
Gu Xuan's figure was like an arrow off the string, quickly jumping dozens of steps on the steps.

jumped into the first ladder at once, causing the people below to exclaim again and again.

But everyone's eyes were soon drawn to even greater surprise.

"Yuan Jiansheng and Zhi Kill the two... I'm almost at the top!"

Someone's eyes widened and he whispered in shock.

When Gu Xuan exerted his strength, Yuan Jiansheng and Zhi Kill were also exerting their strength.

The two of them were left and right, and one of them bloomed with dazzling light, and countless sword lights were born and destroyed.

One of them rushed into the sky with murderous intent, almost condensed into substance, and walked on the steps step by step, already reaching the top, and there were only a dozen steps left from the top platform.

It was some powerful Life and Death Realm Grandmasters who were surpassed by the two of them and pressed down.

"It's amazing..."

Someone muttered in shock.

Those of them in the middle and lower stages of the stairs are already feeling terrible and difficult.

It was hard to imagine how terrible the pressure on the position where Yuan Jiansheng and Stop Kill were located.

As everyone knows, even the Grandmaster of the Life and Death Realm has walked so hard, but it is incredible that the two of them can walk ahead.

"It's a weird step.

Standing on it, the stronger the strength, the greater the pressure. "

Someone opened his mouth to analyze: "Those Life and Death Realm Grandmasters, although their cultivation is strong, their bodies have already begun to decline, and their potential is not much.

So the more you go up, the more difficult it becomes.

The life and death of the young generation is in its prime, and its potential is endless.

So the more you go, the braver you are, and the latecomers come first.

Is this a sign that the younger generation of strong people has officially begun to surpass the older generation of strong people?"

Someone said with a complicated expression: "No matter what, Yuan Jiansheng and Stop Killing are enough to prove that the geniuses of the young generation should be led by the two of them!"

"What about Gu Xuan?"

"Gu Xuan's talent is indeed outstanding, but after all, there is a real gap between the two of them in terms of cultivation. In the future, it may be possible for the latecomer to prevail, but now...

It's a little worse. "

Everyone nodded in agreement, their eyes moving down slightly.

Sure enough, Gu Xuan, who had taken advantage of the breakthrough and jumped to the first ladder before, seemed to have exhausted his physical strength and had completely stopped.

"Gu Xuan is a little worse after all, and he has completely withdrawn from this competition. "

Someone shook his head and came to a conclusion.

The rest of the people also focused on Yuan Jiansheng and the two of them.

I saw that the sword qi on Yuan Jiansheng's body at this time had been triggered to an extremely astonishing point.

Countless sword lights shrouded him in it, forming a blazing eggshell, constantly disillusioned and constantly born, slashing and reducing the pressure on the platform, helping Yuan Jiansheng to climb the ladder.

Yuan Jiansheng didn't walk fast, but he was very steady.

Between each step, there is a similar time interval.

Stop-killing is a different style.

With the Killing Knife in his hand, he slashed out one knife qi after another to the top of the steps from time to time.

With each slash, an invisible pressure was cut away by his sword light, and he took advantage of the gap to quickly walk up a few steps.

However, this method seems to consume him a lot, and every time he slashes out from the kill, he has to stop and rest for a while.

Yuan Jiansheng and Zhi Kill the two, one is steady and steady, and the other is advancing bravely, but the progress is almost the same, and it is difficult for anyone to completely throw off the other.

"Now it's up to Yuan Jiansheng and Zhi Ji to see who can have the last laugh and win this one!"

"This is the first invisible confrontation between the top powerhouses of the young generation. Although there is no swords and soldiers staggered, there is an undercurrent surging underneath!"

"It's a contest between the bases!"

"One is the dawn of Zhongzhou Kendo for ten thousand years, and the other is the heir of the ancient sword emperor who was born out of nowhere, until the last moment, I really can't think of anyone who is better. "

Everyone at the bottom looked expectant and nervous.

All eyes were on the two of them.

Seeing that the two of them were only a few steps away from the top platform, at this moment, a dull sound suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.


It was as if the ancient beast had stomped its feet.

Some of the people standing on the steps were affected by the tremor and shook their bodies.

Immediately afterward, everyone saw it.

A figure wrapped in thunder and flames rushed out like a cannonball, outpacing everyone on the steps in a few breaths.

Even includes Yuan Jiansheng and Zhi Kill.

Finally, stop on the last step from the top platform and take a slow step....


In an instant, the thunder exploded, and the divine pattern was blazing.

The figure finally stood firmly on the top of the big platform...

Climb to the top!

Quiet –

Deathly silence.

Everyone in the audience was stunned by this sudden upheaval, and they didn't react at all.

Even Yuan Jiansheng and Zhi Ji didn't react, and they froze on the steps while maintaining their strides, staring at the back of the sudden summit in a daze.

Then the back slowly turned around.

Revealing a body as majestic as a sacred mountain, a handsome face, purple, gold and red three-color divine patterns appeared on his body, and the whole person was like a god descended from ancient times...

Powerful, noble, majestic.

Overlooking the crowd, looking at the audience.

This person....

It's Gu Xuan!

Everyone's pupils contracted violently, and their brains buzzed and went blank.

Gu Xuan, it's Gu Xuan!

No one expected that this sudden rise and sudden bearded figure would be Gu Xuan!

Has he run out of strength and withdrawn from the competition?

How come there is such a strong foundation that has not burst out?!

Everyone stared at the condescending figure on the platform in a daze, and was so shocked that they couldn't say a word.

Who would have thought that the final winner of this competition would be Gu Xuan!

You must know that Gu Xuan is just a mere cultivation of life and death.

Placed in the field, this cultivation can only be regarded as the middle and lower levels.

It's numb, everyone is completely numb.

At this time, a ray of light fell from the sky and fell on Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan closed his eyes, as if he had fallen into some kind of epiphany.

"Sure enough, the first person to get on the platform is good. Now this opportunity has been taken away by Gu Xuan..."

Everyone looked envious, but there was nothing to say.

No matter how Gu Xuan reached the top, it was a symbol of strength, and there were too many people in the field.

"It's kind of interesting..."

Yuan Jiansheng stared at Gu Xuan, who was falling into an epiphany on the stage, recovered from his previous stunnedness, his eyes returned to calm, and he whispered.

The killing body was murderous, his eyes were staring at Gu Xuan, and his hand was trembling.

"Damn.. Damn it... How dare you rob me of something!"

Zhi Kill's face was full of anger, and his eyes seemed to be bleeding.

At this time, Gu Xuan was digesting the results of his beard interception....

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