Seeing that Gu Xuan didn't know much about it, the head of the Spirit Sword explained to him: "The Great Xia Kingdom is located in a corner of the Southern Regions, and it can only be regarded as a small country. There are still twelve around the area where the national strength is similar to that of Great Xia.

These twelve small kingdoms were all under the jurisdiction of the Yin Yue Dynasty, and every year the Xia Kingdom had to pay tribute to the Yin Moon Dynasty.

The Celestial Empire Assembly is also a grand event initiated by the Yinyue Dynasty to test the martial arts strength of the younger generation of the countries under its command, once every five years, and anyone under the age of twenty-four can participate.

The age of my talent list in Daxia is also twenty-four years old, and it was drawn up according to this assembly.

This gathering is much grander than the royal secret realm talent list event you participated in before, it is an opportunity for the kingdoms to show their martial arts strength to the upper kingdom, and it is also related to the attitude of the Celestial Empire towards the lower kingdom in the next five years, and every monarch attaches great importance to it..."

When the head of the Spirit Sword said this, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The last time the Celestial Empire gathered, our Great Xia was ranked third from the bottom among the nations. With you this time, the rankings should be higher.."

Gu Xuan thought for a while and asked, "How is the ranking of the big week?"

The head of the Spirit Sword replied, "Last time it was seventh. What's the matter? You've fought with the genius of Da Zhou?"

Gu Xuan nodded, "I met by chance, and killed a few of them." "

The eyelids of the Spirit Sword Master jumped.

Kill a few...

Listening to Gu Xuan's understatement, it seemed that instead of killing a few Great Zhou geniuses, he casually slapped a few flies to death.

Moreover, if Gu Xuan can specifically mention it, it should not be an ordinary genius, it should be the top genius of Da Zhou.

The head of the Spirit Sword didn't know what to say, so he could only say helplessly: "The Thirteen Kingdoms under the Yin Moon Dynasty, although the strength of the martial arts is strong and weak, the gap will not be too exaggerated. The real power is still the genius of the Yin Moon Dynasty.

That's the real top-level Tianjiao.

It is no exaggeration to say that any one of them can sweep away most of the so-called geniuses of the Thirteen Kingdoms.

But don't be presumptuous, even in the Yinyue Dynasty, there are not many geniuses who can condense the three-grade Xuandan. "

Not much..

Gu Xuan noticed the word.

"Understood, thank you for your doubts. "

Gu Xuan replied: "I won't slack off." "

The head of the Spirit Sword looked at Gu Xuan with a pleased look in his eyes, and said, "You are good enough to achieve what you have achieved today in Great Xia.

You are still young, and you still have a long way to go in the future martial arts.

Gu Xuan, with the foundation of your Shangsanpin Xuandan, I estimate that when you go to the dynasty assembly this time, maybe the top forces of the Yinyue Dynasty will throw an olive branch to you.

When the time comes, you don't have to take care of the sect, just rest assured that you can choose.

Xia Guochi is shallow, he can't afford to raise you as a real dragon. "

When Gu Xuan heard that the head of the Spirit Sword actually allowed him to change his court and pursue a sect that was more conducive to his martial arts, his heart was shocked, and then he was a little moved.

"Alright, that's all I've said, you can figure it out for yourself. "

After the head of the spirit sword finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Gu Xuan also returned to Zongzi Peak.

In Zongzi Peak, there were already hundreds of slaves waiting here.

When he saw Gu Xuan, he knelt down and saluted.

"Welcome Zongzi back to the peak. "

Gu Xuan bowed slightly, didn't say anything, and directly waved them back.

Sitting in the luxurious cultivation room, Gu Xuan thought about what the Spirit Sword Master had told him just now.

The genius of the Yin Moon Dynasty can sweep through all countries with just one of them...

There is more than one person who condenses the three-grade Xuandan.

The genius of the thirteen kingdoms can't even squeeze in the top thirty at every rally.


Gu Xuan gently exhaled a breath of turbid air, and there was a trace of flame burning in his eyes.

His fighting spirit is ignited, and he is eager to fight a stronger opponent.

Of course, the most important thing at the moment is to improve your own strength.

"Heritage, inheritance, these can be made up for by chance... The biggest gap between me and those top power descendants is still my age, and I have lost a lot of accumulated time. "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, "My top priority now is to make every effort to improve my cultivation." "

Gu Xuan looked at what he had gained during this time.

He killed a lot of people along the way, and there were dozens of storage spirit rings in his hands, and there were countless resources.

What Gu Xuan has to do is to transform these resources into his own strength.

At this time, a legacy came into his eyes.

"Spirit Gathering Array!"

This is a formation inheritance obtained in the secret realm of the royal family, which can be used to assist in cultivation.

"Let's get it through first. "

Gu Xuan took out a fifty-fold comprehension pill and swallowed it.

In an instant, Gu Xuan's already excellent comprehension suddenly improved to the level of a demon.

The cumbersome and complicated, difficult and difficult formation inheritance, he looked at it at a glance, and immediately understood it.

It only took Gu Xuan a few hours to fully comprehend the entire formation inheritance, especially the part of setting up the Spirit Gathering Array, which was even more familiar to him.

Next, it's time to get started.

It takes a lot of materials to set up a spirit gathering array, Gu Xuan rummaged through the storage spirit rings, gathered some of them, and made a list of the rest and asked the slaves to send them to the sect to ask for them.

With his current status in the Spirit Sword Sect, within half a day, all the materials he needed were sent over.

Gu Xuan took out all the materials and began to set up the Spirit Gathering Array with his cultivation room as the center.

"There is even a leyline under this sect peak, and it is God who helps me."

The light in Gu Xuan's eyes flowed, and it seemed to reflect the sun, moon and stars.

With the blessing of his powerful martial arts strength, his movements were like flying, and all kinds of materials were scattered out with his hands, and the heaven and earth aura around Zongzi Peak was immediately stirred.

"What's that?!"

On Zongzi Peak, some of the Zongzi Peak servants who were sprinkling and sweeping suddenly stopped what they were doing, looked up at the sky and exclaimed.

Directly above Zongzi Peak, a huge aura vortex appeared at some point, hanging like a funnel.

And the bottom of the funnel happened to be the location of Gu Xuan's cultivation room.

The rolling aura fell, and the aura concentration of Zongzi Peak instantly increased, and the flowers and trees on the top of the peak became more energetic.

The slaves who were in charge of sprinkling and sweeping also felt refreshed and walked like flying.

This strange sight quickly attracted the attention of the other Spirit Sword Sect disciples, and they all ran out one by one, looking in the direction of Zongzi Peak in disbelief.

The elders and heads of the Spirit Sword Sect also heard the news, and when they saw the huge spiritual energy vortex at the peak, their faces couldn't help but show a look of emotion.

"There are so many means and so strong means for this sub, it's really incredible.."

Some sect elders couldn't help but sigh, "It is not possible to get people who are not lucky and talented. "

"If you can get his means of gathering the spiritual energy of the earth veins, my Spirit Sword Sect will prosper, and it will be just around the corner!"

An elder said excitedly: "Even if it is you and me, maybe we can go further in our lifetime." "

The head of the Spirit Sword Sect thought for a while and said, "It's still up to Gu Xuan's own meaning, I'm embarrassed to open this mouth."

In this way, select some disciples from the inner and outer gates, and replace the miscellaneous servants of Zongzifeng. "

"Yes. "

For ordinary acquired innate beings and even disciples of the Spirit Sea Realm, the change of Zong Zifeng is a rare opportunity.

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