The two of them were burly, taller than ordinary people, with reddish complexions and shiny bald heads.

The other had a cold face and a faint sharp temperament.

It was the Ratuo and the Northern Snow Sect in the Chiyang Valley who left the north.

They and Lin Jiao were all the top four of the six martial arts arts, and they were qualified to come to the royal capital to participate in this secret realm trial.

"Regardless of him, anyway, Senior Brother Wei Lin, they asked us to wait and we waited, and it was his business whether to come or not. If we don't come, we will have one less competitor. "

Ratuo touched his bald head and muttered.

He was violently beaten by Gu Xuan in public in the Six Sects of Martial Arts, and he was the worst one to be beaten, he almost didn't even know his mother, and a Xuan-level treasure armor on his body was also blown up by Gu Xuansheng.

So much so that Luo Tuo still has a grudge against Gu Xuan in his heart.

Lin Jiao frowned, and said: "Now that the proud sons of the Wangdu Sect are gathered, they are all disciples of the six sects of Nanling, we should watch and help each other, how can we be willful." Gu Xuan is very strong, and with him in our trial, we can also have more help, we have to find a way to contact him..."

Luo Tuo snorted coldly and said, "I want to contact you to find a way to contact him, I don't want to see him anyway." "

Lin Jiao's expression was helpless, and he glanced at Bei Liyan next to him, but Bei Liyan never said a word, as if he was an outsider.

At this moment, suddenly a voice sounded next to him.

"Who is my Dao making a noise here, it turns out to be the waste of the Six Sects of Nanling."


A hint of anger flashed across Luo Tuo's face, and he slapped the table hard and followed the prestige.

I saw a group of people coming from the side.

At the head was a handsome young man in a dark blue robe, holding a folding fan in his hand, looking at them with a sneer.

Lin Jiao noticed the clothes on their bodies, his expression froze, and he said in a low voice, "The people of the Star Luo Sect." "

Luo Tuo's face was gloomy, and even the expressionless Beili Yan's eyes flickered.

Seeing this posture, some guests in the inn hurriedly got up and stayed away from a few people.

Some people who didn't know the situation asked curiously, and the former whispered: "Didn't you see that those three people are the martial artists of the Six Sects of Nanling?"

And the Star Luo Sect is one of the Seven Sects of the North Ridge.

The six sects of the South Ridge and the seven sects of the North Ridge are separated by a silver moon mountain range, and they are known for their grudges.

Once the disciples of the two factions meet, there will almost certainly be a fight, but we should stay away so as not to suffer from the fish in the pond. "


Here, the handsome young man looked at the three of Luo Tuo and continued to ridicule: "Waste is waste, even if you are weak, you have to fight infighting, you really laugh to death.."


Luo Tuo was carrying a red refining spirit body, and he was already irritable and irritable, and when he heard the words of the handsome young man, his skin turned red with anger, and he rushed directly towards the young man with a low roar.

"Who is the waste!!

Luo Tuo stepped on the floor with a heavy foot, and directly stomped on the floor of the second floor of the inn, stepping out of a hole several feet large, and the dust and wood fell down in a clatter.

And he pounced on the handsome young man with a tiger, his huge body almost filling the space upstairs, like a rampaging demon beast.

The onlookers next to him looked pale.

"Red Refining Spirit Body! This person from the Six Sects of Nanling is actually carrying a Red Refining Spirit Body!"

"It is said that as long as a person with this kind of spirit body grows to adulthood, even if he does not practice any physical martial arts, his arm strength can naturally increase to 200,000 catties, which is extremely terrifying. "

"The blow of this bald strong man, I'm afraid that the average Linghai will not dare to take it head-on!"

"There's a good show to watch now!"

Luo Tuo's power was so fierce that all the disciples of the Star Luo Sect couldn't help but take a few steps back, but the handsome young man who was provocative only sneered and was unmoved.

One of Rato's palms was bigger than the handsome young man's mind, and he was about to pinch him in his hand like a chick.

But at this time, the handsome young man suddenly stepped forward, and the folding fan in his hand gently and skillfully poked forward, as if it was poking under Luo Tuo's ribs slowly.

Then slammed it.

Luo Tuo's face instantly showed a look of horror, and his huge body flew back uncontrollably like a spinning top.


Luo Tuo directly smashed a big hole in the wall on the second floor of the inn, and the whole person fell into the street outside, smashing the people on the street on their backs.

"This is..."

Some of the onlookers were well-informed, and they whispered: "Pull the clouds and make the moon... This person is the eighty-ninth Star Luo Sect genius on the Great Xia Talent List, 'Cloud Splitter' Qin Langyue!"

The disciples behind the handsome young man smiled smugly and said, "Even if you still have a little eyesight, you can recognize the identity of our Senior Brother Qin." "

The handsome young man smiled and opened the fan, looking like a beautiful son.

Lin Jiao's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Cloud Dialing Hand Qin Langyue, he has heard of this name somewhat.

can be ranked on the Great Xia Talent List, which is a master at the same level as their Qingxuanmen Xiao Zhengnan, Beixue Xue Wufeng, Chiyang Gu Weilin and other six sect leaders.

Luo Tuo, the strongest of the three of them, was thrown out by the other party in one face, what should I do now.

"Senior Brother Bei, I'll try to hold this person back as much as I can later. You wait for the opportunity to escape, and go to Xue Wufeng, Senior Brother Xiao Zhengnan and others for help..."

Lin Jiao's lips moved slightly, and he used the secret technique of transmitting sound into the secret to communicate with Bei Liyan.

But before he could finish his words, he saw a figure around him rush out.

Bei Liyan couldn't help but stab his opponent.

"Frozen - a thousand miles - "

Beili Death Long Knife came out of the sheath, and a bone-chilling air immediately spread on the second floor of the inn, and it can be seen that the steaming teacups were suddenly frozen by the frost, and in a few breaths, they changed from hot tea to ice lumps, which was surprising.

"This son is so domineering with sword intent!"

"The comprehension level of this sword intent is estimated to be at least more than twenty percent, and it is also a medium-grade sword intent!"

"Another genius!"

The onlookers were frightened by the sword intent of the North Death and exclaimed again and again.

Even Qin Rongyue looked at Bei Liyan twice, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

"Linghai Liuzhong has such a sword intent comprehension, presumably you are the innate sword body of the Beixue Sect, something... It's a pity.."

Qin Rongyue shook her head and said coldly: "Cultivation is still a little worse... See the sun!"

Qin Rongyue slapped it lightly with a palm.

Suddenly, a light appeared in front of everyone on the second floor of the inn.

To be precise, it is a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

It's like the clouds are lifting, the sun is shining, and spring is returning to the earth...

I saw that with Qin Rongyue's palm as a starting point, everything that had been frozen by Beili's sword intent before quickly melted again.


Bei Liyan was slapped in the chest, and the whole person vomited blood and flew out.

The north is gone, defeated!

The onlookers sighed with emotion: "There is no suspense, even if it is the innate sword body, the huge gap between the four realms, and I don't even have the qualifications to have a few more moves than Qin Rongyue." "

"Just kidding, are you so good at being on the list of heroes? Even if you are the last on the list, you don't know how much more than the average Linghai is ten heavy, and each one of them is a genius among geniuses. "

"Definitely. "


The update time usually starts in the afternoon, but sometimes I can't sleep at night and I get up to code all night, and then I will update in advance

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