"The Wheel of Life!"

In the purple jade medal, the golden characters melted into Gu Xuan's mind.

Gu Xuan's mind was in a trance, and the whole person fell into a state of mystery and mystery.

With the appearance of the "Wheel of Life", Gu Xuan's whole person seemed to have become a whirlpool, exuding a trace of fateful reincarnation.

For Gu Xuan, time seemed to have only passed for a moment, and it seemed like thousands of years had passed.

When he opened his eyes, his eyes revealed a lot of vicissitudes, as if he had experienced countless years of precipitation.

But the vicissitudes of life quickly faded, and Gu Xuan's eyes became clear again.

He glanced faintly at the phoenix above his head.

A person and a bird looked at each other, and Xiao Mingfeng's eyes trembled, as if he saw something in Gu Xuan's eyes.

Immediately, it let out a low call, flapped its wings and flew down, and landed on Gu Xuan's shoulder obediently, taking away most of the black flames on its body, and barely seeing too many miracles.

Gu Xuan patted Xiao Mingfeng's head, and then recalled what he had just realized.

The purple jade medallion transformed by the Four Great Wonders still existed in Gu Xuan's mind.

In addition to all the inheritances of the four great wonders, there is also an inheritance of the "Wheel of Life" in the purple jade medal.

The mysteries of this inheritance far surpassed any of the exercises that Gu Xuan had been exposed to before, and the four great wonders combined could not compare to it.

"It means reincarnation..."

Gu Xuan thought for a moment, "But this inheritance doesn't seem to be complete, it's just the second volume of the "Wheel of Life Sutra", which only talks about the mystery of reincarnation, and does not involve fate... I don't know where the last volume of the "Wheel of Life Sutra" will be..."

At the same time, the system's prompt voice also sounded in Gu Xuan's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: Life Wheel Fragment*1"

Gu Xuan's expression moved, and he found that a black-gray fragment quietly appeared in his mind.

The fragment resembled a broken tile, and there was nothing unusual about it on the outside, but it was wrapped with a strong smell of ancient fate and reincarnation.

Looking at this fragment, it is as if I see the essence of fate and reincarnation.

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up, and he was very interested in this magic weapon that was obviously matched with the "Wheel of Life Sutra", but now was not the most suitable time for research, so he could only suppress his inner curiosity for the time being.

"Let's go, let's clear here first..."

Gu Xuan lightly tapped Xiao Mingfeng's head with his finger and said in a low voice.

Xiao Mingfeng called softly twice, flew up from Gu Xuan's shoulder, flew forward, and took the initiative to lead Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan followed behind Xiao Mingfeng and strolled all the way.

Descend the eighteen layers of hell one by one.

Hell in vain...


Volcanic hell...

Stone Mill Hell...

Knife and saw hell...

The miracle of the little phoenix was completely revealed on the way, and any hell pass, as long as the little phoenix spit out the fire in his mouth, all the difficulties and obstacles would be burned clean.

Gu Xuan was unimpeded, he only needed to concentrate on deducing the Hell Pass.


Outside the ghost gate, everyone was staring at the picture.

I saw a slender and tall figure walking in hell, but in hell it seemed to be higher than hell.

In front of the man, a small bird with black flames slowly flew away, spewing terrifying and raging flames from its mouth, sweeping away the obstacles along the way.

"The Stygian Phoenix opens the way, and the eighteenth layer of hell is unimpeded...

This Xuanyue is here to break through, it's clear that she is here to patrol, okay? "

"Could this Xuanyue really be the reincarnation of the Yin Tianzi? Even the Immortal Phoenix, which has not been born for 10,000 years, was born because of him, and he listened to him like this, like a protective spirit beast..."

"But he is clearly not from our underworld, how can he be the reincarnation of the Yin Tianzi..."

Many powerhouses of the underworld looked shocked, but they were full of complexity.

