But Gu Xuan asked Shangguan Yue, and Shangguan Yue didn't say anything, just gave him a big white eye.

Gu Xuan was confused, so he could only bow his head and drink.

At this moment, there was a violent sound of breaking the air outside the door, accompanied by a loud shout of anger and anger.

"Duan Soul, do you have to be so aggressive?"

The people in the restaurant were alarmed and ran out to see the excitement.

Gu Xuan and Shangguan Yue also put down their wine glasses and walked out with the crowd.

I saw that in the sky above Breathing Wind City, a sword qi crossed the sky, and behind him was a terrifying sword qi chasing after him.

That sword intent made Gu Xuan feel quite familiar, and when he saw the figure in the sword qi clearly, he suddenly found it.

This person was none other than Zhuo Tianyi, a genius disciple of the Cangkong Sword Sect who had previously participated in the recruitment with him in Cangyu City.

At this moment, Zhuo Tianyi was a little embarrassed, and was being suppressed by a sword light that cut through the sky.

Above the sword light was a young man with a cold expression, his eyes were as sharp as a blade, and he was staring at Zhuo Tianyi tightly.

"Zhuo Tianyi, I chased you for three thousand miles, are you still unwilling to use your sword?"

Zhuo Tianyi's face showed a cold color, and he said, "As you wish." "

As he spoke, the long sword in Zhuo Tianyi's hand was unsheathed, and a dragon-like sword aura rose into the sky, slashing the cold young man.

A strong glint burst out of the cold young man's eyes, and he slashed it with a knife.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying sword light slashed out of his hand.

This sword light flashed in the void, and appeared in front of Zhuo Tianyi in an instant.

Zhuo Tianyi's pupils contracted, and before he could react, he was directly cut off by his knife.


Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and his expression was a little surprised.

The sword light slashed out by this young swordsman actually contained the aura of spatial sword intent.

This turned out to be a young swordsman who practiced spatial swordsmanship.

It was really rare, and it surprised him.

Zhuo Tianyi's pale face flew up from below, staring at the cold young man, and said with a moving expression: "Your spatial sword intent is complete?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a fierce discussion among the onlookers below.

"I didn't expect the strength of the Void Splitting Knife Duan Soul to be so strong? Zhuo Tianyi couldn't even take a single sword from him, unbelievable, aren't the two of them almost the same in terms of ranking on the Divine Appearance List?"

"Didn't you hear? Duan Soul's spatial sword intent is complete. The spatial sword intent is a terrifying sword intent that can be ranked among the top few among all the sword intents, and the difficulty of comprehending it is many times more difficult than that of ordinary sword intent.

It was incredible that Duan Soul was able to comprehend the spatial sword intent to perfection.

This understanding is against the sky!"

"Consummation-level spatial sword intent, hiss-Duan Soul can be called the first sword under the Aoyi Martial Arts. There may be some martial arts who have comprehended the mysteries and are not his enemies!"

"This deer cutting feast, breaking the soul or becoming the biggest dark horse!"

The cold young man heard Zhuo Tianyi's words and said, "Even if my spatial sword intent is perfect, it stands to reason that I can't defeat you so easily. Compared to last time, your cultivation has become stronger, but the sword intent has become impure, and the sword heart has a little flaw.

On the contrary, the combat effectiveness has become weaker.

Zhuo Tianyi, I thought you could be my opponent, but now it seems..."

The cold young man shook his head in disappointment, and withdrew his knife with some resignation.

Zhuo Tianyi was so ridiculed and evaluated by his opponents of the same level in the past, and his face became very ugly.

His eyes changed for a while, as if he remembered some bad experience, and couldn't help but say, "Duan Soul, don't be too happy. If you have met that person, you will be more affected than I am.

That man is also a sword, and he is more than ten times stronger than you, and if you touch him, the heart of the sword may be broken.


Duan Soul sneered: "A sword path genius ten times stronger than me? hehe, ridiculous. Zhuo Tianyi, the next time you meet that person, you must notify me.

I will defeat him to your face!"

As he spoke, Duan Soul didn't look at Zhuo Tianyi, turned around and flew towards the center of Wind Relief City.

Zhuo Tianyi had a straight face, there was a lot of unwillingness in his expression, and he left depressed.

"Zhuo Tianyi said that he had met someone who was ten times better than Duan Soul in the Dao of the Sword, is it really fake?"

"I don't think it's possible, Duan Soul's spatial sword intent is complete, and he can be ten times stronger, so it must be the top few on the god list, or even the characters on the life and death list, right?"

It may just be Zhuo Tianyi's excuse for his failure. "

"No, I do seem to have heard that Zhuo Tianyi lost a game some time ago, and it also involved the six princes of the Golden Crow God Dynasty..."

"Tell me something. "

Below, everyone was talking.

Shangguan Yue retracted his gaze and said to Gu Xuan: "Zhuo Tianyi's encounter with you is his fate, if he can come out of your shadow, his future achievements may not be worse than that soul." If not, it is estimated that it will be difficult to see him on the stage of Zhongzhou in the future.."

Gu Xuan smiled faintly and didn't take it to heart.

He has given too many people lingering nightmares along the way, and there are not many Zhuo Tianyi, and there are many less than him.

Immediately after, Shangguan Yue suddenly took out something and handed it to Gu Xuan.

"You take this thing. "

Gu Xuan took a look and found that it was a broken stone slab with an ancient atmosphere, the slate was unremarkable, but there was a trace of inexplicable mystery circulating on it.

The breath of fate.

"What is this?"

Gu Xuan blinked and asked curiously.

Shangguan Yue replied: "If you want to participate in the deer cutting banquet, you must prepare a treasure, and the value of the treasure can enter the eyes of the Venerable Master of the Divine Breath Prince's Mansion, and only then can you be qualified to have a seat at the deer cutting banquet."

This piece of thing was randomly involved by me on a few fate lines, although it is useless, but it should be no problem to bluff people. "

"And this kind of exquisiteness?If you want to participate in the deer cutting banquet, you have to have an admission ticket?!"

Gu Xuan was surprised, and couldn't help but peck at Shangguan Yue's face, and said with a smile: "It's still thoughtful, don't worry about me at all." "

Shangguan Yue glanced at him angrily.

Gu Xuan looked at the stone in his hand, thought for a while, and said, "The style of the meaning of fate is absolutely enough, but this kind of power that only exists in legends may not be able to be seen by ordinary people.

I'll do it for you again. "

As he spoke, Gu Xuan pointed into a knife and lightly scratched a mark on the stone.

"It should be fine now,"

Gu Xuan smiled: "As long as those people are not blind, they will definitely let us in." "

Shangguan Yue watched him mess around and shook his head helplessly.

Soon, three days passed in a flash.

The day has finally come when the Divine Breath Prince's deer cutting banquet will be held.

On this day, countless people in Xifeng City followed the crowd and converged in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

A huge and gorgeous platform had already been built outside the City Lord's Mansion in Restwind City.

Around the platform, there are chairs.

The chairs were empty, just waiting to be seated.

Gu Xuan and Shangguan Yue were in the crowd and waited under the platform for a while.

Soon, I saw a group of people walking out surrounded by a large number of servants.

The first person, with a golden crown in gorgeous clothes, a handsome appearance, and eyes like stars, gives people a sense of dignity and atmosphere, and is born with a superior person.

"Prince of God's Breath!"

The people below immediately recognized the person's identity.

This person is the convener of this deer cutting banquet, the son of King Xi, the leader of the young generation in eastern Zhongzhou, and the prince of Shenxi.

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