Watch as the headless body of the last person slowly falls to the ground.

Red blood flowed freely between the cracks of the bluestone bricks.

Everyone present felt a tingling in their scalps.

From beginning to end, Gu Xuan only made three cuts.

Kill one person with one sword.

In just a dozen or so breaths, the three Spirit Sea Realm powerhouses of the Sun family were all killed!

It's horrible.

Everyone looked at Gu Xuan's eyes with a hint of throbbing and fear, and some even subconsciously touched their necks.

I don't know when, the head on my neck will suddenly disappear.

"Killing people beyond the rank is like eating and drinking, too young... This second son of the Gu family is definitely a demon-level genius of a certain sect. The Sun family is finished!"

The City Lord of Cloud Tower City muttered.

At this time, Sun Hai's heart could no longer be described as shocked, and he began to show a trace of fear.

Sun Jinyang next to him was even more dumbfounded.

He didn't know the inside story of this matter at all, and he didn't know how the Sun family got into trouble with such a monster.

It was Tong Yu, whose eyes flashed with a strange light, looking at Gu Xuan who was walking towards him, with a little interest on his face.

"Little brute, little brute.. How dare you!"

Sun Hai scolded in a low voice, and a powerful momentum suddenly erupted from his body.

Linghai Yae!

As the head of the Sun family, watching countless pairs of eyes, Sun Hai couldn't retreat, and could only use his anger to cover up the fear in his heart.

Facing Sun Hai, who was eightfold in the Spirit Sea, Gu Xuan's eyes did not have a trace of waves. It's still plain and unsheathed.

But the onlookers who had watched Gu Xuan draw his knife several times twitched the corners of their eyes involuntarily.

God knows, this time the knife will be what kind of earth-shattering shock!

The dark golden sword light flashed away.

Sun Hai only felt a flower in front of him, and a great warning rose in his heart.

When he came back to his senses, he was amazed.

A sword light hovered silently in front of his forehead, just inches from his skull.

The overflowing knife qi cut through Sun Hai's cheeks, scraping his face full of fine small cuts, and blood flowed.

As long as this knife goes a little further, he will be like the previous Sun family worshippers, and his body will be torn in half for no reason.

Deep fear swelled wildly in Sun Hai's heart, large drops of sweat rolled down Sun Hai's forehead, and his back was completely wet with cold sweat.

Sun Hai turned his head to look, only to find that one of them gently pinched the terrifying knife light that could have killed him with his hand.

Purple-robed youth, Tong Yu!

Tong Yu's hand was slightly forced, and the knife light was crushed by it.


Sun Hai escaped death, gasping for breath and thanking Tong Yu with palpitations.

"Thank you for your help. "

He turned to look at Gu Xuan with extremely resentful eyes, and said, "Young boy, this person may be going to trouble you..."

Tong Yu said lightly: "Don't worry, Senior Brother Sun, I naturally know what to do." "

Tong Yu's sudden move, and as soon as he made a move, he curbed Gu Xuan's killing, so that the people on the field couldn't help but focus their eyes on him.

Tong Yu is wearing a purple robe, with a handsome face and a refined temperament, which gives people a sense of unfathomability when he looks at it.

The key is that he also blocked Gu Xuan's knife.

And it's freehanded!

How terrible does this take?

"Boy, you're done!"

Sun Jinyang glared at Gu Xuan angrily and said loudly: "With Senior Brother Tong Yu here today, you can't escape death!"

"Tong Yu ?.."

When the city lord of Yunlou City heard this name, his eyes showed a look of thought, and then he thought of Sun Jinyang's sect, and a spiritual light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Tong Yu, you are Tong Yu of the Purple Yan Sect, the eighty-seventh Tong Yu on the Great Xia Talent List?!"

The city lord of Yunlou City blurted out.

Tong Yu's identity was broken by the city lord of Yunlou City, and there was a commotion underneath.

"Great Xia Talent List?!This person is actually a genius on the Great Xia Talent List?!"

"The Great Xia Talent List only includes the one hundred most powerful young geniuses in the entire Great Xia. can be on the list, and the worst strength also has the Ten Layers of Linghai!"

"And it's not an ordinary Linghai tenfold, each of them is so strong that it is perverted!"

"It's over, the second son of the Gu family has hit a hard stubble now!"

When the onlookers learned of Tong Yu's identity, they exclaimed again and again, and at the same time cast a sympathetic look at Gu Xuan.

It's not ordinary people who can be on the Great Xia Talent List, every one of them is a real demon.

It's not at all comparable to the cats and dogs that the Sun family worships.

Although Gu Xuan is demonic, Tong Yu can only be more demonic than him.

Moreover, Tong Yu is the tenth level of the spiritual sea, and he has suppressed Gu Xuan in terms of cultivation by five whole realms.

Under the two phases, how can Gu Xuan fight him?

I didn't expect the Sun family to be able to be on the thighs of the demon on the Great Xia Talent List, and there was such a hole card hidden.

Well, the situation on the field was reversed in an instant.

"What should I do, Gu Xuan seems to be in danger!"

Nangong Yun listened to the discussions of others, and hurriedly asked about the grimace, ready to use the method she originally planned to use at any time.

Grimace comforted: "What's the hurry? Although I don't know what hole cards your little lover has, but looking at his appearance, he doesn't seem to be panicked at all."

Let's watch first. "

"Little Xuan'er.."

Nangong Yun clutched the hem of her skirt tightly, her eyes full of worry.

"Be forgiving and forgiving, Your Excellency has killed enough people today, it's better to stop.."

Tong Yu stood with his hands in his hands and watched Gu Xuan speak.

Gu Xuan shook his head, "The Sun family wants to destroy my Gu family, if I don't cut the grass and eradicate the roots today, there will be endless troubles in the future." "

Tong Yu said lightly: "With me here, you can't kill them." "

Gu Xuan frowned, "You're going to stop me?"

Tong Yu said to Gu Xuan in a condescending manner: "I know that a genius like you must be arrogant and arrogant, and no one will accept it." But do you know that there are people outside the world, and now if you let the Sun family live, you will also let your own life go. "

As he spoke, Tong Yu exuded a strong killing intent from his body, firmly locking Gu Xuan.

"If this kid from the Gu family is interested, leaving at this time is the best choice..."

The city lord of Yunlou City sighed with emotion: "It's a pity... Today, the Gu family's unicorn is afraid that he will die just after he was born. "

After all, his opponent was Tong Yu.

In the face of Tong Yu's threat, Gu Xuan did not flinch at all.

He looked at Tong Yu calmly, and said lightly, "Do you really want to meddle in the affairs of the Sun family?"

Tong Yu frowned and didn't speak, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Gu Xuan nodded, lightly rested his right hand on the handle of the Xue Luo Knife, and said word by word: "Then you have to think about it." With my sword, you may die. "


As soon as Gu Xuan's words came out, everyone in the audience was stunned for a moment.

Tong Yu laughed even more angrily, the robe on his body was windless, and the momentum belonging to the Ten Layers of the Spirit Sea Realm was released without reservation.

"Summer insects can't talk about ice, and well frogs can't talk about the sea. It's ridiculous!"

Gu Xuan didn't say anything more, holding the handle of the knife in his right hand, his eyes were level with Tong Yu.

And then...

Out of the knife!

Secret technique.

At this moment, a strong and incomparably strong crisis suddenly arose in Tong Yu's heart.

This sudden sense of crisis made him feel terrified and his scalp tingled!

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