Gu Xuan's eyes lit up slightly as he listened to the discussions of others.

Shangguan Yue, the daughter of the city lord of Cangyu City... Possess the power of an unpredictable prophet... Recruiting sons-in-law in competitions...

This news is interesting.

Gu Xuan had once seen a person who also had the ability to be an unpredictable prophet, and that was the woman named Wu Qiao beside Ye Tian.

Wu Qiao is a member of the ancient relics.

At the beginning, Gu Xuan's process of obtaining the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra" was Wu Qiao, which played a key role.

Gu Xuan had envied Ye Tian in his heart before, and he could get such a good help.

But no matter how envious he was, it was impossible for him to rob Ye Tian's woman.

And now that a person similar to Wu Qiao appeared in front of Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan couldn't help but think a little.

"Cangyu City, you can go and have a look, anyway, it's okay..."

Gu Xuan thought about it, put down the wine glass and stood up.

Dropped a few low-grade yuan stones on the table, and went straight out of the restaurant.


At the same time, Cangyu City.

A man and a woman walked out of the inn.

The male figure is tall and delicate, while the female figure is smaller, and the facial features are more profound than ordinary people, which looks a little exotic.

It was Ye Tian and Wu Qiao, who had not seen each other for a long time.

Compared with when he explored the secret realm with Gu Xuan, Ye Tian was a little less frivolous and a little more calm, and he looked like he had grown a lot.

"Brother Ye, I'm almost sure that Shangguan Yue, the daughter of the city lord of Cangyu City, should be the reincarnation of the holy daughter of my clan. As long as we can find her and bring her back, the mission that the elders have given us will be completed..."

Wu Qiao whispered to Ye Tian: "The Holy Maiden's ability is many times stronger than mine, and I even suspect that she already knows that we are coming to her." "

Ye Tian pondered: "Since the Holy Maiden can predict our arrival, why has she refused to see us, and she has been rejected several times when she went to the City Lord's Mansion to see us..."

Wu Qiao shook his head and said: "The Holy Maiden's ability is stronger than mine, and the nature that she can see is farther than mine, maybe she has her own intentions." "

Ye Tian said a little helplessly: "But what kind of martial arts competition did she come up with to recruit a son-in-law, and she attracted half of the geniuses of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty, I have just been promoted to the god not long ago, how can I compete..."

Wu Qiao hurriedly comforted: "Brother Ye, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, don't worry." "

Ye Tian nodded.

Looking back, it has been more than a year since he and Wu Qiao came to Zhongzhou.

At the beginning, because he saw with his own eyes that his best friend Gu Xuan did not come out in the collapsed secret realm, Ye Tian hurriedly rushed back to the underground relict holy land with Wu Qiao, wanting the elders of the relict clan to find out if Gu Xuan was still alive.

As a result, before he could make a request, he was imprisoned by the elders of the bereaved clan on charges of eloping with Wu Qiao without permission.

Like him, who took a lot of benefits from the bereaved family, not only did he not think of gratitude, but also abducted people and ran away, it stands to reason that he should be killed by dipping in a pig cage!

Fortunately, Wu Qiao begged hard, so the elders of the remnant clan unanimously decided that as long as Ye Tian could bring back the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the widow saint who was exiled abroad, he would not blame the past.

So Ye Tian and Wu Qiao were directly thrown to Zhongzhou.

Ye Tian has traveled in Zhongzhou for more than a year, with his protagonist aura and Wu Qiao's help, he has also had many adventures along the way, and even promoted to god appearance in just one year.

If it was in the Southern Regions, Ye Tian could also be regarded as a master of the dominant side.

But in Zhongzhou, he still had to shrink his tail.

In the past year, Ye Tian has seen too many amazing geniuses with his own eyes, and any one of them is put in the Southern Regions, which is the kind that cannot be produced by a sect or a country for a hundred years or a thousand years.

There are so many geniuses, like a carp crossing the river.

