Especially a few saint-level figures in Zhongzhou.

They are the only ones on the field who know the true identities of the two sides of the match.

One is the dawn of Zhongzhou Kendo for ten thousand years, a genius and brilliant Yuan Jiansheng.

The other is an even more terrifying Dao Demon Star.

The first person in the history of Midstate.

Before the age of twenty, he entered life and death, ranked first on the list of life and death before the age of twenty, retreated from the king realm before the realm of life and death, and played the three kings while talking and laughing.

Both of them are the most brilliant figures of the young generation in Zhongzhou, and they can be called the sun and moon above the heads of the young generation in Zhongzhou.

Which of the two is strong and which is weak, which is the day and which is the month, has always been a topic of speculation and discussion by many people.

Now, they're finally seeing it with their own eyes.

The result was unexpected by everyone.

Everyone knows that Gu Xuan's way is the way of the sword, and the most brilliant way is also the way of the sword.

But who would have thought that this young man who was a master of the sword would defeat Yuan Jiansheng, who was known as the dawn of the sword for ten thousand years, without even making a single sword.

Crush strongly, and there is no suspense to win.

What does this mean?

This means that the strength of the two is not at the same level at all.

The incomparably huge difference in strength will cause such a result.

"If this news is transmitted back to Zhongzhou, God knows what kind of sensation it will cause!"

The Son muttered.

"I can't imagine what an earth-shattering scene it will be when this magic star really strikes..."

Everyone saw that their mouths were dry and their scalps were numb.

Looking at the figure in the black robe, there was a sense of looking up and surrendering in my heart for no reason.

swept the young generation of the Nine Heavens with the power of one person.

From today on, Gu Xuan can be regarded as ...

The real young generation of Tianxuan Continent, the first person in the sky and on the earth!

At this moment, the clouds above the Yuyuan sky suddenly cracked, and a majestic coercion descended from the sky.

Everyone present changed color and looked up one after another.

Gu Xuan's eyebrows also raised.

"Wang Realm!"

And it's not an ordinary King Realm powerhouse.

He is a king realm powerhouse at the level of the Ten Halls of Hades, otherwise it would not have brought him such a strong sense of oppression.

Soon, a figure wearing an ancient armor with a long bright red cloak behind his back appeared in the field.

Seeing this person, many people's eyes suddenly widened and they exclaimed.

"Xingjun! It's Doubu Xingjun!"

"The Star Monarch who lives in the Nine Heavens has actually descended to earth in person, could it be that he is here for the overlord?"

Countless people speculated, and immediately prostrate down and fell to the ground.

"See Doube Xingjun!"

"See Doube Xingjun!"

Doube Xingjun!

Gu Xuan's eyes condensed slightly.

This is the Star Monarch powerhouse of the Ancient Divine Court?!

No wonder, the majesty exuded is comparable to that of the Ten Halls of Hades!

Gu Xuan didn't forget that the purpose of his trip was to see if he could take off the head of a Star Monarch, so that he could go to the underworld to confirm his identity as the reincarnation of the Yin Tianzi.

Of course...

Gu Xuan also had a hint of enlightenment in his heart at this time.

Xingjun's head is still secondary, and the most important thing is his strength.

If his strength is strong enough, he can reach the level of the Five Directions Ghost Emperor, or even surpass the Five Directions Ghost Emperor.

He can subdue the entire underworld by himself.

So what else does he need to prove himself?

The key is strength!

Doubu Xingjun appeared, and his eyes fell on Gu Xuan as soon as possible.

Although he couldn't see the expression on Doube Xingjun's face clearly, anyone could feel the undisguised look of appreciation projected in the other party's eyes.

"Good, good!"

Doubu Xingjun said three good words in a row, his voice was like thunder, and he laughed loudly: "What a person in the sky and on the earth! This seat asks you, are you willing to join my Doubu and become a member of my Doubu? Enjoy the position of the god of the Doubu?!"


Suddenly, everyone's faces showed shocked expressions, and there was a buzzing commotion on the field.

Doube Xingjun personally recruited!

And he also promised the position of the priest of the fighting department!

You must know that no matter which priest you are, you need the strength of the Wang Realm to be competent.

Gu Xuan did not enter the king realm, but he enjoyed the position of a priest, and he was also appointed by the Star Monarch....

It shows that Doubu Xingjun attaches great importance to it.

It's already appreciated to the point that he doesn't hesitate to turn around and solicit.

Who has ever enjoyed such treatment?

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes converged on Gu Xuan, and the look of envy was all written on his face.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, he thought for a while, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Thank you Xingjun for your appreciation, I do!"

He had come to the arena to seek qualifications to enter the last three days, and now that a great opportunity was in front of him, how could he miss it.

Seeing that Gu Xuan agreed, a satisfied smile appeared on Doubu Xingjun's face.

At that moment, with a wave of his big hand, he threw out a token from his hand and shot it at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan raised his hand to catch it, and found that it was an extremely exquisite purple jade plaque with a big fighting character written on it.

The order of the Great Priest of Doube!

"From now on, you will be the ninth great priest of my Doubu! ha..."

After the announcement of the Doubu Xingjun, he fell on Yuan Jiansheng next to him and said, "You can also be willing to join my Doubu and enjoy the position of a god general?"

Yuan Jiansheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Yes. "


Doubu Xingjun also threw out a token at Yuan Jiansheng, but it was only red.

"From now on, you will be the second god general of my Doubu!"

After recruiting two powerful generals in a row, Doubu Xingjun seemed to be extremely happy, and laughed: "You two will come to the Xuantian Doubu to report with your token on the next day." "

After speaking, the cloak was raised, and the clouds and mist re-sank into the sky and disappeared.

Below, countless people looked at Gu Xuan and Yuan Jiansheng with envy.

One is the great priest and the other is the second god.

Since then, the two have been on a steady footing.

With such an opportunity, how many strong people can't squeeze their heads into it in the middle of three days.

However, the strength of the two is also obvious to all, and no one has any opinions.

On Lei Ministry's side, Lei Lie and the others looked at Gu Xuan with extremely complicated expressions.

They guessed Gu Xuan's identity, and they were also sure that Gu Xuan was the one who took away their Thunder Inheritance Holy Relics in the next three days.

But now it's useless to know.

Gu Xuan became the ninth great priest of the Dou Clan, and in terms of identity and status, he was even above the great elder of the Thunder Sect in the next three days, and he could be on an equal footing with the patriarch who was also the Thunder Sect Divine Officer.

And it was also hand-picked by Doubu Xingjun.

The people of the Doubu are well-known for protecting their shortcomings.

Especially Doube Xingjun.

The immortal thunder of the Thunder Department fell into the hands of Gu Xuan in the next three days, and if they wanted to come back, I was afraid that it would be difficult.

"No, this news must be reported to the Great Elder as soon as possible, and the Thunder Department Headquarters must be informed..."

Lei Lie gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, Xuanyue also has the blood of my Thunder Department flowing in his body, how can he join the Dou Department!"

Thinking about it, Lei Lie left in a hurry with Lei Ling and the others.

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