When the bright light gradually faded, everyone saw the situation on the competition platform again.

Suddenly, one by one, the pupils contracted, and the breathing was suffocated.


I saw that on the fighting platform, two figures stood opposite each other.

The black-robed figure representing Gu Xuan had already closed his fist and stood quietly in place, as if he had never made a move.

In front of him, Jin Kui, who was like an iron tower, stood in a daze.

On the body like gold juice, a clear fist mark emerged.

With the fist mark as the center, countless cracks spread like spider webs.

Jin Kui looked down at his body in disbelief, and his whole body looked like a piece of broken porcelain that had been barely pieced together.


In the next second, the cracks on Jin Kui's body expanded rapidly, and the whole person fell down like pushing gold and jade.


Suddenly, the huge arena sounded a gasp.

"Kim Kui... Dead!"

"How is this possible?!"

"Jin Kui, who has become a great success of Gengjin, is the number one master of the Yuqing Tianjin Department, and his defense power is known as that no one can break under the king realm, and he was killed by Lei Lie?!"

"One punch! Another punch! Even Jin Kui can't block Lei Lie's punch, how strong is Lei Lie's strength?! Who else in Yu Qingtian can force him to throw a second punch?!"

"Quasi-King Realm! This Lei Lie has the combat power of the Quasi-King Realm, which is enough to have the capital to compete with the Contemporary Saint Sons of the Fourth Heaven Realm!"

"The name of the overlord is well deserved!"

All of a sudden, countless people in the audience were talking, and many people began to chant the name of "overlord" in their mouths, with fanatical expressions and crazy expressions.




The sound almost toppled the ceiling of the huge arena.

After this battle, Gu Xuan will be officially promoted to the fourth day of Jade Yuantian.

From Jade Xuantian to Jade Yuantian, it takes at least a thousand victories.

And Gu Xuan did this in less than three months, this speed is simply shocking, directly breaking the record of the middle three days of the Tianjiao competition arena for nearly 10,000 years.

"Even if it is Yuan Jiansheng, this person is ten days slower!"

On the viewing seat, a group of saint-level figures from Zhongzhou were also looking at Gu Xuan on the competition platform.

All of them looked shocked and had complicated expressions.

Especially the Yao Sun Holy Son, who had lost a punch in Gu Xuan's hands, his expression was even more complicated and difficult to understand.

Gu Xuan's punch made the Holy Son of Yao Ri lie on the bed for more than half a month.

If it weren't for the fact that he had come to the Nine Heavens to try all kinds of healing pills this time, and he could also exchange his points for various cherished pills of the Nine Heavens, Yao Ri Rope was estimated to be seriously injured by now.

Previously, the Holy Son of Yao Sun was still angry about the defeat in the hands of Gu Xuan, but after watching Gu Xuan's many battles during this time, this anger had already turned into happiness.

Glad that he wasn't punched to death by Gu Xuan on the spot!

Compared with Jin Kui, the number one master of the Yuqing Tianjin Department who died under Gu Xuan's fist just now, he was undoubtedly lucky.

"This guy is really perverted, his strength seems to have no upper limit, no matter what opponent he is fighting with one punch, at this point, even Yuan Jiansheng can't match him.

I'm afraid that only that legendary Sword Dao Demon Star can be compared to it..."

"That lord is right, there are too many strong people in the Nine Heavens, and we really sat in the well and watched the sky before.."

One of the Holy Sons sighed softly, and the rest were silent.


"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: Shenzang Dao Gong Dan*1"

Receiving the prompt of the system reward, a trace of waves rose in Gu Xuan's heart.

"After taking this Divine Hidden Dao Palace Pill, my Divine Power Dao Palace can reach forty percent of the opening level...."

Thirty percent of the opening level has already given Gu Xuan the power of one hundred and fifty dragons, and forty percent....

I'm afraid it's going to be nearly two hundred dragons!

"Nine Realms of Life and Death!"

Thousands of battles have accumulated a lot of resources for Gu Xuan, Rao is Gu Xuan's background is unmatched, and his cultivation has also been pushed to the point of the Nine Heavens of Life and Death Realm.

"After entering the Jade Yuan Heaven, my resource accumulation speed will only be faster, and now all I have to do is the points..."

Gu Xuan thought as he stepped into the entrance of the passage leading to Yu Yuantian.

When he opened his eyes again, the person was already in the highest layer of heaven in the middle of the third day, the fourth day of the jade yuan heaven!

Yu Yuantian's arena was much bigger than Yu Xuantian and Yu Qingtian.

And it's also far more popular than the next two days.

Gu Xuan stepped into the arena and randomly found a competition and walked in to watch.

I found that the popularity of any competition here is very high, and the strength of the players on the competition ring is far greater than that of the people in the next two days.

"Roar, the third day of the Wind Department's Holy Son Qing Xiao against the kid from Zhongzhou, the odds have reached one to nine, go and see!"

"Damn, the Holy Son of the Wind Department has made a move?!Where is it?!I'll go now!"

"Go, go, go!"

At this time, Gu Xuan heard someone next to him discussing excitedly, and hurried towards a competition arena.

Capturing the words "Zhongzhou", Gu Xuan's expression moved, and he also followed the flow of people.

On the fourth day, Yu Yuantian, the entrance ticket to watch a fight cost hundreds of top-grade spirit stones, which is not something that ordinary people can afford at all.

Gu Xuan paid the ticket and walked into the arena, and found that it was almost crowded, and the popularity was unprecedentedly high.

"The Holy Son of the Thunder Department, the Holy Son of the Fire Department, the Holy Son of the Earth Department, the Holy Son of the Golden Department... It's all coming! Looks like this battle is really eye-catching!"

"That's natural, the Wind Saint Son Qing Wei hasn't made a move for a long time, as his old opponent, the other Holy Sons naturally have to come over and watch.

Moreover, Qing Xiao's opponent this time is still a swordsman who has been in the limelight in Yuyuantian recently, and this battle can be regarded as a rare one in Yuyuantian in recent years..."


Gu Xuan listened to the discussions of others, followed everyone's gaze, and could see several figures standing on the viewing seat.

Some of these figures are as violent as thunder, some are blazing as fire, and some are as thick as mountains...

Everyone has a deep breath and stands out from the crowd, even in the crowd, and it's hard not to catch everyone's attention.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered.

Presumably, these people are the Holy Son-level figures of the Middle Three Heavens Division.

It also represents the strongest combat power of the young generation of Jiuzhongtian.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the spectator seat, and someone stared at the competition platform below and shouted.

"It's coming, it's coming, the green nightmare and the swordsman are out!"

Gu Xuan followed the prestige, and soon saw two outstanding figures.

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