Divine Realm Demon Corpse!

"Nerve Eater" is actually guarded by a demon corpse in the Divine Phase!

This demon corpse that suddenly burst out of the black qi was nine feet tall, its body was covered with pieces of black fine scales, and its face was hideous, like an inhuman monster.

The black gas on the demon corpse's body is billowing out, and there is a monster phantom with a leopard head behind him, although it is lifeless, it is fierce.

However, after the demon corpse was knocked away, it did not continue to pursue, but stood next to the black qi, motionless.

It seems that as long as he doesn't get close to the air column, he won't cause his attack.

Gu Xuan slashed the dozen or so demon corpses blocking in front of him into two with a single sword, and came to the center of the demon corpse tide.

The rest of the strong men also came here one by one, and all of them kept a distance, afraid of each other, and did not dare to act rashly.

Gu Xuan saw Xie Tianyi's figure come out of the corpse tide in a flash, his face was a little pale, but he didn't seem to be in trouble.

Two figures fell beside Gu Xuan, it was Youyue and the second night.

Gu Xuan nodded slightly at the two of them, and Youyue looked at the Divine Aspect Realm Demon Corpse not far away with a solemn expression: "Now as long as anyone dares to make the first move, they will become the primary target of the Divine Aspect Realm Demon Corpse, allowing others to take advantage of the loophole..."

Everyone understands this truth, so no one wants to be the first to emerge.

The scene fell into an eerie stalemate, and more and more people rushed to the edge of the black air column.

At this time, suddenly a majestic young man with a body like a baking oven jumped out, and without saying a word, he directly punched Gu Xuan.


Gu Xuan frowned, although he didn't know why, he still slashed it with a backhand.

The sword light collided with the fist, and was shattered by the fist, the great young man took two steps back, and said angrily: "It's really strong enough!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Gu Xuan like a brute bull.


Gu Xuan's eyes were cold, and he slashed at the young man several times in a row.

The sudden outbreak of fighting between the two broke the stalemate on the field.

Someone specially went around behind the demon corpse, sneaking up and trying to rush towards the golden light cluster that represented the inheritance of "Nerve Eater" in the sky.

The back of the demon corpse seemed to open its eyes, and its body flickered in front of the person who tried to fish in troubled waters.

The latter was shocked.

The rest of the eyes lit up.

The demon's attention has been diverted, and here's an opportunity!

In an instant, more than a dozen figures shot towards the golden light cluster in the sky almost simultaneously.


The demon corpse let out an angry roar, and immediately left the person he had just targeted, turned around and flew into the sky.

When Gu Xuan saw this scene, he was anxious, but he was entangled by the great young man who came out of nowhere.

A nameless karmic fire rose from my heart.

"It's endless!"

Gu Xuan's expression was cold, and the strong murderous intent was revealed.

A trace of black qi rose from Gu Xuan's body, and his eyes quickly turned pitch black.

Countless black sword shadows and ghost shadows fused around him.

Knife intent enchantment, open!

Compared with the previous battles against Beichen Yuheng and Tuoba Ye, there were more traces of demonic energy and death qi in this sword intent enchantment, and it became more and more complete.

The first killing move of the Infernal Knife Technique, Bitter and Infernal!

Ninety percent of the sword intent slashed, and the sword light reflected the realm of infernal hell, like a hell roaring down.

A knife slashed at the great young man.

The face of the great young man changed instantly, and he let out a low roar and crossed his hands.

An illusory beast spirit rushed out of him and crashed headlong into the terrifying sword light.


The huge body of the great young man was slashed out by Gu Xuan like a sandbag, falling into the tide of corpses, and smashing down a piece of demon corpses.

He got up from the crowd of corpses with a frightened face, slapped a few demon corpses with eyes in his hand, and looked at his arms.

A shocking scar nearly cut both of his elbows in two.

"If you dare to entangle again, I will kill you!"

Gu Xuan glanced at it coldly, turned around and rushed towards the golden light cluster in the sky.

"Haha, Tuoba Chi, I said it earlier, this person is very strong, you can't beat him!"

Takubano jumped out from the side and sneered gloatingly.

But there was still a hint of shock and horror in Gu Xuanyuan's eyes.

No one knows Tuoba Chi's strength better than him, and even Tuoba Chi was defeated by this person with one sword, this person's strength is really incredible.

Ah Gong is right, the outside world is very big, and there are countless geniuses, and the people of their Nanban tribe still have to keep a low profile.

"Shut up!"

Tuoba Chi's eyes were red, his face showed a hint of madness, his eyes were firmly fixed on Gu Xuan's back, and he roared, and the whole person quickly chased after him like an ape.

In the process of chasing, the phantoms of various wild beasts continued to emerge behind Tuoba Chi, superimposed on him layer by layer, making his aura become more and more violent and ferocious.


The speed of the Demon Corpse of the Divine Aspect Realm was as fast as lightning, and it was blocked in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

A palm slapped out, setting off the billowing black gas, and slapped directly at the head of a martial artist who was running at the front.

This warrior looks about forty years old, and although his aura is not as fiery and high-spirited as many young people, it is also extremely thick, and it is difficult for others to guess.

Seeing the Demon Corpse of the Divine Appearance Realm approaching, this person's face changed, and a phantom of a long sword quickly appeared behind him.

The long sword danced, stirring up boundless Yuan power, forming a terrifying sword gang that slashed at the demon corpse.

"Divine Realm powerhouse!"

The pupils of the person behind shrank slightly, and only then did he recognize that this person was actually a Divine Realm martial artist who had already achieved the Law Phase.

No wonder the speed is so fast, no one can match, it turns out to be deeply hidden.


Jian Gang and the claws of the demon corpse collided, making a sonorous sound.

The middle-aged warrior took a few steps backwards in the void, his expression changing and he didn't dare to go any further.

The demon corpse did not stop moving, and after repelling this god realm powerhouse, it quickly launched an attack on another martial artist.

The crowd saw it.

The closer this demon corpse is to the golden light, the closer he will attack.

In other words, if you want to get the inheritance of "Nerve Eater" in the golden light cluster, you have to pass the level of demon corpse.

Everyone's faces suddenly became not very good-looking.

A demon corpse of the God Appearance Realm who is not afraid of death, even if it is the same God Aspect Realm, it is not easy to deal with, this level, how can it be so easy.

At this time, a young man with a strange appearance spoke: "Everyone, I think it is better for everyone to work together to kill this demon corpse, and then take "Nerve Eater". "

The words of the young man attracted everyone's attention, and someone recognized his identity.

"Beichen Qiyao Second Yao, Tianxuan!"

The second person of the younger generation of the Beichen Dynasty, this identity is not simple, and everyone must pay attention to what he says.

"That's right, instead of being in a dilemma like now, it's better to get rid of the demon corpse first, and then rely on your own ability. "

Someone chimed in.

This person is young, with a strong head, and the aura emanating from his body is somewhat similar to Tianxuan.

It is another person in the Seven Dawns of Beichen, Beichen Shake Light.

This time, the sons of Tianjiao of the Beichen Dynasty came a total of three.

Beichen Shake Light, Beichen Yuheng and Beichen Tianxuan.

At this time, the demon corpse had already forced back the martial artist who had just been targeted by him, and turned around and rushed towards his next target.

The crowd finally made up their minds.

"Just listen to Beichen Tianxuan's proposal and kill the demon corpse first!"

All of a sudden, more than a dozen people shot out in unison and attacked the demon corpse!

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