Gu Xuan nodded slightly.

He suddenly felt a strange appearance from his waist, turned his head to look, and saw Ji Yurou pouting with a sour little face, which seemed to be jealous.

I couldn't help but laugh dumbly.

"On the twelfth night of the lunar month, only one of the princesses over the age of twenty-four came, and then the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth nights. "

Ji Shaokang pointed out to Gu Xuan the location of several geniuses on the field.

Gu Xuan looked over and saw that several people had a particularly powerful aura, even in the Yin Moon Imperial Capital, where geniuses gathered, these people were shining like fireflies in the night.

Some of them noticed Gu Xuan's gaze and turned their heads to look.

Gu Xuan did not shy away, and his calm eyes looked at several people.

There seems to be a burst of sparks in the void.

"It's kind of interesting!"

A high-spirited young man with a figure like a dragon looked at Gu Xuan condescendingly, with an interested sneer on his face.

At this time, the stunning Princess of the Moon sat down in the subjective battle seat under the stars and the moon, and two powerhouses of the Divine Realm waited on her left and right.

"Let's get started. "

With the announcement of Princess Youyue, the Celestial Empire gathering officially kicked off.

"The first round of screening. "

"All the contestants from the thirteen countries were scattered and reorganized, divided into ten competition platforms, and only one person was left in each competition platform to determine the top ten. "

The top 10 will then face each other in pairs to determine the specific ranking. "

"As long as you enter the top ten, you can also get the rewards of the Celestial Empire, and then enter the next round of the duel with the proud son of the Celestial Empire. "

After listening to the introduction of the rules of the competition, Gu Xuan's brows furrowed slightly.

"The first round, is it a scuffle?"

Ji Shaokang nodded, and said helplessly: "It seems that every Celestial Empire assembly is carried out like this. "

Gu Xuan now knew why Xia Guo would be at the bottom every time the Celestial Empire gathered.

The format of the first round of melee directly eliminated most of the luck component.

Without absolute strength, it is inevitable that it will be impossible to fish in troubled waters to the second round of the ring battle.

This arrangement is more reasonable and, of course, more brutal.

On Xia Guo's side, except for himself, it is likely that no one will be able to reach the second round.

As a result, all the geniuses who participated in the competition in the thirteen countries began to take the stage to draw the number of the competition platform to which they belonged.

Before going on stage, Ji Yurou held Gu Xuan's hand tightly and said nervously: "Gu Xuan, be careful." "

Gu Xuan patted the back of her hand to show relief.

Ji Shaokang also said solemnly and earnestly: "Brother Gu, Xia Guo will leave it to you this time." "

The prototype of the humane sword technique in Gu Xuan's mind jumped slightly, and he nodded and didn't say anything.

Gu Xuan went to the stage to draw lots, and saw that he had won the No. 10 competition platform.

Soon, everyone was assigned.

Gu Xuan's competition platform was assigned a total of fifteen people, from the thirteen countries.

Everyone stood on the platform, and the light of prohibition began to rise around the platform.

The entire arena is shrouded in a transparent light curtain, which can not only prevent the battle of the people inside from affecting the outside, but also can be clearly seen.

Gu Xuan swept around his opponent and didn't see anyone worthy of his attention.

There was only one Xuandan Fivefold Martial Artist who didn't know which country he was from, and his body flashed with a red light of chance.

It seems that this person is a seeded player who has the ability to challenge for the top 10.

Gu Xuan was looking at others, and others were also looking at him.

Gu Xuan's demeanor is too outstanding, standing among the fifteen people, standing out from the crowd, others can't pay attention to him or not.

"This person is the third-grade Xuandan Tianjiao of Great Xia!"

Someone recognized Gu Xuan's identity, and his face turned pale.

"Let's go together, otherwise none of us will have a chance!"

The Xuandan Fivefold Martial Artist with the light of red chance stared at Gu Xuan with his eyes firmly and said in a cold voice.

This proposal immediately aroused the interest of many people.

Yes, with Gu Xuan's strength, any of them had no chance of winning against him.

It's better to join forces and fight, maybe there will be a turnaround.

The fifteen people reached a tacit understanding, tacitly agreed, and rushed towards Gu Xuan almost at the same time.

In the eyes of outsiders, Gu Xuan's figure was overwhelmed by many opponents in an instant.

Ji Yurou and Ji Shaokang, who had been paying close attention to Gu Xuan, looked tight, and Ji Yurou covered her mouth tightly.

The onlookers on the sidelines couldn't help but open their mouths when they saw this.

"The gun shot the first bird, and this man was besieged by everyone as soon as he came up, which was really unlucky. "

"This person seems to be the Xia Guo Tianjiao who made a fuss in the imperial capital two days ago, and he was so high-profile when he came, no wonder he was so hated. "

"At the same time, facing the siege of fifteen Xuandan Realm geniuses, even if you have the advantage of Xuandan grade, I am afraid it will be a little difficult to stand out. "

"Heh, even if you can win, it is estimated that you will have to pay a certain price. "

The people on the sidelines were talking, and suddenly.

The dueling arena that belonged to Gu Xuan suddenly erupted with a burst of intense light.

The brilliance of this light made many people squint their eyes and couldn't see what was going on inside.

Immediately afterward, everyone saw that the forbidden light shield that shrouded the dueling table was like a balloon that had been propped up, constantly expanding outward, squeezing out irregular shapes.

Reach a peak.


The ban on the circle shattered.

Endless surging sword light rushed out, like a torrent of floodgates, and countless people retreated frantically.

The surging sword light attracted many people to look here, and even Princess Youyue, who was high on the viewing platform, turned her gaze.

When the sword light disappeared, the scene on the fighting platform was completely presented in front of everyone.

Many people's pupils constricted, and they couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my God..."

I saw that on the huge competition platform, there was blood splattered everywhere.

Figures lay on the ground one after another, each with shocking huge knife marks all over their bodies.

The most miserable person was covered with knife cuts of different lengths all over his body, as if he had been delayed.

Gu Xuan stood lightly in the center of the fighting platform, his expression was indifferent, his hands were empty, and he didn't even take out his weapon.

"This person is so strong!"

"Kill fifteen Xuandan in one move?!"

"Although the prohibition of this magic circle in the doutai has not been raised to the strongest, it can still withstand the attack of the general Xuandan ten folds, and it was actually blown up by him?!"

"Hiss - this strength is terrifying!"

"It is worthy of being a Tianjiao figure who condenses the three grades of Xuandan, even if he is born in the lower country, his strength should not be underestimated. "

Under the stage, he exclaimed again and again.

Many of the geniuses of the Yin Moon Dynasty also showed a look of emotion on their faces, while a few had burning eyes and a little excitement.

"Another good whetstone. "

At this time, there was also movement on several other dueling tables.

The top eleven were decided one after another, and Gu Xuan was the fastest one.

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