was originally lifeless and reduced to a dead place of Tianyun City.

Suddenly, in an instant, countless flowers and weeds grew, a vibrant scene.

The figure stood up, and the sun, moon and stars seemed to be reflected in his eyes, and the four seasons changed.

He stood up and took one step at a time.

Everywhere he passed, flowers and plants grew and bloomed rapidly under his feet, and the growth was extremely luxuriant.

"Born on this shore, died on the other shore, I am not on this shore and am not on the other shore..."

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and his two fingers were combined into a knife, and he slashed out.

Vast expanses of flowers and plants grew freely under his knife, and large swaths of flowers and plants withered and died under his knife.

In the void, the phantom of two chains intertwined faintly emerged.

The mystery of life and death!

The onlookers all shook their bodies and expressions.

In everyone's hearts, a trembling voice groaned - the fifth mystery!

This is already the fifth kind of mystical power that Gu Xuan has comprehended!

Once upon a time, the cultivation world was rare, and the mysteries of martial arts that countless martial artists could not seek were reduced to the existence of cabbage on the roadside.

For Gu Xuan, comprehending a martial arts mystery seems to be as simple as eating and drinking.

One moment to comprehend one, one moment to comprehend another....

Those who look at it are simply suspicious of life.

No matter how powerful the heart of martial arts is, it can't withstand such a huge impact again and again.

At this time, countless seven-colored light feathers fell from the sky, and seven-colored conches manifested in the void, emitting an ethereal and mysterious Dao sound.


Many openings were cracked in the void, and a river of spiritual energy flowed out of each opening.

The river of pure aura was instilled into Gu Xuan's body, and Gu Xuan's momentum was rapidly climbing at an unbelievable speed.

Soon, Gu Xuan's aura surpassed the scope of the Divine Aspect Realm, and it was still rising.

Behind him, the ancient and magnificent picture scroll of the god slowly unfolded, and the Dao marks on it frantically evolved and increased...

A huge momentum belonging to the powerhouses of the life and death realm shrouded the people in the audience.

Everyone subconsciously felt a sinking on their shoulders, as if they had pressed a big mountain, and at this moment, it seemed that it had become difficult to look up at Gu Xuan.


At this time, someone whispered, pointing in the direction of the black ancient monument of the god list.

Everyone's eyes brushed over to the past.

I saw that the name that was previously the first on the god list was rapidly disappearing at this moment, and on the other ancient tablet, a new name appeared.

"Life and death list, first... Section..."

Some people are staring at the end of the life and death list, but they have not been able to find it.

Eventually, a brand new name was seen in the middle of the life and death list.


Countless people gasped.

Someone had a dry throat and read out the ranking in a difficult tone.

"Thirty-third on the list of life and death, Gu Xuan, the realm of life and death is heavy!"


The brains of everyone present seemed to have been slammed by a sledgehammer, and their hearts shook violently for a while.

Many people stared blankly at that ranking, their mouths wide open, and they forgot their words.

They had predicted that Gu Xuan would be able to directly enter the life and death list after being promoted to the realm of life and death, and this was indeed the case.

But they guessed the beginning, but they didn't guess the result.

Who would have thought that as soon as Gu Xuan entered the life and death list, he would directly rank thirty-third on the life and death list!

"The realm of life and death is heavy, and the life and death list is thirty-third... It's numb!"

"Gu Xuan is afraid that he is the person who has stayed in the first position of the god list for the shortest time in history, and his detachment is not a fall, but a detachment!"

"I can almost foresee what kind of bloody storm Gu Xuan will set off because of Gu Xuan."

"The strongest life and death realm ever!!"

"As soon as you enter the gods, you will enter the gods. As soon as he stepped on life and death, he entered the list of life and death! Is this the real son of Tianjiao..."

Someone muttered with a stunned expression: "I'm afraid you haven't forgotten, Gu Xuan is only now... Eighteen years old!"

There was silence for a while, and many people felt like they were about to forget to breathe.

Yes, Gu Xuan's age is only eighteen years old!

Eighteen-year-old life and death!

The youngest Life-and-Death Realm powerhouse in the history of the Tianxuan Continent!

"The last record holder seems to be twenty-six. Gu Xuan was nearly ten years younger than Zhi.."

Who can believe it unless they see it with their own eyes.

Eighteen-year-old life and death!

Eighteen years old, the year of dancing elephants.

At this age, it is a little young for the younger generation.

But Gu Xuan directly spanned two generations.

In the year of the dancing elephant, you will compete for the king!

"Oh no... Gu Xuan will become the youngest King Realm powerhouse in the history of our Tianxuan Continent!"

Someone made a bold guess.

No one came out to refute it this time.

Gu Xuan has already brought them too much incredible, and one day, it is not impossible to reach the top of Tianxuan.

Below, Qin Qingmiao looked at the peerless figure in the sky, and her heart was beating fast.

"Love... My love is on this man!"

"It's impossible for a love calamity to happen to two people at the same time, can it be..."

A vague figure appeared in Qin Qingmiao's mind, and this figure quickly overlapped with Gu Xuan in the distance.

At this moment, Qin Qing Miaofang's heart was in turmoil.

But for some reason, there was a hint of joy in her heart.

"If it's him, it's not unacceptable..."


Gu Xuan looked at his body, and after he was promoted to the realm of life and death, the yuan power in his body increased by dozens of times.

After experiencing a death tribulation, the Xuan Body became more and more brilliant, and the fierce top-level Xuan Body was only one step away.

The divine mind has also been strengthened several times, and the quality has been improved.

The overall strength has undergone a reborn change.

"If I fight with Xu Ye at this time, the mystery of destruction cannot be revealed, and I can also suppress it with my backhand."

Gu Xuan thought in his heart.

He hadn't forgotten Xu Ye.

After feeling the imprint of divine thought left on Xu Ye's body, he found that the connection on the imprint was getting weaker and weaker, and it was almost about to disappear.

Gu Xuan hurriedly took Shangguan Yue and quickly chased in the direction of the imprint.

"The Book of Evoking Demons", he is bound to get it!


In the battle of Tianyun City, the young generation martial arts tea party officially ended.

Gu Xuan's name rose rapidly like a comet and spread throughout the Zhongzhou Continent.

In the year of the dancing elephant, he entered life and death, and he was the youngest powerhouse in the life and death realm in the history of the Tianxuan Continent.

The attainments of the sword path are amazing, and the five mysteries are comprehended.

Ancient and unprecedented.

Zhongzhou is shaking!

Countless people heard of Gu Xuan's name, and even many young generations, even the older generation of martial arts powerhouses were shocked.

If there are good deeds, Gu Xuan will be respected as the first knife in Zhongtian!

With the younger generation, Yuan Jiansheng, who is known as the dawn of Zhongzhou Kendo for ten thousand years on the life and death list, and is known as the twin stars of the young generation in Zhongzhou.

Of course, praise for this.

Some people disdain, some ignore it, some just laugh it off ....

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