"It seems that someone is attacking Xuandan?!"

"Who is so bold that he dares to break through the Xuandan during the autumn hunt?!"

"This weather, the least that is bred is also the middle and third grade Xuandan. "

"Another demon who can become a third-grade Xuandan was born? Who will be on the talent list?"

"Let's take a look!"

The thunderclouds in the sky are getting thicker and bigger, attracting the attention of many warriors in this mountain forest.

The amazing weather surprised many people and rushed to watch.

At first, there were only a few people, and then more and more people followed.

On the rocks, among the grass and trees, the figures of people are longing, and each of them has at least seven or eight spiritual sea cultivations.

Among them, there are several people, their bodies hovering in the air, and their bodies exude a majestic aura like the scorching sun and the cold moon.

Only a martial artist in the Xuandan Realm can control the sky for a short time, and reaching the Xuandan Realm at such an age is undoubtedly a giant-level figure in the younger generation of the Great Zhou.

At this time, the eyes of these people were all focused on the location of a cave.

Above the cave, layers of thunderclouds accumulated and stretched for nearly a hundred miles, obscuring the sky.

A huge vortex of spiritual energy, in the shape of a funnel, poured spiritual energy into the cave continuously.

This spectacular scene made many people's faces show emotion, and they couldn't help but exclaim.

"Who is breaking through in the cave, there are so many aura, I'm afraid that ordinary Xuandan realm martial artists will also be bursting alive. "

"I remember that when a few demons condensed the four or five grade Xuandan, they only caused thunderclouds for more than ten miles, far less than such a terrifying momentum, could it be that what this person wanted to achieve was the upper third-grade Xuandan?!"

"I don't know who it is, but it must be me Da Zhou Tianjiao, I can sense the fluctuation of the Autumn Hunting Order Flag in the cave. "

"Which one will be on the talent list?

The red-haired young man and the black-robed man hovering in mid-air looked at the amazing momentum in front of them, and their faces also showed a deep solemnity and jealousy.

"Do you know who broke through here?"

The red-haired young man looked at the black-robed man.

The black-robed man shook his head and said coldly, "No matter who it is, once this person enters the Xuandan realm, he must be the enemy of you and me." "

"You're right. "

The red-haired young man's eyes flickered, and a murderous intent burst out.

The two of them took a step forward in tacit understanding, and were about to interrupt the retreat of the man in the cave.

Suddenly, a huge wave of divine thoughts erupted from inside the cave.

This divine thought is like a blade, revealing a cold killing intent.

The faces of the people who were swept by the divine thoughts turned pale, as if someone had suddenly put a knife to the center of their eyebrows, and they were so frightened that they retreated.

The same was true of the red-haired young man and the black-robed man.

"This man must be a swordsman!"

"Can someone with a knife on the talent list?"

The faces of the two were ugly, but the killing intent in their hearts became more and more intense, completely ignoring the warning of the divine thoughts, and they approached faster.

Just then, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky.


The lightning struck directly on the cave, and the small cave collapsed instantly, and the startled red-haired youth and black-robed man couldn't help but stop.

The Xuandan Thunder Tribulation began.

"Well, I want to see how many Xuandan Thunder Tribulations this guy can induce?"

The red-haired youth sneered, gave up the idea of interrupting the other party's retreat, and watched from the sidelines.

The black-robed man was similarly staring intently at the thunderclouds overhead.

The first lightning bolt sank into the cave, followed by the second and third thunderbolts.


Three bolts of lightning in a row directly blasted the mountain where Gu Xuan was retreating into ruins.

The vegetation on the hillside was all turned into charcoal, and the terrifying majesty made others slightly frightened.

This is the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, the power of heaven and earth.

Even if you have already achieved Xuandan, you don't want to and don't dare to try it a second time.


The fourth lightning bolt fell, and this one was even more terrifying than the previous three, almost as many as the first three combined.

"This is the third grade of the middle school, and it looks too simple..."

Some onlookers couldn't help but sigh.

Others sneered: "Simple, I'm afraid you're thinking about fart, if the middle and third grade Xuandan is so good, there won't be so many people trapped in the Xuandan realm and can't break through."

This person broke through quickly, just because his foundation was too strong, and the four Xuandan Thunder Tribulations were far from reaching his limit. "

As this man said, the four thunderbolts fell, and the clouds in the sky not only did not weaken and dissipate, but accumulated more and more, and still gave birth to greater terror.


A fifth bolt of lightning fell.

Half of the hill collapsed, which also means that at this time, the Xuandan of the retreating person has reached the realm of the five grades.


The sixth thunderbolt.

The loud explosion made everyone's eyelids jump hard.

The four-grade Xuandan has been completed.

They are the most outstanding among the younger generation of Da Zhou, and what they condense is only the four-grade Xuandan.

Now, there's one more.

"The thunderclouds are still condensing..."

Someone stared at the thunderclouds overhead, whispering.

Everyone subconsciously stared at the thundercloud, even the red-haired young man and the black-robed man.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, the seventh thunderbolt fell with a bang.

This thunderbolt far surpassed all the previous ones, and it was several zhang thick, like a divine spear thrown by an ancient god, and it slammed into the mountain.


There was a huge bang, and the hill was completely shattered.

The earth seemed to shake violently, and everyone was shocked.

After a brief shock, the red-haired young man and the black-robed man looked at each other, both of whom saw an ugly look in each other's eyes.

On the third grade!

The fall of this thunderbolt means that another giant has been added to the younger generation of Da Zhou.

And it is a giant of Dancheng Shangsanpin, covering the same generation, no one can match.

Some of the onlookers shouted excitedly.

"On the third grade, on the third grade Xuandan. My big week finally has another day of pride!"

Before the Xuandan Realm, no matter how good your talent was, it was not worthy of the name to call Tianjiao, and at most it could only be regarded as a demon.

Only by attaining the third-grade Xuandan can he truly be qualified to be called the son of Tianjiao.

On the third grade of Xuandan, you can enter the realm of the king!

How many years has the Great Zhou not been a king?

"From now on, the number one on my Great Zhou Talent List is a transposition, and for hundreds of years to come, I will be headed by this person!"

There are great Zhou warriors who are so happy that they dance with their hands.

But at this moment, someone's eyes widened and blurted out: "No, it's not over yet!"

Everyone was suddenly shocked, only to find that the dense thunderclouds were still surging after the seventh thunderbolt fell.

It was as if the eighth thunderbolt, which carried all the power in the thunderclouds, fell in response.

The blazing thunder reflected the faces full of shock and horror.

Everyone stared at the place where the thunder fell, and there was only one thought left in their minds.

Second product!

The second grade of Xuandan!

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