With Gu Xuan's punch, two thick chain phantoms appeared in the void.

A red flame represents the mystery of fire.

The other one is as bright as gold, representing the mystery of strength.

The two mysteries are entangled.

The combination of force and law sets off boundless power.


Thousands of pillars of fire collided with the boundless sea of fire, converging into monstrous flames that almost burned through the sky.

The fire technique body shook violently, and Gu Xuan kicked back a few steps in the void.

Although he fell to the downwind, Gu Xuan's eyes burst out with a brilliant look.

He is finally qualified to confront Wang Jing head-on!

Huo Shu's face was even more shocked.

"Atavistic Elephant?!"

"How can you kid be able to give birth to the atavistic image that only a person from my fire department can have?!"

The fire spell was full of disbelief and roared in shock.

The rest of the Fire Tribesmen were even more moved.

The various miracles that Gu Xuan is showing now are similar to those described in their Fire Inheritance.

The situation of the blood atavism of the son of Tianjiao is almost identical.

How could the Fire Tribe not be surprised.

You must know that for tens of thousands of years in their Fire Department, there has never been an immortal Tianjiao who can return to their ancestors.

"If it is really a bloodline atavistic ancestor, with the power bonus of bloodline, it is not impossible for the life and death realm to confront the king realm head-on..."

"However, isn't this son from the Thunder Tribe, why does he return to my ancestors and the bloodline of the Fire Ministry?!"

Not only the people of the Fire Department, but even the Great Elder of the Thunder Department were stunned, not knowing how to feel.

With a collision, the power of the Fire Realm's King Realm blasted into Gu Xuan's body.

The furious force tore many muscles in his body, and his divine patterns cracked.

But immediately it healed, and it became stronger and more perfect.

The fetus shook wildly.

Gu Xuan could clearly feel that his divine body was constantly forming.

"Come again!"

Gu Xuan let out a long laugh and took the initiative to attack the fire technique.

The fire technique snorted coldly, and followed closely without showing weakness.

Both of them are Fire Venerables, wielding the power of flames like fingers.

In terms of the comprehension of the mysteries of the fire system, the fire technique is more exquisite than Gu Xuan.

But in terms of physical strength alone, Gu Xuan is stronger.

The two fought together, and the furious force continued to bombard each other.

There seemed to be countless fire dragons roaring in the sky above the Fire Ancestral Earth's Heavenly Dome, and the Red Flame Pillar erupted.

At the beginning, the battle between the two was that Gu Xuan was at a disadvantage.

But gradually, the situation became more balanced.

Gu Xuan was like a dry sponge, frantically absorbing the comprehension of the fire technique on the meaning of the fire system.

"A Thousand Flames Devouring the Sky!"

The endless combat skills that continued to emerge in the Gu Xing Dou Dao Palace, coupled with the moves of the fire technique, made Gu Xuan feel at ease with some powerful fire arcane attack methods.

One move was played, and I saw Gu Xuan shoot out thousands of pillars of fire like dragons, dragons, and chains, and bombarded them fiercely on the chest of the fire technique.


The fire spell retreated wildly, opened its mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then was quickly steamed dry by the heat wave.


Huoshu's face was ugly, and the shock in his heart had reached a point of no return.

This kid in front of him is simply a demon!


The strength of his talent and the unbelievable level of his understanding are the only ones he has seen in his life.

During the time that the two were fighting, Gu Xuan's progress was shocking.

Originally, he was not his opponent, but in a short period of time, he was now able to suppress him in turn.

The other party's comprehension of the mysteries of the fire system was even more like he watched rise little by little.

The mystery of fire contained in that move just now directly broke through seventy percent, reaching a point close to eighty percent.

The blazing heat of the flames actually burned him, the Great Elder of the Fire Department.

It's incredible.

The onlookers looked even more dazed.

It's like a dream.

They never dreamed that one day they would see that the great elder of their own King Realm would be beaten by a junior in the Life and Death Realm to vomit blood.

Still... Comprehension and attainment of the power of flames!

"Is there only so much strength?"

Seeing that the fire technique was defeated and vomited blood, Gu Xuan's face showed a slight look of disappointment.

Hearing the disappointment in Gu Xuan's words, Huoshu was shocked and angry, and pounced again with a roar.

Gu Xuan blocked it with a casual blow, and then punched hard in the other direction.

"In that case, why don't you come too!"


The punch was struck.

Beneath the burning red flames, terrible thunder erupted.

The thunder light illuminated the shocked faces of the Great Elder of the Thunder Tribe, and also illuminated the shocked and stunned faces of the countless Fire Tribesmen below.

"Life and death, one person fights two kings?!"

"He... How dare you?"



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