"Nanban, take your dirty hands away and get out of the way..."

Beichen Yuheng's eyes bloomed with extremely bright light, and there seemed to be stars floating behind him.

The long sword in his hand was raised, drawing a mysterious trajectory in the void.

In an instant, the void in this square area trembled slightly, and everyone's color changed.

"Beidou Killing Technique!"

Youyue's expression was serious, and there was a hint of emotion in her eyes.

"The strongest inheritance of the Beichen Dynasty's Beidou Killing Technique, including several heaven-level martial arts such as sword techniques, sword techniques, and fist techniques, will only be passed on to the most talented people in each generation of the Beichen Dynasty.

What Beichen Yuheng got should be the swordsmanship in Beichen's killing technique. "

The shadow of the second night also said with a solemn face: "This person's swordsmanship is secretly in line with the trajectory of the stars, mysterious and mysterious, I have a sense of horror when I fight with him, it's really amazing..."

Youyue smiled bitterly: "Beichen Qiyao can suppress us on the twelfth night of the lunar month with only seven people, naturally everyone is not a simple person. "

The warriors who were watching next to him couldn't help but sigh.

"It is worthy of being the fifth Yao Yuheng of Beichen, and his strength is really terrifying!"

"He was completely trying to please Youyue before, and he deliberately entangled with the second night, once the strength exploded, the second night was immediately not an opponent. "

"I don't know where the southern barbarians came out of nowhere, they're going to be unlucky. "

Someone gloated.

But the next scene really shocked many people.

I saw that the fierce young man who suddenly appeared was not afraid of the menacing Yu Heng at all, and directly punched out with his bare hands.


The void seemed to resound with the roar of a savage beast.

The right hand of the fierce young man punched under the noses of everyone and turned into the claw of a beast that looked like a bird, not a bird, but not a Jiao.

The scales and armor on it are dense, the cold light is overflowing, and the ferocity is monstrous.


The claws and swords collided, and the star phantom behind Yu Heng trembled violently, and he took a few steps backwards.

The sturdy young man also took two steps back.


The onlookers were all taken aback, and their faces were in disbelief.

"This barbarian can actually compete head-on with Beichen Yuheng without falling behind?!"

"What is this person's identity, and why is he so strong?!"

"Isn't it a pervert from those hidden tribes of the Southern Barbarian Jedi?"

The moon and the second night also looked moved.

"There is no doubt that this person should be a tribal descendant of the Southern Barbarian Jedi, but I don't know which tribe it is."

Beichen Yuheng's sword was blocked by the fierce young man, and his color changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "What a barbarian." "

The sturdy young man smiled hideously, his face showed flamboyant wildness and murderous intent, and a bully pounced on him and yelled: "your grandma's barbarian, remember, your grandfather and I are called Tuobaya!"

With that, the two fought together again.

The strength of the two of them is extremely strong, and the attacks released by their gestures are extremely powerful, and the surrounding black qi is almost turned into a pot of boiling porridge by the two of them, and the others are frightened, and they all hide far away.

Youyue stared at the two people who were fighting, and said helplessly: "With the two of them here, this extremely raw flower is estimated to be difficult to get, let's retreat..."

Second Night nodded in agreement.

At this time, Gu Xuan, who had not spoken much, spoke: "Not necessarily." "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed as he looked at the vibrant extremely raw flower.

His instinct told him that this thing might be of great benefit to him in absorbing the demonic energy and death qi in the Demon Burial Cave.

He wanted to get his hands on it.

While the two of them were still stunned, Gu Xuan had already shaken his figure and rushed forward.

At this time, Beichen Yuheng and the fierce young man were in a fierce battle, and the ground was shattered, and the audience was dazzled.

Suddenly, a person popped up on the edge of the battle group, and everyone was stunned.

"How did this guy run up?"

"He seems to want to pick the flower."

"I know, this person is the face of Princess Youyue, and he must want to fish in troubled waters when the two are fighting, and pick the polar flowers to please Princess Youyue. "

"Well, I'm really not afraid of death. "

Gu Xuan didn't look at the two of them, and walked straight to the pole lace, and was about to reach out to pick it.

This scene fell in the eyes of Beichen Yuheng and the fierce young man, and both of them frowned.

Almost at the same time, the two stopped fighting without hesitation, and Qi Qi pointed the finger at Gu Xuan.

"Uncle Ben's things, you dare to move, eat my punch!"

Tuoba was furious.

Beichen Yuheng also looked cold, and his long sword pointed directly.

"I don't know whether I am alive or dead!"

The two killing machines instantly locked Gu Xuan.

The onlookers were shocked to see it, and they all shook their heads and sighed, and couldn't help but cast sympathetic glances at Gu Xuan.

"Hey, this kid thinks he's smart, it's over. "

"Both of them are the sons of Tianjiao, how can they let people do things that benefit fishermen, stupid!"

"Besieged by the two top Tianjiao, this kid is estimated to die so much that he can't even have scum left. "

The onlookers could almost foresee Gu Xuan's ending, and it was estimated that he would die in the next breath.

But at this moment, everyone only saw that Gu Xuan, who was originally ordinary and even had the precarious power of the body protector, suddenly burst out with a powerful momentum.

The terrifying sword aura poured out like a tide, and the whole person emitted a light that was difficult to look at like the scorching sun in the sky.

"Get out!"

Tuoba Ye and Beichen Yuheng's faces changed sharply, and the momentum of the forward rush was forcibly blocked by Gu Xuan's momentum, and they all looked at him in disbelief.

Gu Xuan casually picked off the Extreme Raw Flower, and immediately felt a pure vitality injected into his body, and the scars left by absorbing the black qi before quickly recovered.

Sure enough, with the help of this vitality, the speed at which he absorbed the black qi would become faster.

"Take Uncle Ben's words as a deaf ear?"

The sturdy young man Tuoba Ye recovered from his surprise, his face flashed with anger, and he rushed towards Gu Xuan again.

Beichen Yuheng also sneered: "Okay, it turns out that he still hides his strength." So what?

This time, both men gave their all.

One is fierce, the other is arrogant.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and his eyes were quickly covered by pitch-black color.

Wisps of black qi emanated from him, and in an instant, they expanded to an area around him, forming a ghostly dragon with a longing sword shadow.

"The first form of the Infernal Knife Technique, the bitter infernal!"

With the Ming Hong knife in his hand, Gu Xuan slashed out with a cold knife.

The sword light refracted the scene of the Infernal Hell, echoing the sword intent enchantment around him.

The black qi in the surrounding area was stirred up, forming a series of twisted and hideous grimaces.

At this moment, it was as if the Infernal Ghost had descended on the world, and the terrifying sword intent was all over the audience.

Tuoba Ye and Beichen Yuheng's faces changed sharply, and the two of them hadn't reacted yet.

was slashed away by Gu Xuan.

With a muffled snort, both of them became rolling gourds.

One knife, defeat two!

Suddenly, in the huge field, there was no sound.

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