After the first sword of humanity and the third style of the heavenly sword were derived, the picture scroll of the gods behind Gu Xuan immediately evolved somewhat.

Some of the fog dissipated, and ten more Dao marks quietly appeared.

The eyelids of everyone below jumped when they saw it.

Ninety-five Dao marks!

Ordinary people are thankful that they can evolve more marks when they impact the gods.

Gu Xuan is good, every time he comes, there are ten or dozens of increases, it's just crazy!

If this is all the way up to the tenth level of the gods, how many dao marks can this god picture scroll have?


Gu Xuan stood up from the dragon snatching platform and walked down the steps step by step.

The general trend of the entire Qianlong Ancient City is worshipping him.

The geniuses below were all looking up at him, with awe-inspiring expressions on their faces, and couldn't help but make way for him.

The first place on the double list of the True Dragon Hidden Dragon, the only king of the younger generation in the Southern Regions.

If Ji Lingsheng and the others are the giants of the younger generation, then Gu Xuan is the supreme of the younger generation.

Cover the generation and overlook the giants!!

Gu Xuan walked through the crowd and scanned the audience.

No one dared to look at him at all, even the young giants who had fought with him before, Ling Tianyu Su Prison and the others, also felt a deep pressure under Gu Xuan's gaze.

One by one, they were shocked in their hearts.

In the past, they could still fight against Gu Xuan Dan Realm, but now that Gu Xuan has been promoted to Divine Appearance, they are afraid that they will not even have the qualifications to be Gu Xuan's opponent.

Gu Xuan's gaze fell on one person.

This person also lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Gu Xuan's gaze.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered.

Xiao Chen.

It seems that he can be seen on many important occasions, and the seven-colored chance on this person still makes Gu Xuan think about it in his heart.

Gu Xuan's divine thought moved slightly, and a divine thought mark fell on Xiao Chen's body.

This is the method on "Nerve Eater".

was placed on Gu Xuan's divine thought mark, the host is immortal, and the mark is indestructible.

Gu Xuan could find the other party at any time with the help of the Divine Thought Mark.

At this time, Youyue and the second night and others quickly caught up.

Youyue's eyes were full of emotion and brilliance when she looked at Gu Xuan, and the corners of her mouth smiled: "Gu Xuan, do you want to go back with us?"

Gu Xuan nodded, remembering that he seemed to have brought someone with him when he came.

Yan Shaoyang ran towards him quickly with small steps.

"Can you see clearly?"

Gu Xuan touched Yan Shaoyang's little head and asked.

Yan Shaoyang nodded vigorously and said excitedly: "Every knife that the master used, Shaoyang firmly remembered in his mind. "

"That couldn't be better. "

Gu Xuan smiled.

The fate of his master and apprentice with Yan Shaoyang is fate.

Yan Shaoyang's martial arts talent, comprehension and other aspects are not outstanding.

But he is better than countless people in the world, and that is-

He is Gu Xuan's apprentice.

"Let's go. "

Gu Xuan called lightly.

Youyue nodded, and immediately took out the flying boat from the storage spirit ring, and carried Gu Xuan and his party out of the Hidden Dragon Ancient City.

Looking at the distant backs of Gu Xuan and his entourage, there were many heavenly arrogant demons in the ancient city of Qianlong, and their expressions were complicated and difficult to understand.

The battle for the double list of hidden dragons and true dragons has officially come to an end.

They witnessed the birth of a legend with their own eyes, but they don't know if they can keep up with this legend....

Outside the Yin Moon Imperial Capital, tens of thousands of Yin Moon people, warriors from all sides, and princes and nobles were stationed.

Everyone is looking forward to it, as if they are waiting for some big man to arrive.

Time passed minute by minute, and just when some people were about to lose confidence in waiting, suddenly someone's eyes lit up, pointing to a flying boat that appeared on the horizon in the distance and shouting in surprise: "It's coming!"

"It's Princess Moon's Flying Boat!"

"According to the news from Princess Youyue, that one is on the flying boat!"

Suddenly, the crowd was in an uproar.

Everyone's expressions were solemn, and their eyes flashed with great excitement and anticipation.

They were all waiting, waiting to see that one for themselves.

Finally, the flying boat approached.

This is an extremely beautiful flying boat, which cannot be obtained by non-supreme royal children.

At this time, there was a beautiful woman standing on the flying boat.

Princess Yuyue, who has always been masked, takes off her veil at this time to show her true face.

If it was usual, this would definitely cause a sensation in the entire imperial capital.

But at this moment, not many people in the audience paid attention to Princess Yuyue.

Almost all of her light was taken away by one person beside her.

It was an extremely young man.

Wearing a simple moon-white brocade robe, he stood with his hands behind his back.

The man was extremely handsome, and his eyes were brighter than the stars in the sky.

When he stood there, all the splendor of heaven and earth was taken away from him, and the heavens and the earth worshipped him.

Youyue stood beside the man, but she was staring at the man's side face like a little woman at the moment, and her eyebrows were full of affection.

Everyone was dazzled and stared blankly at the man's approach.

Someone murmured: "When I saw King Xuanyue today, I knew that there was such a peerless person in the world." "

"King Xuanyue, the light covers the sun and the moon..."

"I have heard that Princess Yuyue once said that when she takes off her veil to show people, it means that she has someone she likes. Could it be that the person she likes is the Xuanyue King?"

"It must be, a character like King Xuanyue is more than enough with ten Youyue Princesses!"

In the midst of the discussion, the flying boat approached.

The originally noisy scene suddenly became silent.

Then I don't know who shouted.

"The people of the Yin Moon welcome the first-class Xuanyue King!"

This sound is like a fuse, setting off waves in the sea of people, gathering more and more, and finally forming a tsunami-like sound.

"The people of the Yin Moon welcome the first-class Xuanyue King!"

"The people of the Yin Moon welcome the first-class Xuanyue King!"

"The people of the Yin Moon welcome the first-class Xuanyue King!"

The sound spreads through the sky, and the sound vibrates in all directions.

Then, a majestic and reassuring voice came from the depths of the imperial capital.

"King Xuanyue has worked hard all the way, and the Xuanyue Palace's mansion has been built, which can be used for King Xuanyue to rest. "

The voice paused for a moment, and then said: "King Xuanyue entered the imperial capital, but he didn't fall to the ground. "

Everyone was shocked.

The ban on the sky in the Lunar Moon Imperial Capital is well known, and even if the monarch of the lower country is here, he must enter the imperial capital on foot.

But the Son of the Lunar Moon now said in person: King Xuanyue has entered the imperial capital, but he will not land.

How heavy is that?!

Gu Xuan looked up, and could see that in the depths of the imperial capital, there were several figures hiding in the void, as if they were looking at themselves.

Gu Xuan bowed slightly at the void, then stepped out of the flying boat and walked into the imperial capital in the air.

In an instant, the entire imperial capital dragon vein aura was affected by Gu Xuan's figure.

It seems that the moment he entered the imperial capital, he became the center of the entire imperial capital, and even the Lunar Moon Heavenly Son was slightly inferior.

In the void, several old monsters who had been dormant in the depths of the palace all year round had complicated expressions when they saw this.

"This son's talent is high and his demeanor is prosperous, which is really the only thing I have seen in the old man's life. In the tens of thousands of years in the Southern Regions, no one can compare with it!"

"With him, my Yinyue Dynasty can prosper for another 10,000 years!"

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