This sudden sound made everyone stunned, and Qi Shushu turned his gaze away.

I saw a person walking out with a calm expression.

This person gives people a very strange feeling, when you look at him, you will feel that this person is peerless, handsome.

But as long as you look away, you will forget the person's appearance in your mind.

It's as if there's a layer of fog all around you, and it's hard to see.

Zhuo Tianyi stared at this person tightly, his brows furrowed.

He felt the feeling in front of him that was familiar to him, but he couldn't remember who it was, and he couldn't confirm it.

"Is that him?"

The rest of the people were surprised, wasn't this the person who had just taken out the mysterious stone that had been positioned as a third-grade treasure?

Some people's expressions suddenly became strange.

"This person even wants to try, but he's just a god, why should he try?"

"Even the Consummation-level Spatial Sword Intent of the Void Splitting Blade Duan Soul can't break through the defenses of the Divine Breath Prince, why does he think he can?"

"It's really arrogant enough to say that Duan Soul's knife is too blunt!"

"Maybe it's just a sensationalism.."

Gu Xuan turned a deaf ear to the comments of others, and just looked at Prince Shenzhi.

"Can I give it a try?"

Prince Divine Breath was stunned for a moment, and then quickly smiled: "Of course, Your Excellency can just make a move." "

Although anyone with a discerning eye could see that his magic knife fragment was prepared for Duan Soul, the rest of the people cooperated to go through the motions.

But since it had already been said that anyone could try, Gu Xuan suddenly jumped out, and he naturally couldn't refuse.

Duan Soul's face was gloomy, and he said with a sneer: "My knife is too blunt, hehe, then I want to see how sharp your knife is." "

With the Ming Hong knife in hand, Gu Xuan glanced at Duan Soul and said lightly: "Then you have a good look!"

As he spoke, Gu Xuan casually slashed out a knife.

The gesture in which he slashed out the knife was extremely casual, as if he didn't pay attention to this attempt at all.

Everyone on the field watched with the mentality of watching jokes at first, but at the moment when the knife was slashed, their faces changed in unison.

I saw that the moment Gu Xuan's knife was slashed, the light and shadow in the field changed.

A stunning silver-white sword light ignored the spatial distance and instantly reached the Prince of Divine Breath.

"This is..."

Duan Soul, who had been sneering before, showed a huge look of shock and disbelief on his face at this moment.

"Space Knife Intent! It's also a Consummation-level Space Knife Intent?!"

The onlookers were also stunned and exclaimed.

"My God, this person has also comprehended the spatial sword intent, and he is also at the consummation level?!"

"When did this legendary knife intent become as ubiquitous as cabbage on the side of the road?"

"This person looks younger than Duan Soul, and he only has an eightfold divine appearance, and his talent and comprehension are even more amazing than Duan Soul!"

"Wait.... Not true!"

Just when everyone was amazed, they suddenly found that the Prince of Divine Breath, who had not changed his face even in the face of Duan Soul's sword before, and was talking and laughing freely, suddenly stood up suddenly, the aura around him surged, and his face appeared unprecedentedly solemn.

Looking at the sword light that Gu Xuan cut out, a silver-white chain loomed behind the sword light.

With an indescribable terrifying cutting force, the golden eggshell of the Divine Breath Prince only lasted for a few breaths under the light of the knife before it burst with a bang.

The Second Prince of the Golden Crow, the White Elephant Saint Son and the others all stepped forward, their faces showing great emotion and shock.

Duan Soul's eyes widened even more, and the whole person seemed to have been struck by thunder, and he was stunned in place.

"The only one who can shatter the mystery is the mystery!"

"It's... A knife to the mysteries of space!"

"This person has comprehended the mysteries of the Space Dao!"


Suddenly, there was a gasp in the field.

Everyone looked at the figure with a random knife in horror and inexplicably, like a mist.

The Prince of Divine Breath retreated in the middle of the field, and he was uprooted under the sword of the leyline, and he was shaken by his unbreakable indestructibility.

The title of the strongest defense in the realm of life and death was easily shattered by the sword of the god eightfold.

Someone couldn't help but mutter: "This person, should be the first to attack and kill in the realm of life and death, right?!"

Not only is it the first now, but it will also be the first in the future.

Because Gu Xuan's strength is still only eightfold, there is still room for rise in the top, and the attack power can naturally continue to rise.

This is the scariest place.

The cultivation has not yet reached the limit, the attack power is so terrifying, if Gu Xuan's strength reaches the level of the Divine Breath Prince, how strong should the attack power be?!

At that time, I'm afraid it will be the first attack and killing in the realm of life and death in history!


Gu Xuan glanced at Duan Soul and said lightly, "My knife is sharper than yours?"

Duan Soul's body shook violently, and his face became extremely ugly.

He has always boasted that he is the first person in the sword path of the young generation in the eastern part of Zhongzhou, and he has comprehended the rare spatial sword intent in the world, and even comprehended it to the realm of perfection, and there is no one among his peers in the sword path.

But now, there is a sword cultivator who is younger than him and has a lower cultivation than him, not only has he comprehended the spatial sword intent, but even comprehended the mysteries of the space.

It's not just a little bit better than him.

The pride of Duan Soul's body was shattered at this moment, and the rock-solid sword heart was slightly shaken at this moment.

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered.

A few days ago, when Zhuo Tianyi was defeated by him with a knife, he said: "I have seen a person who is more than ten times better than you in the sword way." If you see him, I'm afraid the sword heart will collapse..."

A flash of light flashed in Duan Soul's mind.

Could it be that this person is the person Zhuo Tianyi said?!

At this moment, Zhuo Tianyi was also staring at Gu Xuan's figure. His brows were furrowed, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

The same is the one who makes the knife, and the same is the knife repair.

Could it be that person?

Zhuo Tianyi was a little skeptical.

But he had seen that one who used the Extremely Dark Mystery to kill the powerhouse of the Life and Death Realm with a single sword, and Gu Xuan was now using the Spatial Mystery Knife.

In the Divine Realm, being able to comprehend a mysterious power is already a talent against the sky, and he can be called the top demon among his peers, just like the Prince of Divine Breath.

Comprehension of two?

No way!

Zhuo Tianyi decisively ruled out this possibility, or subconsciously couldn't believe that such a person existed.

Perhaps, it's really just a similarity.

Zhuo Tianyu comforted himself in his heart.

Qin Qingmiao was looking at Gu Xuan intently at this time, her eyes were full of brilliance, and there was only one thought circling in her heart-

This person is amazing!

Gu Xuan slashed through the body of the Divine Breath Prince, the mystery of the earth, and the skill shocked the audience.

Even the Prince of Divine Breath was full of light, and couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that there is a sword genius like Your Excellency in the east, I don't know what Your Excellency's name is?"

Gu Xuan smiled and said nothing, just looking at the fragment of the magic knife in his hand.

"Oh, I forgot.."

Prince Shenzhi came to his senses, and hurriedly gave the fragment of the magic knife to Gu Xuan, and then cast a helpless and apologetic look at Duan Soul.

Starting with the magic knife fragments, the sword intent contained in it that spanned the eons immediately echoed with the heavenly sword intent in Gu Xuan's body.

Gu Xuan was secretly happy in his heart.

At this time, the system's prompt voice also sounded in my mind: "Congratulations to the host for the success of the opportunity to cut off the beard and get the reward: Mystery Comprehension Pill (Yicheng)*1."

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