Gu Xuan entered the exit that emitted a bright light, and his eyes were a desolate land full of savage atmosphere.

Gu Xuan looked up at the sky with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"The traces of the existence of this Heaven and Earth Avenue are deeper and more obvious, and it is closer to the Heaven and Earth Avenue. If you have lived here since childhood, you will undoubtedly be simpler than Zhongzhou in terms of martial arts comprehension.

And this is only the lowest level of the Nine Heavens, and the higher you go, the more obvious this situation will become.

It's no wonder that the people of the Nine Heavens have an innate sense of superiority over the people of the Tianxuan Continent, and living in this environment for a long time will indeed produce a high-minded mentality..."

This is particularly obvious to Gu Xuan, a person who is close to a demon in his own comprehension.

Gu Xuan estimated that if he retreated here, his comprehension of various martial arts mysteries would be at least one percent faster.

Don't underestimate Yicheng, Yicheng is already a lot.

This time may be years or even decades for a powerhouse in the realm of life and death, and it may even directly affect the fate of a martial artist.

"As the name suggests, the Nine Heavens should be getting higher and higher day by day, like a pagoda. As expected, I should be at the bottom layer of the Nine Heavens now, and I have to find a way to familiarize myself with the situation of the Nine Heavens first and find the passage to the upper layer of the Heavens..."

Gu Xuan thought about it, and casually found a direction and flew away slowly.

Before he could fly far, Gu Xuan's expression suddenly moved, and he squinted his eyes slightly in a certain direction in front of him.

I saw a red dot appear in the sky in the distance.

The red dot flew close like a raging flame.

When it was closer, Gu Xuan realized that it was a fierce strange bird with crimson flames burning all over its body.

The size of the strange bird is about the size of a hundred zhang, and its body exudes the aura of four or five times the realm of birth and death.

Seeing Gu Xuan, the strange bird immediately sent out a fierce strange bird, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed and he was about to pounce on Gu Xuan.

"Beasts that don't have long eyes!"

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and his right hand turned into a knife, and he pointed diagonally at the strange bird.


The blazing light of the sword pierced the sky and swept past the strange bird.

The strange bird's body immediately froze, and then quickly split into two parts and fell from mid-air.

Gu Xuan stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and took a huge demon pill in the strange bird's body into his hand.

For him now, an ordinary life and death realm demon beast like this is not even the slightest threat at all.

Just as Gu Xuan was about to continue walking, the powerful divine thoughts belonging to the King Realm detected that three figures in front of him were rapidly approaching this side.

The speed of these three people is extremely fast, and the aura emanating from their bodies is very special.

And what really made Gu Xuan feel heart-warming was that one of them contained a golden light of chance.

Gu Xuan hesitated slightly, then stopped and stood in place, waiting for the three of them to approach.

Not long after, three figures appeared in Gu Xuan's eyes.

Two men and one woman.

The leader was a tall, purple-haired and shawl-haired handsome young man, exuding a strong domineering and masculine aura all over his body.

His strength is also the strongest, reaching the tenth level of life and death.

The strength of the man and the woman beside the handsome young man is slightly weaker, only at the level of seven or eight realms of life and death.

But no matter what, with the age and cultivation of the three of them, if they are placed in Zhongzhou, they are all outstanding existences of the young generation.

The hairstyles and clothes of the three of them all look wild and ancient, very different from the Zhongzhou warriors.

And when he fled, blue-purple thunder burst out from his body, which was incomparably powerful.

While Gu Xuan was looking at the three of them, the three of them were also looking at him.

The handsome young man led by him glanced at the corpse of the Flame Monster Bird on the ground, his eyes fell on Gu Xuan, and when he noticed his dress, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Who are you?"

Gu Xuan said lightly: "Who are you?"

The handsome young man's face turned cold, and he said in a low voice: "Where did you come from, wild boy, dare to talk to me like this?!"

As he spoke, the handsome young man took a step forward and punched Gu Xuan directly.

The handsome young man's fist was quickly wrapped in a fiery purple thunder pulp, which contained terrifying and explosive power, and smashed towards Gu Xuan with a scream.

Gu Xuan subconsciously wanted to draw his sword, but as soon as his mind changed, he quickly gave up this idea and turned to fight the young man with his fists as well.

The moment he punched, one thunder pattern after another floated on Gu Xuan's body, and surging thunder and lightning overflowed from his pores.

The fist and fist clashed, like two thunderbolts colliding and exploding in the void, and countless lightning flashed out.


Gu Xuan's performance surprised the three of the handsome young men, and they looked at him with a shocked gaze.

The handsome young man didn't continue to make a move, but stared at Gu Xuan tightly, and shouted: "Look at your appearance, you are not a person from the Nine Heavens. But why do you have my Thunder Blood?!Who are you?!"

"Thunder Department?!"

Gu Xuan quickly caught this word, his eyes flashed, and he said slowly, "I am from outside the Nine Heavens. "

"I knew it!"

The handsome young man raised his eyebrows and said, "How did you get here?"

Gu Xuan shook his head and replied, "I don't know, I came here after breaking into a secret realm by mistake. "

The handsome young man frowned, turned his head and whispered to his two companions.

Under Gu Xuan's Wang Realm Divine Thoughts, the conversation between the three of them was naturally no secret to Gu Xuan.

"I don't know what the origin of this person is, and his identity is a little suspicious?"

"But his thunder bloodline can't be faked, and it seems that the bloodline is more pure than you!"


"Although the Nine Heavens are independent of the Tianxuan Continent, it is not impossible that there are occasional spatial cracks, causing someone to break through by mistake. I think that's how this guy got in. "

"What should we do with him?"

"Let's bring it back and let the elders decide. "

Gu Xuan deliberately revealed the thunder attribute power of his Xuan body, which really aroused the curiosity of the three of them.

Just take this opportunity to enter this so-called Nine Heavenly Thunder Department to investigate.

Gu Xuan had already thought about it, with his current strength, even if he encountered a King Realm powerhouse at the level of an ordinary Great Hades Official, he was completely sure that he would be able to retreat with his whole body.

And this place is only the lowest level of the Nine Heavens, and it is unlikely that there will be any outrageous powerhouses in the future.

After the three of them finished discussing, the handsome young man turned to Gu Xuan and said, "Since you have a relationship with my Lei Ministry, then come with us."

As he spoke, the handsome young man still had a somewhat threatening expression on his face.

Gu Xuan couldn't ask for it, so he naturally agreed quickly.

To be honest, he was also quite curious about where the golden light of chance on the handsome young man in front of him came from.

So Gu Xuan honestly followed behind the three of them and flew in one direction.

On the way, the woman among the three seemed to be quite curious about Gu Xuan and talked to him frequently.

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