So Ye Tian is now extremely honest and steady.

"Wait two more days, wait for the competition to recruit sons-in-law, I hope things can turn around..."

Ye Tian said in a low voice.

Although the Holy Maiden of the Relic Clan that he was looking for was right in front of him, he found it.

But Ye Tian was not at all sure that he would be able to bring it back.

I can only pray that my good fortune will continue to work.


Ye Tian sighed deeply, and a little vicissitudes of life had already appeared on his young face.


Cangyu City, the city lord's mansion.

A middle-aged man with a strong physique and no anger sat on the main seat.

The man was wearing an extremely gorgeous robe, with a strong atmosphere, and his fingers and hair were specially taken care of, which made him look very elegant.

This person is Shangguan Yang, the city lord of Cangyu City.

At this time, Shangguan Yang was looking at the person in front of him with an unhappy and helpless gaze, and said: "The news has been released for more than half a month, and everyone who can come is here, what are you waiting for?"

"Those who can come have come have come, but the ones who should have come have not come. "

A cold and flat voice rang out in the hall.

The voice came from the mouth of a young girl.

The girl is thin and ordinary-looking, but she is very beautiful.

Her ordinariness lies in the fact that her facial features and figure are not very outstanding.

If it is in the mortal world, it may be called a beautiful lady and a rare beauty.

But in the cultivation world where handsome men and beautiful women are everywhere, it seems a bit ordinary.

And she is beautiful, the beauty is in her eyes, her temperament.

The girl's eyes were large, as clear as a winter lake, but there was a lot of wisdom flowing in them.

This is a kind of innate spirit and beauty, and it is rare to have one in 10,000 people.

Her temperament is like a fog, unpredictable, even Shangguan Yang is difficult to see.

The girl's name is Shangguan Yue.

When Shangguan Yang heard Shangguan Yue's answer, he couldn't help frowning: "The six princes of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty have already prepared the dowry, such a true dragon-like character, who is at the top of the god list, is willing to fold down his body to participate in your so-called martial arts competition.

What else are you not satisfied with, and who are you waiting for?"

Shangguan Yue replied lightly: "I have to wait for a destined person." "

As she spoke, she turned her head to look at the sky outside the City Lord's Mansion, and her eyes showed a lot of fascination, as if she was talking to herself, and as if she was explaining to Shangguan Yang.

"That person, as the hero of this life, tramples on the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood, and everyone who stands in front of him will become his stepping stone. He'll take me out of here and into another world..."

Shangguan Yang's brows furrowed when he heard this, only as if Shangguan Yue was talking about dreams.

"Whatever you want, don't forget what you promised me. "

Shangguan Yue regained his original calm and indifference, and said, "Don't worry, I won't break my word." After this incident, I will tell you what the chances of advancing to the royal realm are in this life. "

A hint of heat flashed in Shangguan Yang's eyes.

With his qualifications, the tenfold appearance of this god is the limit.

gave birth to such a daughter as Shangguan Yue, and through Shangguan Yue's guidance several times, she continued to break through the limit and reach the current double of life and death.

And Shangguan Yue told him that there was still an opportunity for him to reach the king realm, how could he not be moved.

If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have agreed to Shangguan Yueguang's request to recruit relatives.

"It's good that you haven't forgotten. "

Shangguan Yang got up and was about to leave, but stopped and said a word before leaving.

"I don't care who you are waiting for, but I want to remind you that if the Six Princes of the Golden Crow can't get what they want, and they use any tough measures, I won't be able to protect you. "

"You don't have to worry about it. "


Shangguan Yang sneered and brushed his sleeves and left.

Looking at the back of Shangguan Yang leaving, Shangguan Yue said lightly in a voice that only he could hear: "Because... He's going to die. You're going to die, too. "

Suddenly, Shangguan Yue seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned his head to look outside the mansion, with an incomparable light in his eyes.

"The man I'm waiting for, he's coming. "

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