Ling Yue's face was expressionless, and he also met it with a palm.

The Great War broke out.

Both of them are Xuandan realm martial artists, and their strength is more than ten times heavier than that of the Spirit Sea, and the attacks that emanate from a single move with one move are earth-shattering, attracting everyone's attention for a while.

The duel between Gu Xuan and another Xuandan Realm martial artist, there were very few people who paid attention.

This Xuandan Realm genius was very cautious, and he didn't despise Gu Xuan just because he only had a mere Linghai Nine Folds.

The main reason is that Hu Jiang's defeat caused him a lot of shock and sounded the alarm for him in advance.

Gu Xuan remembered the several Xuandan Thunder Tribulations he had encountered before, and couldn't help but speak: "If I guessed correctly, you should be an eight-rank Xuandan." "

A trace of shame flashed on this person's face, and he snorted coldly: "What, even if it is an eight-rank Xuandan, it is also a Xuandan realm. The Yuan Force of the Xuandan Realm turned into Gang, and the power of a casual blow was ten times that of the Spirit Sea Realm.

Hu Jiang's stupid stupid self-spit out Xuandan, exposing his shortcomings, I just need to be careful, how can you fight me?"

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't expect this guy to see it quite thoroughly.

Indeed, there are very few people in the Xuandan Realm who will take out their Xuandan and smash people when they are facing enemies, that is the most stupid thing to do.

Hu Jiang did that before, completely because he didn't take Gu Xuan to heart at all, and wanted to enjoy the pleasure of crushing.

Then, tragedy struck.

This person sneered again: "If I'm not mistaken, the knife that was just against Hu Jiang, you shouldn't be able to cut it now." "

The more powerful the secret method, the greater the cost.

Gu Xuan's sword just now could make him Linghai slash Xuan Dan, it must be an extremely remarkable secret skill, if it can be reused in a short period of time, I don't believe it if I kill him.

Gu Xuan lightly put his hand on the handle of the knife and said lightly, "You can try." "

This man's eyes showed a little jealousy, but his expression flickered for a while, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Pretending to be mysterious, you still want to lie to me?

After speaking, he slapped Gu Xuan with a fierce palm.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath and took half a step back gently, the light in his eyes flashing.

Draw the knife!


The brilliant sword light exploded, although it was still amazing, but it was far less than the shock and impact brought by the knife when he defeated Hu Jiang before.

The man's face was nervous at first, then joyful.

"Haha, sure enough, you are now a strong outsider, I made the right bet!"

This person laughed, his expression was hideous, and he squeezed the ordinary knife light that Gu Xuan slashed out.

"Give me death!"

The momentum of the Xuandan Realm completely exploded, and the two palms were like the hands of the demon gods, covering the sky and the sun.

But just when the palm gang and the knife light touched, this person's body trembled slightly.

Immediately, he violently covered his head with his hands, and let out a heart-rending scream.


This person's forehead was bruised and bleeding, like a sheep seizure, and he suddenly fell to the ground and fell into a complete coma.

The sudden turn of events caused some to look away and let out a whisper of surprise.

"What's going on? Seizures during the duel?"

"It looks like it's a sudden onset of an emergency. Hey, Gu Xuan's luck is inevitably too good, can he catch up?"

"A bunch of idiots!"

A well-informed martial artist sneered with disdain in his mouth and said, "What emergency can make a martial artist who has become a Xuandan suddenly fall to the ground unconscious?

This is clearly a trick. "


The others were stunned, "What kind of trick did you hit?" Gu Xuan's sword was clearly blocked. "

The Vicious-Eyed Man shook his head, "Part of it was blocked, but some of it wasn't. "

"What do you mean?"

The man took a deep breath, his eyes were full of shock and jealousy, and he looked at Gu Xuan in the picture and said word by word: "This knife, Gu Xuan is the other party's soul!"

"I've seen people whose souls have been wounded, and the symptoms are exactly the same as this, and they are bleeding from the seven orifices, like a seizure.

Gu Xuan's son is too terrifying. There are endless hole cards, and the potential seems to have no bottom.

In the realm of the Spiritual Sea, it is terrifying that he can even master the sword technique of directly slashing the soul of the gods."

The people around listened with moved expressions, and looked at Gu Xuan's eyes with a little more shock.

"The damage to the divine soul is even more serious than the damage to the Xuandan, and if you don't do it, you will become an idiot in the future..."

"Don't provoke Gu Xuan, he's a pervert!"

The outsider's analysis was right, most of the sword drawing style that Gu Xuan had just cast was indeed the power of divine thought.

The knife was tried, and the effect was beyond his expectations.

"The Divine Mind attack is invisible and substantial, and it is difficult for ordinary people to guard against, this is definitely a big killing weapon. "

At this time, the system prompt sounds.

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu interception opportunity and get the reward: Martial Arts Artistic Conception Comprehension Pill (20%)*1"

Martial arts artistic conception comprehension Dan!

Finally got this good stuff again.

Gu Xuan put it away with a smile, and then the reward of the secret realm.

"Heavenly Fire Sword Technique, Ground Rank Medium Grade!"

Rank mid-grade swordsmanship!

This is the martial arts in the ground level.

Gu Xuan glanced at the platform that was one level higher, thoughtful.

If you win another game, wouldn't it be possible to get a reward for the top grade of the ground?

I suddenly looked forward to it, and my fighting spirit began to sprout.

At this time, the battle between Ling Yue and Sima Yin had also reached the last moment.

"Xuandan, give it to me!"

Sima Xin let out a low roar, and opened his mouth to spit out a golden Xuandan.

The six cracks on the Xuandan are clearly visible, and it is obviously the six-grade Xuandan.

Sima Xi's strength was not as good as Ling Yue's, and he had been forced to directly sacrifice his natal Xuan Pill to resist Ling Yue's might.

Ling Yue's expression was indifferent, his mouth was open, and he also directly sacrificed his Xuandan.

Unlike Sima Xi's Xuandan, Ling Yue's Xuandan is larger and has a more condensed luster.

Moreover, there are only five cracks on Ling Yue's Xuandan, and the fifth one is very inconspicuous, and it is difficult to find it if you don't look carefully.

Five-grade Xuandan, infinitely close to four-grade!

When Sima Xian saw Ling Yue's Xuandan, his face showed a trace of unwillingness and jealousy, and with a low roar, he actually manipulated Xuandan to crash directly towards Ling Yue.

Ling Yue's expression changed slightly, and he also used Xuandan to resist.

Direct confrontation with Xuandan, this is the most dangerous way to compete in the Xuandan Realm.


The two Xuandans were stalemate for a while, and a hole suddenly opened on Sima Sin's Xuandan, and his face immediately changed greatly, and he spurted a mouthful of blood and flew out.

The momentum dropped sharply, and his expression was sluggish.

Sima Sin, defeated!

There is no way, whether it is cultivation strength or Xuandan grade and other aspects, Sima Sin is not as good as Ling Yue.

Forcibly confronted, and only he could be hurt by himself.

The onlookers looked complicated, Ling Yue was still Ling Yue in the end, the first on the talent list, and Sima Yin couldn't catch up even if he was desperate.

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