
At this time, an abrupt sneer sounded in the field, breaking the shock of everyone.

Following the prestige, I saw the black-haired young man sneering and walking out step by step.

The Killing Broken Sword pointed directly at Yuan Jiansheng, and countless sword qi flowed out of him, and he said proudly: "When I take the inheritance, it will definitely be as you wish." "

The sword qi on Yuan Jiansheng's body was stimulated, and it also burst out violently.

The two of them looked at each other with a sword, sword qi and sword qi collided in the void, and the blades in the hands of the people with swords and swords all trembled, and a raging battle intent erupted.

In a trance, the river of time seemed to turn back at this moment.

Everyone saw the shadows of the Ancient Sword Emperor and the Sword Dao Leader of the Ling Xiao Sect on the two of them.

This is a battle between the way of the sword and the way of the sword of the era.

How stunning!


Stop killing retracted his gaze and strode directly towards the Black Shadow Remnant.

Stop Killing slashed out at the black shadow remnant soul, and waves of sword qi on his body surged out, and the void was slashed.

"I am the descendant of the Ancient Sword Emperor, and this inheritance should belong to me!"


The first sword of the Black Shadow Remnant Soul was directly shattered by the sword light that stopped killing.

Feeling the sword intent to stop the killing, the body of the black shadow remnant soul trembled, and a pair of eyes seemed to light up slightly on the cheeks that could not see clearly.

Soon, the second knife was made to stop the killing.

"What are you waiting for?!Inheritance, bring it to me!"

The second knife was stopped, and a pitch-black chain phantom was directly slashed out in the void.

This knife has a strong aura of transecting eternity, and it is more domineering and rich than the aura on the sword light cast by the black silver remnant soul.


The second sword of the Black Shadow Sword Soul was also shattered, and the whole person even took a step backwards.

The sword intent on the body of the killer seemed to have a great stimulating effect on the black shadow remnant soul, and the black shadow remnant soul trembled violently, and it seemed that something in his body was about to break out.

Stop killing's eyes lit up, and he laughed wildly and said, "What are you rubbing, bring it to me!"

As he spoke, the third knife to stop the killing was slashed out.

This knife was as scarlet as blood, and as soon as it was cut out, an extremely strong smell of blood immediately filled the field.

In the void, a blood-colored chain phantom appeared, which seemed to be able to refract a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood from the blood-colored sword light.

The crowd was shaken.

"The mystery of killing, this is the legendary mystery of killing!"

"How many creatures did he kill? Is he the reincarnation of the Heavenly Killing Star?"

"He can be regarded as stepping out of his own path from the inheritance of the Ancient Sword Emperor... With two legendary mysteries, he can be the leader of the sword path of the young generation in Zhongzhou! I am afraid that Gu Xuan, who is known as the first sword in Zhongtian, is not as good as him.."

"Kill to kill. . . I seem to get it!"

Stopping the killing of this knife directly forced the black shadow remnant soul to make two more knives in a row.

The third knife and the fourth knife were broken..

In the fifth sword, a trace of aura infinitely close to the royal realm flowed out, and a terrifying aura enveloped the audience.

Stopping the killing turned a deaf ear, his eyes were fixed on the chest of the black shadow remnant, and he yelled, "This is my inheritance." You have a knife in your hand, why struggle.

Be one with me, and be called Zhongtian for a new day!"


The roar of killing shook the void and hummed.

The body of the Black Shadow Remnant Soul shook violently, and the sword in his hand froze.

Immediately after, the black mist on its body surged violently, and the phantom of a broken knife gradually emerged.

Upon closer inspection, it appears to be the front part of a long knife.

This part is in the same vein as the killer interrupting knife.

Everyone suddenly realized that the body of the black shadow remnant soul was a half-cut remnant knife.

And the true inheritance of the Ancient Sword Emperor has always been in front of everyone's eyes, and it is the final test itself.

The broken knife in the killer's hand also vibrated wildly, echoing with the fragments of the broken knife in the body of the black shadow remnant soul.

The eyes of the killer became brighter and brighter, the corners of his mouth showed an exaggerated arc, and while laughing, he called longingly: "Come on, come and be one with me!"

The fifth sword of the Black Shadow Remnant Soul still hasn't been cut down in the end.

The long knife in its hand fell, and the whole person walked towards the killing step by step as if it had been summoned, and the light on its body became stronger and stronger.

Anyone can see that this so-called inheritance trial is about to settle.

"I said earlier, from the moment the killing appeared, the outcome of this trip to the Tomb of the Sword Emperor was already doomed..."

"He has one inheritance in hand, and if he wants to get another inheritance, the process is much easier than ours. The protagonist of this trial is destined to be him!"

"All of us have inadvertently served as a wedding dress to stop killing.."

"With two inheritances in hand, it is almost equivalent to the complete inheritance of the Ancient Sword Emperor. Stopping the killing is already so strong now, how strong should it be after this time?"

"Perhaps, it will be as he said... When the day is called for a new day!"

Everyone looked complicated and sighed.

Seeing that the remnant soul of the black shadow was about to completely walk in front of the killing, the fragments of the remnant knife in the black shadow's body were also going to leak out of the body.

That's when ....

Sudden change!

A stunning sword light rumbled from behind everyone, tearing through the void, enveloping indescribable terrifying power, and in an instant, it came closer.

The black chain phantom is like a dragon, exuding a strong aura of destruction.

With a single sword, the remnant soul of the black shadow was shattered.

The black shadow exploded, and countless fragments of the residual knife flew out of the body.

Then he was pulled by an invisible force, recombined, and fell into a large, white and powerful hand that spread out.

A person stands in the void, standing tall and jade, and the general trend of heaven and earth worships him.

In the middle of the scene, the blades and weapons of all the warriors were trembling wildly, breaking free from their hands and moving closer to this person.

The tip of the sword hung down, as if he really worshipped his own king.

This person was condescending, his eyes were as bright as stars, he looked indifferently at the fragments of the remnant knife that were slightly circling in his hand, and said word by word: "Demon Heaven, I haven't made a knife, and you dare to give the inheritance to others easily?!"

Demon Tian, I haven't made a knife, and you dare to give the inheritance to others easily?!

These words were like thunder, rolling in the ears of everyone.

Everyone's brains were buzzing, their bodies were trembling, looking at this suddenly appearing figure, their pupils contracted, and they were so shocked that they couldn't say a word.

"Gu... Gu Xuan?!"

Everyone was stunned.

Even the killing was stunned, smug and ecstasy were frozen on his face, and the whole person was motionless, obviously not reacting.

It was Yuan Jiansheng, his eyes suddenly burst out with a strong essence, and the sword aura on his body was vigorous, and there was a kind of battle intent that was about to move.

Su Qingmo's eyes widened as she looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in the field, and the expression on her pretty face changed from shock to joy to excitement.

Her eyes were red and her eyes were teary, and she reached out to cover her mouth desperately to keep herself from screaming.

But there was a voice whispering in his heart: "Childe, Childe, look at me, I'm your Anu..."

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