The eighth night was also defeated.

Gu Xuan's strength was far beyond everyone's expectations.

After a brief moment of shock, the crowd came to their senses and rushed to the place where the seventh night was.

"Where's the seventh night?"

"Cultivation outside the Imperial Capital!"


The group rushed to the bitter cliff outside the imperial capital.

The Bitter Cliff is located twenty miles outside the imperial capital, where the mountains are steep, the terrain is remote, and the people are rare.

"The seventh night is the true ascetic of the twelve!"

"It's also a knife cultivator, a late bloomer, and it is said that his knife technique can cut off the waterfall of the Bitter Cliff!"

"Seventh Night is definitely a genius whose strength is seriously underestimated, and the last time he made a move, it was a battle to reconcile Tianyi. Even Xie Tianyi once praised his knife skills in person. "

"Gu Xuan's sword skills are also superb, and in the duel between knives and knives, I don't know who will win!"

The group discussed fiercely, and when they arrived at the Bitter Cliff, they found that one of them was descending the mountain.

Moonlight robe, like the sun, who would it be if it wasn't Gu Xuan?

Everyone stopped, looking stunned.

"Missed again?"

"Damn, the speed at which Gu Xuan and Twelve Nights fought was inevitably too fast. "

Someone couldn't help but complain.

Gu Xuan passed by everyone, as if he hadn't seen them at all.

Everyone looked at Gu Xuan's departing back, and there was only one thought circling in their minds.

Gu Xuan fought with the seventh night, who won the battle?

After a little hesitation, someone took the lead and rushed in the direction of the Bitter Cliff.

The closer they got to the Cliff of Suffering, the more frightened they became.

The air was filled with the ubiquitous sword aura, and when I walked in it, I felt as if I was being pressed against countless knives all over my body, and there were bursts of stinging pain.

When they finally came to the Cliff of Bitterness.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

The iconic waterfall of the Bitter Cliff was split in half by a shocking knife mark.

From one waterfall, it became two.

A majestic young man sat cross-legged in front of the waterfall, looking intently at the diverted waterfall, looking at the huge knife mark in the middle of the waterfall, with a fascinated expression on his face.

"What kind of knife technique is this, what kind of knife intent is this?"

This person is the seventh night of the 12 lunar months!

How to win or lose, it goes without saying.

The crowd fell silent.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he was silent for a long time.

Finally someone spoke: "I seem to see the prologue of the legend, this young man from the lower country is stepping on the bones of the twelve nights step by step to the peak. "

"It's hard to imagine that given him a few more years to grow, who else in the Twelve Nights will be able to resist his blade?"

"It's rare for my Yinyue Dynasty to meet Xie Tianyi for a thousand years, and from now on, maybe there will be another Gu Xuan. "

"Look, see where he can go in these three days?"

Everyone continued to follow in Gu Xuan's footsteps.

But Gu Xuan's speed was too fast.

Sixth night, defeated!

Fifth night, defeated!

Every time they rushed to the place, they could only feel Gu Xuan's sharpness and strength from the battlefield left behind.

Until, Gu Xuan put away the knife and returned to his residence at dusk, no longer challenged.

End of the second day.

Gu Xuan was defeated for four of the twelve nights of the lunar month.

The Lunar Moon Imperial Capital is completely boiling.

Even many big figures in the imperial capital were shocked by this news, and they all cast their eyes on this martial arts arrogant figure who rose from the lower kingdom.

The twelfth night of the lunar moon was defeated in three days.

This is the meaning revealed by Gu Xuan when he wrote the war.

On the first day, many people thought it was a joke, the madness of the arrogant and ignorant.

But now, no one dares to take this lightly anymore.

Everyone was looking forward to the third day.

On the third day, Gu Xuan was about to face the four strongest people in the Twelfth Night of the Lunar Moon, and it would also be the fiercest battle.

On this night, countless people stayed up all night, guarding the door of the mansion on the fourth night, waiting quietly.

Until, on the third day, the sun rises.


In the dark hall, the first rays of the morning sun shine through.

A figure as majestic as a mountain opened its eyes suddenly, and the dark room lit up.

A subordinate hurried into the room and knelt down in front of the great young man.

The young man said lightly: "Is that kid here?"

The servant replied respectfully: "Yes, but many people are waiting outside the house, and he will come even if he doesn't dare to come." "


The young man of Wei'an gently picked up the challenge book in his hand, and stared at the place, and the challenge book spontaneously combusted without fire.

In the blink of an eye, it burned to ashes and scattered to the ground.

"People who are just from the country, still want to step on my throne on the twelfth night of the lunar month? The whetstone must have the consciousness of being a whetstone, and today is your death. "

Sen's cold and piercing voice echoed in the room, and the kneeling subordinates trembled.

Outside the mansion, countless people were looking forward to it.

Finally, at the end of the long street sprinkled with morning light, a slender and tall figure strolled in.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"It's Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan is here. "

Although it was expected, many people couldn't help but be amazed.

"He's going to challenge the fourth night!"

"Further up, it's Princess Youyue, the second night and the first night of undressing, I really don't know where he can go?"

"Let's wait until he's past the fourth night. The fourth night was not easy."

Someone spoke in a deep voice, and others nodded slowly.

Gu Xuan arrived at the door of the Fourth Night Mansion.

Almost at the same time, an incomparably fiery aura came from the mansion.

Immediately afterwards, a young man walked out of the house step by step.

The young man was nine feet tall, with a majestic figure and a rugged appearance, with a hint of wildness between his eyebrows.

When the young man approached, everyone outside the house seemed to hear the sound of the river rushing.


That's the blood that flows through the young man's body.

His whole body was like a huge furnace that was blazing, and like the scorching sun in the sky, exuding a blazing breath from all over his body.

At this time, it was only early in the morning, but it seemed to be the middle of summer all of a sudden.

Many people even sweat from their bodies.

"The fourth night is the only person in the twelve nights who is the main cultivator of the way of the body, it is said that he has a great fortune, and he has obtained a part of the inheritance of the ancient body refining power, and the strength of the physical body is that he can tear the Xuandan ten times with his bare hands!"

"Don't cultivate martial intentions, only cultivate yourself. This kind of extremely evil is too terrifying!"

"It feels like I'm getting closer, and I'm about to melt!"

"I once saw with my own eyes that on the fourth night, I used my meat fist to blow up a middle and third-grade Xuandan, and I was unharmed!"

"Shhh In this battle, Gu Xuan must be difficult. "

As soon as the fourth night appeared, it caused onlookers to exclaim movingly.

The aura he displayed was too powerful, and it was a qualitative leap compared to the fifth night.

"I'm going to do it in front of everyone..."

The fourth night's eyes showed a hint of cruelty, and he said to Gu Xuan condescendingly: "Crush every bone in your body with your own hands! "

As soon as these words came out, a deep chill unconsciously appeared in the hearts of countless people on the field.

Looking at Gu Xuan's eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little more faint worry and sympathy.

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