Just when everyone was talking, someone said coldly: "Ridiculous..."

He who speaketh is the King of Equality.

King Ping's face was gloomy, his eyes were gloomy, and his eagle-like eyes stared directly at Gu Xuan in the picture, as well as the phoenix, with both fiery and murderous intent in his eyes.

"The birth of the phoenix is just a coincidence... The Eastern Ghost Emperor exhausted his efforts for it, but this kid was lucky and happened to meet him..."

"Yin Tianzi is supreme and noble, adhering to the luck of the entire Nine Shades.

Even if it is a reincarnated body, patrolling the underworld should cause the Nine Shades to tremble.

How can this person have the slightest bit of prestige that a cloudy son should have, how can he be the reincarnation of a cloudy son?!"

The Equality King's tone was cold and firm, as if he had decided that Gu Xuan could never be the reincarnation of the legendary Yin Tianzi.

The rest of the Nine Halls Hades were also gloomy one by one, their eyebrows were locked, even the Shandu Hades King, who had always been at odds with the King of Equality, did not refute at this time.

The reincarnation of the Son of the Cloudy Heaven?

The stakes are too important for anyone to believe or easily confirm.

Seeing that no one in the audience opened their mouths to refute him, King Ping couldn't help but show a smug smile on his face.

He was about to say a few more words, when suddenly...

A slight vibration came from beneath him.

The silent crowd in the audience was also awakened by the tremor, and looked up sharply.

The tremors were getting more and more intense, and they were already very obvious, like an earthquake.

Someone flew into the sky and was shocked to find that the entire city of Hades was shaking.

At the same time, a strange voice sounded in the void.

The sound came from all directions, a bit like a baby's cry, or a ghost's howl.

Immediately after, in the sky above the underworld, countless rays of ghostly light fell, and one after another flowers bloomed all over the void.

All the powerhouses of the underworld looked swaying and shocked.

Even the Hades King of the Ten Halls was stunned to see what was suddenly happening in front of him.

The smug expression of the King of Equality froze on his face, and his eyes became a little dull.

He slowly spoke in an extremely unbelievable and unacceptable tone: "The sky is crying and the ghost is howling, the nine shadows are shaking, and the void is blooming all over the other side....

This is a sign of the coming of the cloudy son...."


Eighteen floors of hell.

Gu Xuan had already come to the last layer of hell.

Infernal Hell!

The scene of hell that Gu Xuan first comprehended was also the foundation of the Nine Shadows Sword Dao.

At this moment, Gu Xuan's eighteen-layer Hell Guan Law had all been deduced.

It stands to reason that Gu Xuan's Nine Shadows Dao should be initially completed and temporarily completed.

However, Gu Xuan always felt that there seemed to be something missing in the Nine Shadows Sword Dao.

"The ghost gate is closed, the point of no return, Huangquan has eighteen layers of hell...."

Gu Xuan's brows tightened, and he pondered bitterly: "What is missing?!"

Over and over again, he recalled in his mind all the scenes of the eighteen-layer hell level he had experienced along the way.

He has gone through the worst evils of the world, the worst of filth...

Those scenes replayed in Gu Xuan's mind one by one.

Finally, a spiritual light flashed in Gu Xuan's mind, and a strong essence burst out of his eyes.

"I know what's missing..."

Gu Xuan's eyes were scorching, looking at the lifelike scene of the eighteen-layer hell pass in his divine picture scroll, and said word by word: "These nine shades are the difference between life and death, and there is no reincarnation....

Therefore, it is not perfect!"

After speaking, Gu Xuan lightly tapped his finger on the scroll.

Traces of the mystery of life and death and the meaning of reincarnation that I have just comprehended from the "Wheel of Life Sutra" are injected into the Dharma phase.

In an instant, the scene on the picture scroll of the gods quickly deduced and changed.

And the eighteenth-layer hell pass that Gu Xuan was in at this time also shook "boom".....

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