
Ji Lingsheng also looked shocked.

The extremely dark sword light pierced the sky, like the night of the curtain was cut in half with a knife, and at the same time, it was also divided into two halves, and the body of Ji Lingsheng's human emperor and law was also divided.

The Heavenly Rank Treasure Armor on Ji Lingsheng's body silently split into two halves.

Ji Lingsheng's pupils contracted, and a great shadow of death hung over his heart.

It's something he's never felt since he was born.

Looking back, Ji Lingsheng saw a long knife engraved with a red lark on the hilt of the knife resting quietly on his chest, only a few inches away from his heart.

Gu Xuan was condescending, overlooking Ji Lingsheng, and said coldly: "The emperor's bloodline is insignificant... I respect my bloodline!"

Ji Lingsheng's body shook violently, and his expression was stunned.

Off the field, countless people who looked up to witness this scene stood in place.

Under the gradually clear sky, Gu Xuan's long knife pointed at Ji Lingsheng, his long black hair was windless, and his body exuded a peerless edge.

This picture is deeply engraved in everyone's minds, and may never be forgotten.

The emperor's bloodline is insignificant, I respect my bloodline!

The Qi Luck Golden Dragon behind Gu Xuan let out a heaven-shattering roar, and after devouring Ji Lingsheng's Qi Luck Golden Dragon, his body size finally broke through sixty zhang, and grew to sixty-six zhang dragon body.

The golden light on the silent True Dragon Ancient Monument began to flow, and a name slowly appeared.

"No. 1 on the True Dragon List, Yin Moon Dynasty, Gu Xuan!"

In an instant, a golden light fell, enveloping Gu Xuan's body.

At this moment, Gu Xuan's light surpassed the sun in the sky, and it was brilliant!

Countless people were in a trance, dizzy.

"Double list... First!"

There was a murmur from below.

"Seventeen years old, Xuandan tenfold, the first in the double list of the True Dragon Hidden Dragon!"

"Throughout my 10,000 years in the Southern Regions, there has never been such a talented person.

Now, there it is. "

"Sixty-six zhang of luck golden dragon body, one person monopolizes the entire Southern Regions, and the young generation is eighty percent lucky. Xuandan Realm comprehends the mysteries of martial arts, and the emperor's bloodline must also bow down, peers... Invincible!"

The record created by Gu Xuan is unprecedented, so many that the number of people is too many to count.

Any one of them on one person is enough to shock a domain.

And all of these achievements are now all in one person.

Gu Xuan's talent is so high and his talent is simply breathtaking.

Someone said with a complicated expression: "Being born in the same era as a character like Gu Xuan is both lucky and sad." "

"This time, Gu Xuan has completely become the first person well-deserved among the young generation in the Southern Regions, and from then on, the Southern Regions Sword Dao will be prosperous!"

Before, Su Prison Xing was still worried about becoming Gu Xuan's sword path nourishment, but seeing that Gu Xuan had already comprehended the mystery of the knife path, he had completely let go of resentment and unwillingness in his heart.

was as unruly as him, and he had to convince Gu Xuanxin.

Maybe it's really as Gu Xuan said: "It's your honor to be a nourishment for my supreme sword path." "

Xiao Chen's expression was complicated, and he didn't know what words to use to describe his inner feelings now.

Gu Xuan became the number one in the double list of the Southern Regions, the first person of the younger generation, and even Ji Lingsheng, a natural emperor, was defeated under his sword.

This result has completely deviated from the trajectory of his previous life in his memory.

How will the general trend develop next, and where will he go, Xiao Chen didn't know, and he was at a loss in his heart.

The little Yan Shaoyang stood outside the field, looking at the dazzling figure on the field, holding the small wooden knife in his hand tightly, and the whole person almost jumped up.

"Master! Master is the number one swordsman in the world! One day, I will also become a person as powerful as Shizun!"

Yan Shaoyang secretly swore in his heart.

And Zhou Canglan, Chao Yan, Ji Lingsheng, Ling Tianyu, Prince Prison Yan... There are also Beichen Qiyao, Youyue, Xie Tianyi, Liao Chengyun and other people who have more or less intersected with Gu Xuan, and they all looked up at Gu Xuan on the high platform with a stunned expression.

Covering his peers, thousands of heavens bowed their heads.

Who would have thought that these people would become a stepping stone for Gu Xuan.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in Gu Xuan's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: Upanisham Comprehension Pill (Yicheng)*1"

Gu Xuan's eyes shone brightly.

After he successfully comprehended the mysteries of martial arts, the mystical auxiliary pills also appeared in the rewards of the system.

This is undoubtedly good news.

At this time, the sixty-six zhang qi luck golden dragon above his head swooped down and slammed into Gu Xuan's body.

In an instant, the endless aura of heaven and earth between heaven and earth appeared, pouring into Gu Xuan's body like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

Transported to heaven and earth are all together.

Gu Xuan, who monopolized eighty percent of the luck of the young generation in the entire Southern Regions, was unparalleled in his luck.

Even heaven and earth, we must take the initiative to help him.

Gu Xuancai's cultivation of the tenth level of Xuandan began to soar again.

The middle of the Xuandan Tenfold...

The late stage of the Xuandan Tenfold...

Xuandan Great Perfection!

The increase in aura had not stopped, and Gu Xuan's eyes bloomed with a dazzling divine light, and a strange throbbing came from him.

At this moment, the impact of the gods!


At the same time, when Gu Xuan's name appeared on the True Dragon List.

The Yin Moon Dynasty, the Great Xia Kingdom, and the capital of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Your Majesty!

The white-haired old official of Qin Tianjian rushed into Jinluan in a hurry, and an indescribable sense of joy appeared on his old face.


Da Xia Zi is high in the dragon constellation, and asked lightly.

"Happy event, great joy!"

Qin Tianjian's white-haired old official's lips trembled with excitement.

Da Xia Ziqi said: "What's the joy?"

The white-haired old official pointed to the sky outside the hall and said excitedly: "The stars of the day are appearing, the real dragon is rising, and the Great Xia... Daxing!"


Da Xia Zi suddenly stood up from the dragon throne, ecstatic.

"The real dragon is rising, and the Great Xia is prospering!"

"Isn't it, my Great Xia Champion Hou's ranking on the True Dragon List has been confirmed?!"

"Hurry up, get out of the palace! I'm going to see the ranking of the True Dragon List!"


Spirit Sword Sect.

The Spirit Sword Sect was the same as ever, and many disciples were carrying out their daily cultivation.

Suddenly, the world changed drastically at this moment.

Countless spiritual qi visible to the naked eye fell from the void and landed on the peak of the Spirit Sword Sect.

The veins of Zongzi Peak, which are dozens of zhang high, surge, rise, and increase to more than 100 zhang high in an instant.

The same scene also took place in the rest of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Almost every mountain peak in the Spirit Sword Sect began to rise, and the grass and trees within the peak were lush and lush in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the rocks cracked, and clear springs emerged.

The clear spring exudes a rich aura.

One by one, the spirit grass and the spirit flower grew for no reason, and in just a few breaths, there were years or more than ten years.

The concentration of heaven and earth aura in the entire Spirit Sword Sect has increased several times in a very short period of time.

Not only that, but some of the disciples who are practicing in retreat in the secret chamber, the elders.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration for no reason, the breath on his body surged, and he naturally broke through to the next level....

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