"The people of the Ancient Divine Court, high up, represent the way of heaven with their bodies, and regard all things in the Tianxuan Continent as dogs.

Even, the Ancient Divine Court had sent people to purge the weak on the Tianxuan Continent more than once.

In the eyes of that group of people, only they, the ancient relics, were qualified to live in this world.


It is equivalent to their slaves, lackeys, and servants of the first class.

When necessary, it doesn't matter if the entire Tianxuan Continent cultivation world is completely destroyed..."

Gu Xuan listened to Nangong Yun's description, and sketched in his mind the image of a group of high-minded, self-proclaimed gods, indifferent and ruthless.

If that's the case, Hades is indeed better than the Ancient Divine Court.

The purpose of the Hades Mansion is only to absorb the elite talents of the Tianxuan Continent as a force to counterattack the Underworld, while the Ancient Divine Court directly treats people as dogs, and there is still a difference between the two.

"No wonder the people of the Ancient Divine Court are high above the Nine Heavens, hehe..."

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he couldn't stop sneering.

Nangong Yun said to him: "Now that you are considered to be the reincarnation of the Yin Heavenly Son, the Hades King of the Ten Halls and the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions will not do anything to you for the time being. However, they will definitely put you to the test, and I guess it must have something to do with the Ancient Divine Court..."

Gu Xuan said indifferently: "Are you going to use me as a swordman?"

Nangong Yun said to him: "Xiao Xuan'er, why do you want me to hold you to this position? Martial arts cultivation, the higher you go, the more resources and luck you need.

The Tianxuan Continent is big enough for you now.

But if you want to hit the Emperor Realm, the Emperor Realm, or even a higher realm.

The pool in the Tianxuan Continent is a little small.

You can't raise a real dragon in the pool.

If you can sit in the position of the Son of the Yin Heaven, you will have the support of the underworld, and even the entire underworld.

Then your future martial arts path will be much easier..."

Nangong Yun looked at Gu Xuan, reached out to hold Gu Xuan's hand, and said with a smile: "When I was in Yunlou City, I always hid behind you.

Now, I'm qualified to stand by your side, and together. "

Gu Xuan's eyes moved, and an inexplicable feeling of emotion arose in his heart.

He thought about it for a moment and said, "Let's see what the people of Hades will do for me next..."

"Hmm. "

Nangong Yun nodded.

Then the two hugged and said a lot.

The two have been separated for many years, and they never thought that they could meet in the underworld, whether it is Nangong Yun or Gu Xuan, their hearts are full of joy.

The two seemed to have endless things to say.

Gu Xuan looked at Nangong Yun in front of him.

Compared with when she was in Yunlou City, Nangong Yun is much more beautiful.

The evil disease on her face has long been eliminated, in addition to the gentleness and maturity in her bones, she has a powerful aura that belongs to the powerhouse of the King Realm.

The two temperaments are blended together, exuding a very fascinating charm.

After being tired of it for a long time, Nangong Yun reluctantly said goodbye to Gu Xuan.

After all, only each other's identities are known to each other now, and if they stay here for a long time in Gu Xuan, I am afraid that they will attract the attention of those who have a heart.

Walking out of the Yin Tianzi Palace, Nangong Yun, who put on a cloak to hide her perfect appearance, regained the nobility and indifference of the ghost mother, revealing a temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away.

"I didn't expect that your little lover is so amazing, in just a few years, you can grow from the grassroots to the point where you are now, just like the posture of the protagonist of an era."

In Nangong Yun's mind, a familiar old voice sounded.

Nangong Yun replied lightly: "Since I am the man Nangong Yun is destined to be, he must be extraordinary." "


The old voice sneered, "Even so, it's just a small Tianxuan Realm's era protagonist. If the potential can reach the imperial realm, it is estimated that it will be over.

But you are different, you are a Heavenly Spider Holy Body that has only come out of thousands of lower domains, and the future journey will definitely be in the upper domain, or even the great thousand domains...

Sooner or later, he will not be able to keep up with you and become a burden to you. "

Nangong Yun's eyes flickered, and she replied word by word: "Then I will do my best to hold Xiao Xuanzi to the same height as me."

I will stay with him for as long as I can!"

I will stay with him for as long as I can!

The resoluteness in Nangong Yun's words made the old man's voice stagnant.

There is no way to argue, and in the end it can only turn into a deep sigh.



Three days later.

Gu Xuan walked out of an unnamed valley in Zhongzhou.

His eyes flickered, and he was still thinking about what the people of Hades had said to him.

"Although you awakened the Stygian Phoenix, caused the Nine Shadows to vibrate, and had countless visions, after all, you are not a person from my Underworld....

If you can go up once every three days and take the head of any star monarch in the Ancient Divine Court, we will recognize you as the reincarnation of the Yin Heavenly Son!"

This is what the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions of the Underworld said to him.

It's almost the equivalent of a vote.

The Star Monarch of the Ancient Divine Court?

Gu Xuan also asked Nangong Yun, Xingjun's status in the Ancient Divine Court was almost the same as that of the Ten Halls Hades King, among which the strongest one was far more powerful than the Ten Halls Hades King, but the weaker one was probably only a little stronger than the Great Hades Official.

For Gu Xuan, whose strength is only in the realm of life and death now, this is almost an incompleteable task.

And the most difficult point is not to take the head of the Star Monarch, but how to get out of the last three days after obtaining the head of the Star Monarch.

According to Nangong Yun's description, the people of the Ancient Divine Court, the higher their status, the more they looked down on the natives of the Tianxuan Continent, and it was almost impossible for them to get out of the Nine Heavens, which would make them feel that they were dirty with their identity.

I rarely came out for even three days.

In other words, Gu Xuan's method of luring a star monarch out to attack and kill would not work at all.

There is no other way than to go deep for three days.

The only good news, presumably, is that there is no time limit for this petition.

In other words, Gu Xuan had plenty of time to prepare, and it was not impossible to wait until he was promoted to the King Realm.

The people of the underworld informed Gu Xuan of the entrance to the Nine Heavens.

The underworld and the ancient divine court have been fighting openly and secretly for so many years, and it is not completely without gain.

Nangong Yun couldn't help Gu Xuan with this task, so he could only rely on him to complete it independently.

As for Xiao Mingfeng, Gu Xuan used the method in the "Imperial Bible" to temporarily seal it in a space, which could be summoned at any time and would not attract attention.

"The Ancient Court..."

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and after thinking about it, he finally decided to go to the legendary Nine Heavens first.

There's no need to do it now, but at least we need to investigate the situation of the Nine Heavens first.

Thinking about it, Gu Xuan hurried to the location guided by the people of the underworld.

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