"Boy, you're bold..."

In the third day, the Holy Son of the Thunder Department relied on his height and size advantage, stared at Gu Xuan condescendingly, and sneered: "There are very few people who will take the initiative to challenge me, because the people who challenged me before have all died in the ring. "

Under the black robe, there was not the slightest movement.

A trace of anger flashed on the face of the Holy Son of the Middle Three Heavenly Thunder Division, and the momentum on the whole person surged out like a volcanic eruption.

A large amount of blue-purple thunder erupted from him.

Thunder and mangs are intertwined, and the entire competition platform is filled in an instant.

In a few breaths, the huge arena seemed to turn into a thunderous purgatory.

Countless thunderbolts intertwined, expanding and contracting with the breath of the Holy Son of the Thunder Department, and the momentum was terrifying.

On the spectator seat, the Holy Sons of the Ministry, seeing this scene, their pupils contracted slightly.

"What a Gulza, the power of this Thunder Hell is even more terrifying than before, if I face it, the odds of winning may be less than forty percent!"

"In the past three days, Lei Lie of the Thunder Department has actually chosen to challenge Gulza, I really don't know how to write dead words!"

"It's also the bloodline of the Thunder Department, this kid will definitely be suppressed by Gurza very badly, and it is estimated that he can't even play eighty percent of his combat power...."

"Hopefully he can hold on a little longer, so that we can see how strong Gulza's true strength is now."

Before the competition officially began, Gu Xuan's momentum was completely crushed by Gurza, and he felt like he couldn't raise his head at all.

In the Thunder Prison, the Doutai has completely become Gulza's home turf.

Gulza was like a monarch in thunder, looking at Gu Xuan, while rubbing his hands, he said with a cruel smile: "I heard that you have a nickname in the arena, called Overlord? This nickname is good, wait until I pinch you to death, this nickname will belong to me..."

Under the black robe, there seemed to be a voice.

Gulza frowned and said, "What did you say?"

The voice rang again.

Gulza took a few steps closer and frowned, "Bastard, what the hell do you want to say?"

At this time, under the black robe, a pair of cold eyes suddenly rose.

A cold, suppressed voice rang in Gulza's ears.

"I said...."

"With this nickname, you are also worthy?!"


A fist slammed out from under the black robe.

This fist was filled with black thunder of destruction.

The moment this punch was blasted, Gurza's Thunder Hell instantly collapsed, and all the thunder collapsed towards Gu Xuan's fist.

Gulza's face changed instantly, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "Destruction Thunder?!"

His eyes were fixed on Gu Xuan's fist, his expression was like seeing a ghost, and he kicked back a few steps.

Gu Xuan swayed upward, and black thunder burst out from under his black robe.

In an instant, take over the thunder prison of Gulza.

Home-guest castling!

Countless black thunderbolts were intertwined around Gu Xuan's body, and in his body, all the doors opened together.

Gu Xuan stepped out, and the entire competition platform seemed to tremble fiercely.

Thunder as hell!

"You are also worthy of being called the Holy Son of the Thunder Department?!"


A punch close to two hundred dragon powers, the mystery of destruction and the mystery of power are intertwined.

Hit Gulza hard.

Gulza's eyes widened suddenly, and he raised his hands to resist, but he was directly hit by Gu Xuan's punch.

The chest is directly sunken.

Gulza's huge body was slammed into the arena by Gu Xuan.

The ground collapsed, the prohibition of the magic circle collapsed, and the terrifying thunder escaped in all directions like a dragon, and the people in the panic viewing seats screamed in surprise and fled in all directions.


At the spectator seat, the holy sons of all the tribes stood up violently.

His eyes were staring at Gu Xuan's figure on the stage, and his expression was even more ghostly, full of disbelief.

They had anticipated the war.

It ended up being much the same as they expected.

It's just that...

The crushed and crushed objects swapped places.

Gulza, the Holy Son of the Middle Three Days Thunder Division, under the hands of this person from the Thunder Department in the lower Three Days, he didn't even have room to resist.

was knocked down directly by a punch.

"Damn it!"

On the collapsed arena, Gulza roared in a vain attempt to get back up from the rubble.

was trampled on by Gu Xuan.


The arena shook again.

Gu Xuan stepped on Gulza's head and looked up at the audience.

Under the black robe, a pair of cold eyes swept the audience.

Anyone who stares at them can't help but be afraid and subconsciously bow their heads.

Everyone's heart trembled.

They all trembled uncontrollably.




At this moment, Gu Xuan was like a thunderbolt master, overlooking the common people.


Gu Xuan looked coldly at the Holy Sons of the various tribes on the viewing seat, and said in a cold voice: "What are the Holy Sons of the Three Tribes in the three days, all of them are waste!"


On the spectator seat, the faces of the holy sons of all the departments were distorted, and their hands tightly grasped the armrests of the seats, burning with anger.

"So be it..."

Gu Xuan said expressionlessly, "I'll give you bunch of wastes a chance... Three days later, I challenge all of you! 10,000 points, 20 million top-grade spirit stones... Dare .."


Gu Xuan stomped Gulza into the soil with a fierce kick, and said word by word: "Come and get it!"


Suddenly, the huge arena shook.

Countless people were stunned.

Gulza, the holy son of the Thunder Ministry who everyone had high hopes for, was strongly crushed by Gu Xuan, and it was even if he was crushed.

Gu Xuan even challenged the Holy Son level figures of all the tribes in the Three Days in front of countless people...

The ultimate arrogance!


There are no words to describe the shock in their hearts.

They subconsciously remembered Gu Xuan's nickname...


Indeed, Gu Xuan, who is looking down on the crowd at this moment, really has the posture of a generation of overlords.


Domineering and boundless!


On the spectator seat, two brilliant sword rays suddenly burst out of Yuan Jiansheng's eyes, and there was a trembling sword qi in his body.

"Is that you?...."

Yuan Jiansheng stared at Gu Xuan on the stage with burning eyes.

A certain figure in my mind is constantly overlapping with the figure on the stage.

And many Zhongzhou saint-level figures are all stupid.

"This thunder... It's too strong, isn't it..."

"Even the three-day Thunder Saint Son can't withstand his two punches, this guy really only has nine realms of life and death?"

"It's him! It's him!

The Seven Xuan Holy Son took a step forward suddenly, staring at the domineering figure on the stage with a horrified expression.

There was a deep fear and fear in his eyes.

"It's him, when he was in the Thunder Department for the next three days, he killed the Five Kings Realm projection in one move..."


Many Zhongzhou saint-level figures gasped one after another, and they couldn't say a word of shock.

At this time, a fiery figure on the viewing seat stepped forward, stared at Gu Xuan coldly, and said word by word: "Okay, in three days, I will fight with you... Just because Gurza is a waste doesn't mean we're a waste too!"


All the holy sons exuded a powerful momentum and soared into the sky.

On this day, the news that Lei Li, the overlord of the Thunder Tribe, crushed the Holy Son Gulza of the Thunder Tribe, and would challenge the Holy Son of the Thunder Tribes in the Middle Three Days after the third day, swept the entire arena.

Jade Yuan Heaven Shakes!

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