second young master of the Gu family, did it. "


When Nangong Yun heard this, the whole person was stunned.

Seeing that Nangong Yun was distracted, the maid hurriedly retreated.

As soon as the maid left, Grimace said, "That kid is really affectionate to you." Not only will I give you the pill, but I will be angry for you. Huh..."

Nangong Yun stood in place, and the words of the grimace didn't seem to be listened to, but there were countless memories tumbling in her mind.

["Yun'er, let's go!"

The little boy with a tiger's head was panting, and he pulled up a little girl with a pink birthmark under the corner of his eye and pigtails to run.

The girl looked dazed and wondered, "Gu Yan, what are we running?"

"Last time, those bastard boys of the Li family scolded you for being ugly and were beaten up by us, and now they have called a group of people to help. There are too many people, let's hide first.."

"Gu Xuan is still there!"

"It's okay, my second brother has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and one can fight several. He was the one who told us to go first."

The boy patted his chest confidently and said with an oath.

The girl glanced ahead and saw a thin, thin figure fighting with a group of children.

The girl's expression was a little worried, but before she could say anything, she was dragged away by the boy. 】

[On the street, the pigtailed girl looked at the sugar gourd and swallowed her saliva.

The boy next to him saw it and asked, "Yun'er, do you want to eat sugar gourds?"

The girl nodded.

The boy touched his pocket, his face showed a little embarrassment, but he quickly raised his spirits and said loudly: "Yun'er, don't worry, when I grow up and have money, I will definitely buy you many, many sugar gourds, the kind that will never be finished." "

The girl smiled, happy, but still a little disappointed.

At this moment, a hand reached out from the side, and several copper plates lay quietly in the palm of the hand.

"Big brother, if you don't have money, don't learn to pick up girls.."

The handsome boy with a cool expression stuffed the copper plate in his hand into the former's hand, waved his hand and said, "Go buy sugar gourds." "

The boy was overjoyed, and couldn't help but say, "Great, Yun'er, we have money to buy sugar gourds!"

The girl's face was also full of joy, "Thank you Gu Xuan." But there's only enough money to buy two bunches."

The handsome boy said disdainfully: "Children like to eat sugar gourds, hum!"

The boy next to him urged: "Yun'er, Gu Xuan, he doesn't eat it, let's buy it." "

"Good.. All right. "

The girl reluctantly glanced at the handsome boy and nodded. 】

[On the hillside, the girl wiped her tears and cried so much that the pear blossoms brought rain.

"They... They all called me an ugly bastard.."

Beside him, the boy comforted in a good voice: "Who said that Yun'er is ugly, Yun'er is the most beautiful, Yun'er is the most beautiful fairy in the world!"


The girl sobbed a few times, and then said with red eyes: "But... But what if I really become ugly when I grow up and can't get married?"

The boy thought for a while, took out a pen and paper from his arms, and said firmly: "If you can't get married, I'll marry you." I'm going to write a marriage contract now, and no one can go back on it when I grow up."

As he spoke, the boy bit the pen and wrote crookedly on the paper, "I promise today that in the future, Ruoyun'er will not be able to get married." I take care of my family and Gu Yan will definitely marry Yun'er as my wife.

If this covenant is violated, the sky will thunder!"

After writing, the boy handed the so-called marriage letter to the girl as if offering a treasure, and said triumphantly: "Saw it Yun'er, now you can rest assured." "

The girl burst into tears and laughed, but for some reason, she turned her head to look somewhere behind her.

There, a boy who looked two years younger than her was lying on a stone lazily basking in the sun.

"Can you add Gu Xuan's name as well?"

The girl said hesitantly.

The boy was stunned for a moment, but quickly and readily agreed.

"Okay, then change it to, either of the two brothers of my Gu family, Gu Yan and Gu Xuan. With the two of us here, Yun'er will never have to worry about not being able to get married in the future!"

The girl giggled, nodded vigorously, and glanced behind her from time to time, smiling like a flower. 】

Memories were surging like a tide, and before she knew it, Nangong Yun was already in tears.

She remembered.

From childhood to adulthood, the person who accompanied him may not be Gu Xuan.

But whenever he encounters difficulties, he is the only one who will really stand up for himself.

"Not good!"

Nangong Yun suddenly reacted, looking flustered.

"The Sun family is powerful, and the masters are like clouds, Gu Xuan did such a thing to the second son of the Sun family, and if he caused a big disaster, he would definitely be retaliated against by the Sun family. I'll have to go see him.."

Thinking about it, Nangong Yun rushed out in a hurry.

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