"Heaven-level lower grade, it turned out to be a heaven-level exercise!"

In another secret room, Ye Tian, who had the jade slip in his hand, was overjoyed, and was almost hugged and kissed by Wu Qiao next to him.

"With this exercise, my strength can be turned upside down. Didn't they always say that I was blind with a third-grade Xuandan, and I won't be in the future..."

Ye Tianmei looked at the exercises in his hand with amusement, and couldn't wait to sit down and practice now.

Wu Qiao was also happy for Ye Tian, but hesitated whether to say something in his heart.

When Wu Qiao had just activated the secret method, her extremely strong intuition told her that the blessing that the other cave led to was more than dozens or hundreds of times stronger than the blessing qi contained in this cave.

But that sense of crisis does exist.

Originally, Wu Qiao thought that for Ye Tian's safety, it would be safer to come to this cave.

But now seeing that what Ye Tian got turned out to be a heaven-level exercise, Wu Qiao immediately regretted it.

It is a hundred times stronger than the Heavenly Rank Exercises, what a blessing it should be.

In the face of such a huge opportunity, it seems acceptable to take some risks.

"If Brother Ye knew the truth, he would definitely scold me fiercely.."

Wu Qiao sighed secretly in his heart.

Suddenly, at this time, the ground under his feet began to shake violently, and huge cracks appeared around the secret room.

Even the Void has become extremely unstable, as if it could collapse at any moment.

"What's going on? Earthquake?..."

Ye Tian looked around in disbelief.

Wu Qiao's eyes turned gray, and after a little sensitization, his face changed sharply.

"Brother Ye, hurry up, this secret realm will completely collapse within a stick of incense. "


Ye Tian was shocked, and subconsciously pulled up Wu Qiao and was about to return the same way.

But he had just run out of the secret room when he suddenly reacted.

"No, Brother Gu hasn't come out yet!"

"Brother Ye, if you don't leave, it's too late! The secret realm has collapsed to form a spatial turbulence, and even the powerhouses of the King Realm can't survive."

Wu Qiao anxiously dissuaded.

Ye Tian looked at the other cave entrance with a struggling expression.

Finally, he stomped his foot hard and pulled Wu Qiao out quickly.

After a stick of incense, the two of them just ran out of the cave, and there was a loud "boom" behind them.

Turning his head, the original cave collapsed at this moment, and the turbulence that occasionally overflowed inside cut deep marks one after another on the ground.

Frightened, Ye Tian and Wu Qiao retreated again and again.

"It's okay, it's okay to escape.."

Wu Qiao breathed a long sigh of relief, and his face showed an expression of the rest of his life.

Ye Tian looked at the direction of the cave entrance in a daze, and his expression was a little dazed.

"Brother Gu.. He hasn't come out yet. "

Wu Qiao fell silent.

She now knew what the danger she had just sensed in the cave was.

Presumably, it is the danger of the collapse of the secret realm.

"If Brother Ye had entered that cave, it would have been the two of us who hadn't had time to run out now..."

A hint of happiness flashed in Wu Qiao's heart, but more guilt was there.

She couldn't help but want to comfort Ye Tian, but Ye Tian's eyes were red, and he knelt down at the mouth of the cave, crying silently.

"Brother Gu, I hurt you, Brother Gu..."


At the same time, Gu Xuan was sitting cross-legged in the secret room, carefully comprehending the mysterious exercises he had just obtained.

Around me, there is a calm sea.

"Born with a Xuan Fetus, the earth cultivates the Dao body..."

The exercises obtained from the golden page had no grade, but they brought Gu Xuan the greatest shock in history.

The exercise describes that those who practice this sutra can condense into a Xuan fetus in their bodies.

The Xuan's fetus connects the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, regulates the five qi, and can slowly nourish the practitioner's physique into the most suitable for his own cultivation under the subtle influence of the Great Dao body.

Let's take an analogy.

Gu Xuan practiced the path of the sword, so once he practiced the Heavenly Cultivation Sutra, his physique would slowly transform in the direction of the innate sword body.

In the end, he became the most powerful sword path cultivation physique in the heavens and on the earth.

It's a discipline that can turn stones into gold...

Oh no, far more exaggerated than turning a stone into gold.

This is a supreme technique that can turn a piece of rubble into the cornerstone of the Great Dao.

Even if a dog learns, it can become an existence that surpasses the roaring dog.

After Gu Xuan finished reading, he opened his eyes, and his face was shocked for a long time.

This exercise was the most powerful exercise he had ever heard.

Not one of them!

No wonder there is no rank.

The grade of this exercise... It should be far above the heavenly steps!

As for the pill that came with the exercises, it was an elixir that assisted in cultivation, called the Lingyun Xuanfetus Pill.

After taking this elixir, the Xuan's fetus in the body will be established, which can allow Gu Xuan to enter directly, saving countless hard labor.

"Such a powerful inheritance is only a gold-level chance..."

Gu Xuan couldn't help but think of the colorful opportunity on Xiao Chen's body.

The ultimate golden fate can get a supreme exercise method of the same level as the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra", so what will be the seven-color level fate on Xiao Chen's body?

Gu Xuan's heart was pounding.

Gu Xuan thought of the golden page of the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra" again, and his eyes flashed.

"That page of gold paper seems to have been torn from something, and the Heavenly Cultivation Sutra is only a part of it... In other words, there is more than one inheritance similar to the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra"?"

It was easy to suppress the desire in his heart, Gu Xuan picked up the Lingyun Xuanfei Pill in his hand, and prepared to start practicing the Heavenly Cultivation Sutra immediately.

This inheritance should be Ye Tian, and it is inevitable that there will be branches, so it is better for him to learn it as soon as possible.

Lingyun Xuanfei Pill was thrown into his mouth.

The pill turned into a strange white mist and came to Gu Xuan's dantian.

In an instant, Gu Xuan felt his divine thoughts, physical body, and Yuan Force...

Every power in his body stretched out a silk thread and projected into this white mist.

The white mist rolled, as if something was being bred.

This process lasted for a long time, and Gu Xuan waited quietly.

Finally, there seemed to be a thunderbolt in the body, and the white mist suddenly separated, and a human object came out of it.

This is a small baby, curled up, and it can be faintly seen from its facial features that it is Gu Xuan's appearance.

The first birth of the twins!

Gu Xuan was overjoyed in his heart, and he didn't have time to do anything yet.

Then I saw the baby move violently, and then let out its first cry.


The cry shook the heavens and the earth, and it seemed that there were thousands of thunderbolts exploding at the same time in Gu Xuan's mind.

At the same time, the void around Gu Xuan's body did not break, there was a brilliant rain of light falling from the sky, and there were colorful magic conches constantly manifesting.

Gu Xuan had experienced such a vision of heaven and earth once.

That was when he achieved the superb Xuandan, and the heavens and the earth applauded it.

Now, such a vision has reappeared.

And it's even more grand than the previous one.

It seems that the avenues of heaven and earth are all rejoicing in the birth of this Xuan Fetus.

Immediately after, a river of rolling spiritual energy gushed out from the void crack beside Gu Xuan.

The scale of this Spirit River far surpassed that of Gu Xuan's Jie Dan.

The avenue came, and Gu Xuan waited for the opportunity to "get on the plane" again....

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