"Fourth place on the Hidden Dragon Gold List, Demon Sect, Chao Yan!"

"Twenty-seven years old, a heavy god, a high-grade law body, once beheaded a god and a demon..."

Inside the Demon Sect.

The huge mountain gate is only two people and a monument.

One person sits cross-legged, shaped like dead wood, drooping and old.

The other stands, his body is like a mountain that stretches continuously, and the shore is boundless.

The blood and essence are soaring into the sky, like a magic Jiao churning.

"My Demon Sect has been passed down from generation to generation, but it is ranked among the top three grade sects, and the reason why it is not down is because the king realm is endless.

Your talent is not particularly outstanding among the generations of heirs, but the degree of compatibility with the Demon Arm is the highest in the history.

This time I went down the mountain, not only to compete for luck for the sect, but also to pave the way for your future road to the royal realm.

Be sure to go all out and win the true dragon leader. "

The young man bowed down and said in a low voice, "Disciple understands that the Demon Sect is never weaker than others. "

"Well, go ahead. "

The old man waved his hand, and the young man turned to leave.


"Third place on the Hidden Dragon Gold List, Xuanyu Holy Land, Ling Tian Domain!"

"Twenty-three years old, the appearance of the gods, the body of the high-grade law phase, the blue lotus body..."

In the Xuanyu Holy Land, many disciples gathered around the Qianlong Stone Tablet, and their mouths let out the sound of discussion.

"Senior Brother Ling is only ranked third on the Hidden Dragon Gold List, I thought Senior Brother Ling could rank first!"

"Senior Brother Ling was born with Qinglian, he was born as the son of the great luck of the spirit of Zhong Tiandi, and it is really unimaginable that there are people with higher talent than him. "

"Even if the talent is higher than Senior Brother Ling, the strength may not be stronger than Senior Brother Ling, Senior Brother Ling is a high-level Xuan Body, rare in ten thousand years!"

"Yes, on the True Dragon List, Senior Brother Ling will definitely be ranked first!"

In the void, a young man with a tall temperament stood quietly, his brows furrowed slightly, and his face showed displeasure.

"I'm not even the first on the Hidden Dragon List, not even the second, and there are still two people with talents above me?"

Ling Tianyu frowned, and whispered to himself: "The talent and talent may surpass mine, and the one in the Jiuhuang Dynasty who has the bloodline of the powerhouse of the Emperor Realm... And who will the other one be?"


"Brother Gu, what about the first and second?"

Yan Shaoyang's eyes widened and he couldn't wait to ask Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan flipped the paper to the back and shook his head.

"No, only the third, the first and the second are not written on it. "


Yan Shaoyang slapped his little fist unwillingly, "I'm listening to it energetically, why is it gone?"

Gu Xuan rolled up the paper, tapped it lightly on his head, and scolded with a smile: "You treat me as a storyteller?"

Yan Shaoyang's face turned red, and he hugged his head and muttered: "Brother Gu, don't knock on my head, Mr. Xuetang always knocks me on the head, you do the same as Mr. like this..."

As Yan Shaoyang said this, the light of chance on him and Gu Xuan shone brightly.

A trace of surprise flashed on Gu Xuan's face, and he instantly had an idea in his heart, but he was not sure, and he still needed to verify it.

Suppressing this thought for the time being, Gu Xuan stood up and said to Yan Shaoyang: "It just so happens that I am also curious about the information of the remaining two, so let's take you to the post station and wait for the latest news from the imperial capital together." "


Yan Shaoyang couldn't help jumping up with joy.

So, Gu Xuan took Yan Shaoyang to the Baizhan Pass Post Station.

There were a lot of people gathered around the post station, all of them were idle warriors waiting for the latest ranking information of the Hidden Dragon Gold List.

These people chatted in anticipation.

"The names of the first and second two people left on the Qianlong Gold List have not been revealed, I don't know who the first place will be?

"I'm afraid you're thinking about fart, the top geniuses of the younger generation of our Fufeng Dynasty have been counted, have those who can be on the list already be on the list, where is there anyone who is qualified. "

"Having said that, this time, our Fufeng Dynasty's Tianjiao Liao Chengyun, who is ranked thirty-fourth on the Hidden Dragon Gold List, happens to be at the Hundred Battles Pass..."

"Really, is this true?!"

"What are you lying about, Liao Chengyun tried in the Demon Beast Mountain Range, and when he came out, it coincided with the birth of the Hidden Dragon Gold List, and then he was invited by the city lord to the mansion as a guest as soon as possible. If we're lucky, we might even catch a glimpse of it. "


Hearing the discussion of others, Yan Shaoyang said excitedly to Gu Xuan: "Brother Gu, from tomorrow onwards, I will go to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion to guard, and I must see what the master on the Hidden Dragon Gold List looks like..."

Gu Xuan touched his head and smiled without saying a word.

At this time, a fast horse rushed into the station, and the man on the horse held up the letter and shouted.

"The second place in the Qianlong Gold List is freshly released..

Suddenly, the crowd surged, and everyone rushed to the post station.

"Hurry up, who is the second place, say it quickly!"

"Damn, don't squeeze it, step on Lao Tzu's feet!"

After a commotion, the messenger finally took out the letter and announced in a loud voice:

"Second place on the Hidden Dragon Gold List, Jiuhuang Dynasty, Ji Lingsheng!"

"Twenty-four years old, the god phase is double, the body of the high-grade law phase, the blood of the emperor, and the god phase realm is fivefold!"

Hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.

Countless people were amazed and shocked.

Yan Shaoyang shouted and jumped excitedly, as if he was on the list.

Gu Xuan stood quietly in place, his eyes flashing.

Until now, his name has not appeared.


"Hidden Dragon No. 1, not me?"

Jiuhuang Dynasty, on the ancestral temple mountain.

Between heaven and earth, a stream of aura visible to the naked eye, dragon qi poured into a young man's body.

This person is wearing a purple gold dragon robe, wearing a purple and gold crown, and his appearance is handsome and vulgar.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, like an unfathomable abyss, or like an innate god born in chaos, the brilliance of light is difficult to see.

"Yes. "

A man who looked like a eunuch knelt in front of the young man, genuinely afraid.

The god-like young man stood up from the void and said lightly: "The ancestor of my Ji family was the only emperor realm powerhouse in the history of the Southern Regions, and his bloodline was blessed for hundreds of generations, and my Ji Lingsheng, as the one with the strongest imperial realm bloodline in the history of the Ji family, should be a natural emperor."

In the Southern Regions, there are still people whose heel talent surpasses me?"

Ji Lingsheng stepped forward and walked directly across the void towards the Nine Huang Emperors.

"I'd like to take a look, this person who ranks first on the Hidden Dragon List... Who the hell is it?"


"The number one on the hidden dragon list, who the hell is?!"

With the appearance of Ji Lingsheng's name, the identity of the last one, who also represents the number one potential in the Southern Regions, has aroused the curiosity and speculation of countless people.

"Who the hell is it? Talent can't even compare to Ji Lingsheng?"

"Ji Lingsheng is with the blood of an emperor, and he has reached the double level of god at the age of twenty-four! With such an astonishing talent, there are still people who are stronger than him, what kind of demon should it be?"

"The Three Holy Lands, the Tianjiao of the Eight Great Dynasties are all on the Hidden Dragon List, who is it, ranked first?"

Everyone is speculating and talking.

Apart from... Some people from the Yin Moon Dynasty and the Beichen Dynasty.

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