"Thirty-fourth on the Hidden Dragon Gold List, Liao Chengyun!"

"Second-grade Xuandan, Xuandan ten-fold, I am the first swordsman of the younger generation of the Fufeng Dynasty!"

"Great, we're saved this time!"

The blue-shirted swordsman was born, and he killed the big demon Black Feather Jinpeng in the late Xuandan period with one sword, which attracted cheers from the warriors at the head of the city, and the morale of the defenders was greatly boosted.

Yan Qingshan's face was full of joy, and he said excitedly: "My peerless Tianjiao of the Fufeng Dynasty is here, and this Hundred Battles Pass will definitely be able to easily survive this beast tide!"

Yan Shaoyang also looked excited, clenched his little fists excitedly, and said excitedly: "Dad, I will also become a martial arts master as powerful as Liao Chengyun in the future!"

Yan Qingshan said with a smile: "This time the beast tide has passed, I will find you a famous teacher to learn the sword." "

Yan Shaoyang shook his head and said, "No, the sword is not domineering enough, I don't want to learn the sword." If you want to learn, you have to learn knives, and I want to become the number one swordsman in the world in the future. "

Yan Qingshan smiled and shook his head.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed and he didn't say anything.

Liao Chengyun slashed the Xuandan Great Demon Black Feather Jinpeng with a sword, and then jumped down from the city wall, rushed into the beast tide below, and slaughtered them on a large scale.

His sword light is like a dragon, and there is no demon beast that can block his light sword, and where he passes, he clears the field.

Countless people cheered and applauded.

"It's too strong, it's worthy of being a peerless genius who can rank on the Hidden Dragon Gold List!"

"Liao Chengyun has one person and one sword, but he can be a million soldiers!"

"I have a hunch that on the True Dragon List, Liao Chengyun's ranking may be higher!"

Many warriors also began to follow Liao Chengyun's actions, jumping off the city wall one after another, and took the initiative to kill the beast tide.

The beast tide, which was originally menacing, showed a declining trend under the counterattack of everyone.

Just when everyone was overjoyed, thinking that this beast tide was about to pass so easily.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar came from behind the beast tide.

This loud roar made the warriors fighting on the field all tremble involuntarily, and they could barely hold the weapons in their hands.

On the other hand, the group of demon beasts that were killed by the warriors and collapsed into an army was greatly boosted, and all the demon beasts went crazy in an instant.

The beast nature is a masterpiece, and in an instant, more than a dozen warriors died under the minions of the demon beast.

Immediately after, I saw a demon tiger the size of a mountain slowly walking out from behind the beast tide.

This demon tiger is covered with red and gold patterns, and the word "king" in the center of the eyebrows is inlaid with a blood-colored spar that is as red as a flame, and its body exudes a fiery, ferocious and violent aura, like a mountain and a tsunami, sweeping towards the Hundred Battles Pass.

All the faces of all those who saw the Red Gold Demon Tiger showed great shock and consternation, and they subconsciously took a few steps back, and a trace of fear quickly grew from the bottom of their hearts.


Someone gasped, his expression moved, and he said slowly in a difficult tone: "Divine Realm.. Great Demon!"

Everyone's hearts suddenly fell from the peak to the deep valley, and the atmosphere on the field became stagnant.

In the previous beast tide of the Hundred Battles Pass, the most powerful demon beast that appeared was at the same level as the Black Feather Jinpeng who was killed by Liao Chengyun before, and the late Xuandan was in the sky.

The Great Demon of the Divine Realm... Never.

Not only ordinary martial artists, but even the green-shirted swordsman Liao Chengyun's expression became solemn.

"Go back! Everyone retreats to the Hundred Battles Pass!"

In the tide of beasts, a middle-aged warrior with a majestic appearance shouted loudly.

The warriors who were fighting in the beast tide below woke up like a dream and withdrew to the city wall one after another.

The Red Gold Demon Tiger's eyes flickered, and he let out a low roar again, and the blazing Yuan Force surged in the center of his eyebrows, shooting out a terrifying flame dozens of feet thick towards the fleeing martial artists.

"Not good!"

The terrifying pillar of flame was like a divine punishment, and everywhere it passed, it was scorched earth.

Not only did the monsters turn to ashes, but even the soil underneath was burned into crystals.

The high temperature of the red flame can be seen.

Several Xuandan Realm martial artists couldn't dodge, and before they even let out a scream, they were engulfed by the pillar of flames and turned into charcoal.

"Damn it!"

The middle-aged warrior's eyes were torn apart, and he stopped abruptly, turned his head and slashed at the Red Gold Demon Tiger.

"Brute, I'll fight with you!"

The huge sword slashed through the void, but it looked a little thin and small in front of the Red Gold Demon Tiger.

The Red Gold Demon Tiger raised its front paws and quickly slapped them down.

The sword light shattered, and the middle-aged warrior was slapped away by the demon tiger like a broken kite, and his strong body was heavily embedded in the city wall of the Hundred Battles Pass, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Many people's pupils contracted violently, and they shouted in mourning: "City Lord!"

The middle-aged warrior is the city lord of the Hundred Battles Pass, and every time the beast tide is the first, he has killed many demon beasts, and his achievements are impressive, and his prestige in the Hundred Battles Pass is very high.

The red flame pillar was still sweeping towards the remaining warriors.

At this time, only a clear voice was heard in the sky above the Hundred Battles Pass.

"The storm has changed!"

In an instant, the power of the wind and clouds between heaven and earth converged, and a large amount of spiritual energy was stirred.

A dark cyan sword shot out, forcibly blocking the movement of the flame pillar, and several warriors were able to escape.

Liao Chengyun stepped out in one step, blocking in front of the demon tiger, hunting in green shirts, and his sword aura soared into the sky, making countless people's eyes shine.

"I almost forgot, Liao Chengyun is still here!"

Someone clenched his fists excitedly.

"That sword just now contains at least two kinds of Xiaocheng's sword intent, and it is worthy of being the number one swordsman of my Fufeng Dynasty, and it is amazing!"

Someone excitedly exclaimed, "We may not be hopeless in this battle!"

Liao Chengyun really didn't disappoint everyone, and kept coming out with his sword.

Each sword was able to contain the movement of the pillar of red flame, and the remaining warriors successfully escaped back to the city one by one with his help.


Bursts of cheers rang out from the city walls.

But Liao Chengyun's face was not very good-looking, after all, he was only a cultivator in the Xuandan Realm, and there was an insurmountable gap between him and the Divine Realm.

It's remarkable enough to be able to hold on until now.

At this time, the Red Gold Demon Tiger also seemed to be a little angry because the attack was blocked three times and twice.

Let out an earth-shattering tiger roar.


A terrifying flame that was several times greater than before shot straight at Liao Chengyun.

This pillar of flame is like a blazing meteorite falling from the sky, and before it is approaching, there is a wave of heat hit, which makes countless people change color, and the joy that has just risen on their faces is swept away.

Behind Liao Chengyun was the Hundred Battles Pass, the city wall where countless people stayed, he couldn't dodge, so he could only grit his teeth and slash out with a sword.

The dark cyan sword light was on the pillar of flames, and it only lasted for a few breaths before it burst out.

Liao Chengyun's face changed sharply, and he closed his eyes in despair amid the frightened shouts of countless people.

But at this moment, he heard a flat voice ringing in his ears.

"Stand back, let me come. "

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