Countless "Gu Xuan" in the mirror were twisted and shattered, and a terrible scream came out of their mouths.

In just a few breaths, all the mirror lakes collapsed and shattered.

The great mirror hell is shattered, and there are no tiles.

Gu Xuan coldly swept around and rushed to the entrance of the next layer of Hell Pass.

Outside the ghost gate.

The strong man of the underworld looked sluggish.

In the last second, they were still guessing how Gu Xuan's sins were so heavy, how to get through this evil mirror.

As a result, in the next second, Gu Xuan directly shattered the entire Evil Mirror Hell.

What kind of strength is this?!

What kind of means is this?!

Everyone was dumbfounded, and they couldn't say a word with their mouths wide open.

"This person is very likely to become the biggest dark horse in this eighteen-layer hell pass trial!"

Someone muttered.


At this time, Gu Xuan had already come to the fifth layer of hell - the steamer hell.

The hell is full of crater-like craters, and the pits are constantly spewing out large amounts of poisonous smoke and miasma.

And it's also wrapped in unimaginably high temperatures.

As soon as the hot wind blows, even the martial artists of the Life and Death Realm have the risk of their skin and flesh being opened.

Gu Xuan's physical body is infinitely close to the divine body, and it is stronger than ordinary life and death realm powerhouses I don't know how many times.

The ordeal had no effect on him at all.

The terrifying poisonous smoke and heat blew on him, like a breeze blowing on his face, and it was not worth mentioning.

After he deduced the weather of the entire steamer hell, he went straight to the next level of hell.

The temperature of this layer of Hell Pass is much higher than that of the previous layer of Steamer Hell Pass.

Dark red magma flowed everywhere on the ground, and from time to time incomparably thick terrifying copper pillars fell from the sky, smashing down fiercely.

"Boom! boom!"

The entire hell pass is in a state of earthquake at any time, shaking and shaking.

Gu Xuan saw that a handsome man who couldn't dodge was hit by a copper pillar that fell from the sky.

The cultivation of the realm of life and death was seven or eightfold, but as a result, he was smashed into a puddle of flesh, and he didn't even have time to escape from the soul.

It's terrifying.

Those who had overtaken Gu Xuan before, they were basically trapped in this hell at this time.

The main thing is that the terrifying copper pillar lands every time without warning, and the speed is extremely fast, depending on both luck and strength, and every step must be taken carefully.

Gu Xuan noticed that the god with the light of golden chance seemed to be in this layer.

Together with seven or eight Hades commanders, they were hurrying towards the entrance of the next layer of Hell Pass.

"The sixth layer of the bronze pillar hell pass! There is a threshold on the sixth floor, and this layer of the hell pass is afraid that most of the people will be eliminated!"

"The bronze pillar heavenly punishment on this layer is too terrifying, once it is hit, it is basically death, even the most powerful person has to be careful. "

"That's not necessarily, when the ghost mother passed this level, she directly pushed it over..."

Many people subconsciously looked at a certain figure standing quietly in mid-air, and subconsciously gave birth to a burst of awe in their hearts.

The new ghost mother.

A legendary figure who suddenly appeared in Hades in recent years.

When he first entered the underworld, he directly passed through the eighteenth layer of hell and became the first person in the underworld for tens of thousands of years.

The status has jumped to the height of the Ten Halls of Hades on an equal footing, and in the Hades Mansion, he is only below the Five Ghost Emperors.

There are even rumors that the Ghost Mother may be the most promising candidate to take over the position of the Eastern Ghost Emperor!

However, when the ghost mother broke through the Bronze Pillar Hell Pass, she was an out-and-out royal realm strength.

For ordinary life and death, to get through this hurdle...

It's too hard!

As he was discussing, he saw that countless huge copper pillars suddenly fell from the sky in the picture, covering almost the entire hell pass, almost without any gaps.


The faces of the people on this level changed drastically, and almost without hesitation, they all rushed towards the entrance of the next layer of hell.

"It's over, it's over..."

The onlookers all saw this scene with their eyelids jumping wildly.

"Indiscriminate copper pillar attack, unless you can rush to the entrance of the seventh layer of hell before the copper pillar falls, you can only rely on your own strength to resist.."

"This time, you can directly screen out at least ninety percent of the interlopers!"


Countless bronze pillars fell with a bang.

One of the figures was the fastest, rushing to the entrance to the next level of Hell almost halfway down the copper pillar.

He even had time to look back at the person behind him coldly before escaping into the crater.

Then there were the Maha and the Blood Shadow who followed.

The difference was a fraction of a centimeter, and it was able to avoid the falling copper pillar and come to the entrance position.

As for those who were far away from the entrance of the next floor and didn't have time to arrive, they could only watch as the countless copper pillars above their heads were pressed down, and they chose to grit their teeth and resist in despair.

"Xuanyue is also among them!"

Someone noticed Gu Xuan's figure and exhaled in a low voice.

As a powerful dark horse that has repeatedly shown amazing deeds, Gu Xuan has naturally been closely watched by many people.

At this time, Gu Xuan in the picture had been submerged under countless copper pillars.

Countless copper pillars fell suddenly, and the scene was as if the sky had collapsed, and the terrifying picture made even the onlookers frightened.

"It's over... Now Xuanyue is going to be finished!"

"There's nowhere to hide, there's no way to resist, there's basically only a dead end!"

"This is also one of the reasons why I didn't dare to enter the eighteenth layer of hell level trial, it was too dangerous. "

"This time, no matter how incredible that Xuanyue is, it is impossible to escape again, right?"

Almost no one thought that Gu Xuan would be able to escape from it, even the two of them, the Shandu Hades King and the Absolute Yin Great Hades Official, looked at the picture with a somewhat solemn face.

In the level of the Bronze Pillar Hell, unless you escape quickly before the copper pillar falls in the sky, you can only resist with your own strength.

If you resist hard, only the strength above the king realm can do it.

And Gu Xuan....

However, there are only six realms of life and death.

Countless copper pillars fell, and the huge bronze pillar hell turned into a dead domain in an instant.

That majestic and terrifying power shocked the people outside the arena to be silent.

Everyone looked at the picture fixedly, only to see wisps of black mist coming out of the cracks in the copper pillars, revealing faces full of fear and fear.

These are the natives of Hades, who died under the bronze pillar in their bodies, and only a part of their souls escaped.

"Xuanyue.... It should be none. "

Someone shook his head regretfully.

Previously, they also speculated that Gu Xuan might become the biggest dark horse in this Hell Pass trial, but who would have thought that he would be so unlucky that he would encounter countless copper pillars falling as soon as he entered the Copper Pillar Hell Pass.

I have to say that the luck is a little worse.

Whether it's one step earlier or one step later, it may be a different ending.

The faces of the Shandu Hades King and the Absolute Yin Great Hades were also very unsightly, but the Equality King, who had been suppressed by the Shandu Hades King before, had a mocking sneer on his face, and he was very proud.

Just when everyone decided that Gu Xuan was dead.

Suddenly, a clear sound came from the screen.


Everyone's expressions perked up, and they suddenly looked into the picture.

I saw that on the countless copper pillars standing quietly in hell, cracks suddenly appeared.

Little by little, the column protrudes outward.

It's like...

Something, about to break free from the bronze pillar cage!

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