Xiao Chen glanced in the direction of the center of the Demon Burial Cave and sneered: "It is estimated that it will not be long before the so-called "Nerve Eater" will be born, and when the time comes, it will definitely attract clouds from all directions, and countless people will go over to snatch it."

And as everyone knows, that "Nerve Eater" is simply fake!"


In the black mist in front of him, a demon corpse roared and jumped out.

Xiao Chen's face did not change, and he pointed out, shattering this demon corpse that only had the Spirit Sea Realm.

"The real "Nerve Eater" is actually hidden in a demon corpse in the Demon Burial Cave!

The person who happened to get "Nerve Eating" in his previous life, at first he didn't know that he was practicing "Nerve Eater", one of the four great ancient wonders, and when he became stronger and stronger, he began to show his head in the great world, and then he reflected the fact that he was carrying the Wonder Sutra.

And the "Nerve Eater" that was snatched by countless geniuses is actually fake, and after trying his best to get it, not only will it not benefit at all, but it will cause trouble and cause endless harm. "

Xiao Chen's brows furrowed, and he said in a low voice: "I just don't know, that strange scripture is hidden in that demon corpse." "

There are countless demon corpses in the Demon Burial Cave, which is undoubtedly a process of finding a needle in a haystack.

But when it comes to such a great opportunity as the Four Great Wonders of the Ancient World, Xiao Chen made up his mind to find out even if he was looking for a needle in a haystack.

Xiao Chen looked around for traces of demon corpses in the black air, as long as it was a demon corpse, he would kill every one and never miss it.

Xiao Chen didn't notice at all that just a few miles behind him, there was a person who was silently watching him by relying on his divine thoughts.

"This person has a lot of chances, even including a colorful chance, and his luck is amazing, which is the only one I have seen in my life, and even Ye Tian, the 'protagonist template', is much inferior to him.

"Nerve Eater" was born, and he happened to come to the Demon Cave again, I don't know if I thought that the chance of "Nerve Eater" would finally fall on him..."

Gu Xuan knew very well that such an existence as the Four Great Wonders of the Ancient Ancients would not be able to be obtained by non-true atmospheric transporters.

The Heavenly Cultivation Sutra is a good example.

Compared with people like Xiao Chen and Ye Tian, sometimes you work hard in the secret realm, and it may not be as great as the harvest of people going out for a walk.

However, Xiao Chen has too many opportunities, and the fate lines are connected in all directions, and if he wants to know which is the chance of "Nerve Eater", he has to confirm them one by one.

The fate of "Nerve Eater" must be golden, but there are more than a dozen golden chance lines on Xiao Chen's body, which is really hard to find.

Gu Xuan picked one casually and searched forward along the line of chance.

Half a day later, Gu Xuan turned back again.

This line of chance extends beyond the Burial Cave, and it is clearly not.

Choose another one.

This time it's not outside the Demon Burial Cave, the chance line has been connected to a valley full of demon corpses.

The final landing point is on a cliff face in the valley.

On the mountain wall, a small white tree grows quietly, and a fruit the size of an egg hangs from the treetop.

Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly burst out with a strong essence.

Extremely fruitful!

Just like the Extreme Flower he got before, it was an Extreme Thing born in the Land of the Extreme Death.

But the vitality contained in this extremely green fruit is several times that of the extreme flower, and if it is given to ordinary people, it can increase the longevity of at least fifty years.

"No wonder it's a golden chance, the treasure that can increase the longevity of fifty years is enough for the powerhouse of the Divine Aspect Realm to break his head.

and having such a strong vitality, it is also of great benefit to the strong people of the life and death realm, if it is outside the burial demon cave, it is not good to say that the strong people of the life and death realm will also take action..."

The valley is hidden, and there are many demon corpses gathered, and few people dare to approach it.

It is just convenient for Gu Xuan to take the treasure.

Gu Xuan jumped into the valley, and under the thunder light body method, the whole person kept changing positions in the valley as if teleporting, and soon arrived at the side of the mountain wall where the extremely fruity fruit grew.

