"Twenty-ninth on the Hidden Dragon Gold List, Hell Dynasty, Zhao Tianxing!"

"Age twenty-two years old, second-grade Xuandan, Xuandan ten..."

"Twenty-sixth on the Hidden Dragon Gold List, Black Dragon Dynasty, Cen Qiyi!"

"Age twenty-one years old, second-grade Xuandan, Xuandan nine-fold..."

On the Qianlong Gold List, one name after another appears, and each name represents an amazing and brilliant Tianjiao character.

The entire Southern Regions, the Three Holy Lands, the Eight Dynasties, hundreds of small countries, and some hidden clans, ancient relics, and so on.

The population is hundreds of millions.

Being able to stand out among the countless martial artists in this vast sea of smoke, and the talent ranks in the top forty-nine in the entire Southern Regions, no matter which one it is, it is worth marveling.

"The fifteenth place on the Qianlong Gold List, the Beichen Dynasty, the first Yao of Beichen, Tianshu!"

"Twenty-six years old, second-grade Xuandan, half-step divine appearance, once defeated divine phase double, Beichen killing technique is a great success!"

With the appearance of this name, the Beichen Emperor was cheered and applauded.

"Tianshu, Tianshu is actually in the top fifteen!"

"It's not a shame for my first day of Beichen, half a step of divine appearance can defeat the double of divine appearance, this is love, it's just against the sky?"

"Xie Tianyi, who has the first talent in the Yinyue Dynasty, is only ranked thirty-sixth, and my Beichen Tianshu is ranked fifteenth, and our Beichen surpasses them too much! haha.."

After the joy, some people expressed doubts.

"No, why hasn't the name of the second Yao Tianxuan appeared on the Hidden Dragon Gold List until now? Could it be that Tianxuan's martial arts talent is still above Tianshu?"

"If that's the case, then my generation of the Beichen Dynasty will really be awesome, and the country will be prosperous!"

In the distance, a tall, ordinary-looking young man with eyes comparable to the stars in the sky and star-striped eyebrows looked at the stele expressionlessly.

Next to him, Beichen Tianji couldn't help but wonder: "Tianxuan's talent is stronger than yours, is this impossible?"

The star-striped youth glanced at him lightly and said, "What do you think?"

"I don't think it's possible!"

Tianji shook his head and said, "Although I am not convinced, I have to admit that you are indeed the most talented and talented person of our generation."

But the Hidden Dragon Gold List can't go wrong, why hasn't Tianxuan's name been shown until now?"

The star-striped youth said lightly, "Tianxuan's name will never appear. From now on, you are the new Tianxuan. "


Tianji's expression shook fiercely, his eyes widened, and his face showed great shock.

There are only two situations in which the Seven Yao are displaced.

First, the lower position challenged the front, and the challenge was successful.

Second, the person at the top of the ranking dies, and the person who is at the bottom of the ranking is replaced.

Dimensity had never challenged Tianxuan, and the first scenario was naturally impossible.

Then it can only be the second case...

Tianxuan, dead!

The star-striped youth said coldly: "A few days ago, the Burial Demon Cave was opened, Tianxuan went to the Burial Demon Cave to hunt for treasure, and met the son of Tianjiao of the Yinyue Dynasty and died at the hands of the other party. "

Tianji shook again, his face in disbelief.

When a person dies, he will naturally not appear on the Hidden Dragon Gold List again, but...

"Who in the Yinyue Dynasty can kill Tianxuan? It is absolutely impossible to solve Tianyi, could it be..."

Tianji remembered a rumor he had heard some time ago, and he had a strong premonition in his heart.

"Yes. "

The star-striped young man's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said slowly: "It is the one who has been defeated in three days and twelve nights, and is known as the first demon in the history of the Yin Moon Dynasty. Gu Xuan!"

The star patterns in the center of Tianshu's eyebrows are getting brighter and brighter, and there are constantly visions of stars floating behind him, and the whole person seems to be bathed in bright starlight, making it difficult for people to force their eyes.

"I didn't take this person too seriously, after all, the Yin Moon Dynasty is not ranked high in terms of national strength among the eight major dynasties.

How big is the pool to raise how big a dragon, just like Xie Tianyi, and he is also known as a genius who does not come out of the lunar moon for a thousand years, isn't it even comparable to you?

But now things seem to be getting interesting.

This Yin Moon Gu Xuan was able to kill Tianxuan, and..."

Tianshu looked directly at the Hidden Dragon Gold List, and said word by word: "So far, there has been no appearance about his ranking.

His martial arts talent is even higher than mine!

It's unbelievable..."

Tianshu's tone was soft, but Tianji heard a thick cold and coldness from it.

His scalp was slightly numb, and he couldn't help but say, "Maybe, maybe Gu Xuan has also fallen?"

"No, it won't. "

Tianshu said lightly: "It is said that Gu Xuan obtained one of the four great ancient scriptures in the Demon Burial Cave, and if he can be chosen by this supreme inheritance, he must be a person with atmospheric luck and will not fall easily." "

"The Four Great Wonders of Antiquity.."

Tianji was shocked again, and now he finally understood Tianshu's mood.

It's a kind of seeing the opponent, after discovering the prey... Excitement!

Tianji looked at the Hidden Dragon Gold List, which was still manifesting new names in the distance, and his face showed a thick and complicated color.

"I don't know how many Gu Xuan can rank on the Hidden Dragon Gold List..."


The names on the Qianlong Gold List manifested one after another, and each manifestation affected the hearts of the people of the entire Southern Regions.

Finally, the ranking went to the top 10.

Next, there are the top ten character names on the Qianlong list.

"The tenth place on the Hidden Dragon Gold List, Hell Dynasty, Prince Prison Yan!"

"Twenty-seven years old, a first-grade Xuandan, a half-step divine appearance, and a hell of a Xuan. He has been defeated and the gods are threefold!"


As soon as this name came out, countless places and countless people were shocked.

A pint Xuandan! Hell Xuandi! Once defeated the gods fourfold!

"Damn! The first-grade Xuandan turned out to be the legendary first-grade Xuandan, and he also has a Xuanqi, this qualification is really against the sky!"

"Such a talent is only ranked tenth, and the nine people in front of Prince Prison Yan should be so perverted in martial arts. "

"It's terrifying, I feel that the next one will be an unprecedented world, countless Tianjiao that was rare in the past have been gathered in this same era, competing with each other, and will collide with incomparably bright sparks!"

At the same time, in a fiery hall as blazing as a furnace, a body like steel poured copper slowly walked out of the red-hot iron slurry.

On his body, red divine patterns faintly appeared, and the whole person was as majestic and powerful as an ancient god who had come out of an ancient scroll.

"My martial arts talent is only ranked tenth?!"

Prince Prison Yan let out a roaring sound, and the fire in the main hall erupted, and one blazing flame after another erupted from the ground.

After he vented the anger in his chest, his mood finally calmed down.

"Forget it, martial arts talent doesn't mean everything. After all, the hidden dragon list is only the hidden dragon list, and the real key is the real dragon list.

Wait for me to break through the divine appearance and get the first place on the True Dragon List, and then I will rewrite the ranking of this Hidden Dragon List!


In the crimson hall, the fire gradually extinguished and went down to kill.

In the dark hall, only occasionally you can hear the dull gasps like savage beasts, which makes people's hearts beat when they listen to it....


Tomorrow we will start making up for it.

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