"It's over, the powerhouses of the Life and Death Realm have all shot. This son is really in a catastrophe now!"

"Hey, who let the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty here, Shangguan Yue is the woman that the six princes fancy in the first place, who dares to rob him?"

"Not necessarily, this son is so young and strong that he is shocking, and he may be too big to die. You won't necessarily be afraid of the Six Princes of the Golden Crow. "

"Let's see what backers he can move..."

In the eyes of onlookers, when the life and death realm guards of the six princes of the Golden Crow appeared, this competition had already turned sour.

Now it's the background of both sides.

If Gu Xuan's background is deep enough to make the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty feel jealous, things may take a turn for the better.

If not, then the outcome is not easy to say.

Facing the terrifying coercion of the powerhouses of the life and death realm, Gu Xuan's expression was calm.

He once encountered a powerhouse in the realm of life and death, and relied on detonating the opponent's death calamity in advance to take the opportunity to escape.

But this method is not feasible every time, because not every powerhouse in the realm of life and death happens to be on the verge of the imminent outbreak of the death calamity.

Since it can't be like that, it has to be like this.

Gu Xuan gently clenched the Ming Hong Knife, and in his mind, the Divine Thought Vortex spun wildly.

Gu Xuan's abilities in all aspects far surpass his peers, reaching a level that others can't imagine.

But in fact, his most powerful point is divine thought.

With "Nerve Eater", he can rely on devouring other people's divine thoughts to strengthen himself.

Along the way, the strength of the divine mind has long been far beyond the scope of the divine realm.

It's comparable to life and death!

The terrifying power of divine thoughts continued to pour into the Ming Hong Sword.

Minghong's knife body lit up with a strange brilliance, this brilliance was not dazzling, but it made people feel trembling when they looked at it.

Seeing that the void around him was about to completely collapse, he was about to squeeze Gu Xuan into a cake, and the fist of the middle-aged Life and Death Realm martial artist was about to fall.

Gu Xuan's body suddenly shook slightly.

Divine patterns emerged, thunder and fire intertwined, weaving into a noble and majestic illusory armor.

Do'er Dao Palace, open!

Gu Xuanxuan's body was fully opened, and his physical defense was directly full, directly ignoring the attacks of the middle-aged martial artists of the Life and Death Realm, and slashed out with one sword.

"A sword from the gods!"

Suddenly, a sword light between the visible and the invisible shot out.

Drag an invisible trail through the void.

All of a sudden, everyone in the audience was terrified.

The middle-aged martial artist who faced this knife in the realm of life and death even had his pupils constricted, and he only felt that his scalp was numb.

Before he could react, he was slashed by Gu Xuan's divine thought.

The terrifying power of the Nerve Devouring Divine Mind slashed at the soul of the middle-aged martial artist.

The soul of the middle-aged martial artist instantly collapsed into a large number of cracks.


The middle-aged warrior screamed, his fist collapsed, and he hugged his head and screamed in pain for the first time.

The pain in the soul was so torturous.

It was as if there were countless knives cutting through his brain, and it was as if there was a big mouth devouring his brain frantically.


Everyone in the audience saw that their eyeballs were about to bulge out of their sockets, their hearts were shaken, and their faces showed a look of disbelief.

"It's... A slash that slashes the soul?!"

"Why is this son's divine soul so powerful?comparable to a martial artist in the realm of life and death?!"

"It's terrifying, just now, I felt as if my soul was going to be sucked out by the sword light!"

"The legendary Soul Slaying Technique... It's terrifying!"

But before they could finish their amazement, an even greater shock followed.

Gu Xuan didn't just want to hurt the other party.

The first slash of the soul!

The second knife... Beheaded!

Gu Xuan took out the knife again.

The sky flickered, and an aurora-like sword light floated.

"Mystery, Dark!"

Two into a knife of extreme darkness and mystery.

This knife is amazing, and everyone's hearts are swaying.

In the blink of an eye, the light of day returned.

The sword light disappeared, and Gu Xuan put the knife into the sheath.

Then I saw the middle-aged warrior who was still roaring and screaming just now, his body suddenly stopped, and his expression showed a strange sluggishness.

The body then splits abruptly into two halves.

The strong in the realm of life and death, die!

Suddenly, there was silence in the huge field.

Everyone's expressions were dull, looking at the incomparable figure in the sky in a daze, and their expressions were in a trance.

Two knives.

Gu Xuan only made two knives before and after.

It is easy to wipe out a powerhouse in the realm of life and death!

Everyone was speculating about what kind of backstage Gu Xuan would move out of to fight against the aggressive Six Princes of the Golden Crow, but they never thought about it...

The threat of a mere martial artist in the realm of life and death is simply not enough for him to show his background.

With your own strength alone, you can easily compete.

All of a sudden, an indescribable horror arose from everyone's heart.

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Gu Xuan.

If before it was more of awe and awe, now there is only deep fear.

It is already a bit thin to describe Gu Xuan as a genius, and it is more appropriate to be a giant and a strong.

With this kind of strength, he is already qualified to compete with the strong men of the older generation!

Shangguan Yang, the city lord of Cangyu City, stayed in place, his throat seemed to be choked by something, and he couldn't say a word.

"That person, as the hero of this life, tramples on the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood, and everyone who stands in front of him will become his stepping stone. He'll take me out of here and into another world..."

I couldn't help but think of what Shangguan Yue had said.

At this moment, the person described in Shangguan Yue's words and Gu Xuan in front of him gradually overlapped.

The Six Princes of the Golden Crow were still deeply shocked and shocked, and did not react for a while.

His fourfold guard in the realm of life and death was actually killed by Gu Xuan?

How is this possible?

Dreaming, right?

How old is this guy, what kind of realm is it?

How can you cross so many realms and cleanly wipe out the powerhouses of the fourfold realm of life and death.

This point, even those monsters in the top ten of the god list can't do it, right?

Just when the six princes of the Golden Crow were in a trance, Gu Xuan's gaze fell.

Like a heavenly knife slashed on his shoulder, the body of the six princes of the Golden Crow trembled violently, and he subconsciously took out something from the storage spirit ring.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and his intuition told him that if he let the Six Princes of the Golden Crow use such a thing, the situation would become very bad for him.

Stop him!

Gu Xuan slashed out without thinking.

Then go and die!

The sword light is like a waterfall, ignoring the distance, and a single knife slashes through the neck of the six princes of the Golden Crow.

The movements of the six princes of the Golden Crow froze, and a noble human head flew high.

The invisible sword light rolled, and the divine soul was also shattered and devoured by Gu Xuan.

"Sure enough, I'm preparing to shake people.."

Gu Xuan absorbed the fragmented memories in the soul of the Six Princes of the Golden Crow, and his face showed a look of understanding.

Fortunately, I am decisive enough.

But in the eyes of others, this scene is no less than a mountain and a tsunami.

The Six Princes of the Golden Crow... He's dead?!

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