Pulling up the root with fruit, Gu Xuan hadn't taken a good look at the extremely raw fruit that had just arrived, when he heard the prompt sound of the system in his head.

"Congratulations to the host for his successful chance to intercept the beard and receive the reward: Divine Tree Seed*1"


Gu Xuan was stunned.

Divine Tree Seeds?!

What is this.

It was the first time he had received such a reward.

Gu Xuan extracted the reward, and a strange seed shaped like a walnut appeared in his hand.

"Divine Tree Seed, what kind of Divine Tree Seed is it?"

Gu Xuan was a little puzzled.

Although I don't know what this thing is for, it must be extraordinary to be able to be used as a reward for golden chance.

Just as he was thinking about it, the Divine Tree Seed in the palm of his hand suddenly came to life and went into Gu Xuan's palm.

Without paying attention, he arrived at Gu Xuan's dantian, and then was swallowed by the Xuantian in the dantian.

It was so fast that Gu Xuan didn't even react.

"Nothing will happen..."

Gu Xuan's brows furrowed tightly, but after a closer look, he felt that there was nothing wrong with the Xuan Fetus, and the Divine Tree Seed was also suspended in the Xuan Fetus, so he didn't care about it anymore.

Gu Xuan put away the Extreme Fruit that had just arrived in his hand and put it away in the storage spirit ring, and was about to go back to Xiao Chen to find it again, and look for it by changing the edge line.

But at this moment, the ground under his feet suddenly shook violently.

Then, in the far distance as far as his eyes could see, a pillar of darkness erupted abruptly.

Endless demonic qi gushed out from the black pillar, and the concentration of black qi in the demon burial cave increased rapidly at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

And the many demon corpses in the valley also seemed to be inspired by the mysterious power, and they rushed towards the direction of the black pillar.

Gu Xuan's thoughts dispersed, and he found that it was not just the demon corpses in this valley, all the demon corpses in the demon burial cave were running in the direction of the eruption of the black pillar in the center.

Ten thousand corpses worship!

What's going on?

Gu Xuan's face was puzzled.

Then, at this moment, another golden light flashed in the black pillar.

It's like I'm afraid that people in the secret realm won't see it.

The golden light flew into the sky, outlining three ancient and clumsy characters - phagocytosis!

Within these three words, there seemed to be infinite mysteries circulating, and Gu Xuan was in a trance for a while.

"Nerve Eater"!

"Nerve Eater" was born!

It turned out to be in this way.

Almost at this moment, countless people in the Demon Burial Cave were shaken, and their eyes all converged on the direction of the center of the Demon Cave.

"Haha, the rumors are really true, "Nerve Eater" is really in the Demon Burial Cave!"

"The Four Great Wonders of Antiquity, the winner can suppress an era, this opportunity must be mine!"

"The old man has been waiting for so long, and finally let me wait for this opportunity, who dares to rob me of this supreme opportunity!"

"Supreme Inheritance, I'm here!"

Countless warriors, many sons of Tianjiao, their eyes flashed, full of excitement and excitement, and they hurried to the center of the demon cave, lest they be one step slower than others, and the opportunity would be taken first.

Gu Xuan's expression changed, and he was a little hesitant.

He took out a jade gui from the storage spirit ring, and the jade gui flashed wildly, and the divine thoughts probed in, and inside was Youyue's excited and eager words.

""Nerve Eater" was born, come quickly!"

Gu Xuan no longer hesitated, and hurried to the center of the secret realm.

At the same time, Xiao Chen, who was about to be killed by himself, suddenly abandoned himself and left, and looked at the three big characters above the center of the Demon Burial Cave in a daze, and a look of extreme excitement quickly appeared on his face.

"Sure enough, the false scripture was born! Now everyone is rushing to the center of the secret realm, the real "Nerve Eater" must be mine! Haha..."

After laughing wildly, Xiao Chen was suddenly stunned, and frowned: "All the demon corpses have been summoned, so where can I find the demon corpse that really hides the "Nerve Eater"?"

Is it possible that I still have to get involved?...

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