"Why not?"

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord asked with a smile.

"Because the foam has been..."

Su Qingmo almost blurted out.

She is a child's person, and if she wants to marry someone in the future, she will also marry her son.

If Childe doesn't want it, she will stay by Childe's side and always be her maidservant "Anu".

But she didn't dare to say this to the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord.

It can only be changed quickly.

"Because Qingmo wants to serve by the master's side forever."

The Holy Lord of Tianxiang smiled and said, "Master doesn't ask you to serve, I just hope that you can marry smoothly."


Su Qingmo still shook her head.

After so many years in the Yaotai Holy Land, all the times she shook her head may not be as much as a day today.

Seeing the resoluteness in Su Qingmo's expression, the smile on his face narrowed little by little, and his eyes became cold.

She withdrew her hand and turned back into the noble and dignified, high-minded and unsympathetic Yaotai Holy Lord.

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord's body exuded a powerful aura that belonged to the powerhouses of the King Realm, and Su Qingmo was almost breathless.

She looked at Su Qingmo condescendingly, and said coldly and indifferently, word by word: "This time, you don't want it, you have to ask for it."

Your body is all given by me and Yaotai, so naturally you have to listen to my arrangement, whether you want to or not. Hmph..."

After speaking, the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord waved his hand.

Countless streamers were shot, sealing the room where Su Qingmo was located layer by layer, and then walked out of here.

"Master, Master..."

Su Qingmo called again and again, but did not get any response.

"You have to get married... Recruit relatives on a day ?..."

Su Qingmo sat on the ground in a daze, looking at the cold and solid magic circle around him.

For a moment, it was as if I had returned to the past.

At that time, she had just been brought back to Yaotai by the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord.

A fourteen-year-old mortal girl, not long after she came out of the iron cage of a slave trader, suddenly came to a place like a fairyland.

That feeling of panic and loneliness from the heart made Su Qingmo can't help but hug her knees tightly, and the whole person curled up in the corner of the room like a little beast.

"Childe... Childe, where are you..."

"Anu misses you so much..."


The recruitment of the Yaotai Holy Maiden continues to ferment.

Every day, a large number of warriors arrive.

Ordinary warriors lived in several cities under the command of the Yaotai Holy Land, while the children of the sect with a slight status, the descendants of the Holy Land, would be treated with courtesy and welcomed into the Yaotai as guests.

On this day, in a large city under the Yaotai Holy Ground, a group of several people flew in the light.

Each of these people has a strong breath and an extraordinary temperament, which can be called the dragon and phoenix among people.

Each of them has at least a divine realm cultivation.

Especially the first one, with a majestic posture and a noble appearance, like a natural emperor, and like a congenital god.

A few people walked and immediately attracted the attention of the rest of the warriors, and some people recognized their identities.

"That's the newly top-ten Tianjiao Ji Lingsheng of the Divine Appearance List! There is also the new Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect, Chao Yan, the genius disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, Su Jiaoxing....

These people are all the sons of Tianjiao from the Southern Regions, and they didn't expect to come to participate in this grand event. "

"It turned out to be them! Good guy, I have long heard that Ji Lingsheng has the blood of the emperor and has good talents, and when I saw it today, it was really a real dragon style, and he should be the head of the dragon in the Southern Regions..."

"Heh... Southern Dragonhead, I'm afraid you haven't forgotten that one. That one is also from the Southern Regions.

In front of that one, what did Ji Lingsheng calculate?

It's just a crowd..."

"That one? yes, I almost forgot about that one!"

"Shhhh "



"The Yaotai Holy Land is not the first female cultivator in Zhongzhou, this scenery, this weather, is beautiful..."

Zhou Canglan couldn't help but speak.

The rest of the people were not as leisurely and elegant as him, just looking at the Yaotai Holy Land in the distance.

"There are really a lot of people here to recruit relatives of the Holy Maiden of Yaotai this time, I have seen more than one genius on the god list, and there are many proud sons on the life and death list, this is still in the outer city.."

Chao Yan said.

Zhou Canglan said with a smile: "The most favored disciple of the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord recruits relatives, if he can successfully capture the heart of the Holy Maiden, not only will he be blessed with boundless blessings, but he will also have the support of the infinite resources of the Yaotai Holy Land, and even the guidance and cultivation of the powerhouses of the King Realm, the future martial arts will almost be paved."

How not to be heartwarming.

Old Chao, maybe you're the lucky one. "

Chao Yan shook his head and said, "I don't have that idea. There are more people who are stronger than me and who look better than me. I'm here just to see more..."

Zhou Canglan smiled: "Not necessarily. The three saints of Yaotai Holy Land are all stunning characters. There's no chance of this, maybe there will be the next one..."

Chao Yan smiled bitterly: "You don't make fun of me." Among our group, Ji Lingsheng has this possibility. After a while, Ji Lingsheng will enter the list of life and death, and he may not be able to get the favor of the saint."

Speaking of this, several people subconsciously looked at the great young man at the front of the team.

Ji Lingsheng.

Ji Lingsheng's expression was calm, and he said lightly: "I have no interest in any saint. I'm here this time..."

Ji Lingsheng paused for a moment, and then said slowly: "... Just wanted to see him. Look at him, how he is now.."


The word rang in everyone's ears.

There was a trance on everyone's faces, and then it became quite complicated.

They naturally knew who he was that Ji Lingsheng was talking about.

It was a man who had been with them, but now he had thrown them 108,000 miles away.

Known by the Zhongzhou cultivation community as the first person in the history of the Tianxuan Continent, the Sword Dao Demon Star...

Gu Xuan!

This time, will he come?

Everyone thought in their hearts.


"The Holy Maiden of Yaotai recruits relatives?"

In the city, a handsome blue-robed young man was walking slowly, looking up at the distance from time to time, and then looking down in contemplation.

If Gu Xuan was here, he should be able to recognize this person's identity.

The lucky star who has brought him many precious opportunities - Xiao Chen.

“... Did this happen in my previous life? I only remember that the three holy maidens of the Yaotai Holy Land were later dedicated to the Ancient Divine Court and became the concubines of the Northern Black Emperor of the Divine Court.

I really can't think of recruiting relatives.."

Xiao Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly and sighed: "It's changed, a lot of things have changed." I just hope that the general trend will not change.

I don't want to change my life against the sky and be the protagonist.

I just want to survive in the cracks and live well in this world...



In addition to these people, there are also many Tianjiao figures on the god list.

Prince Divine Breath, Heavenly Demon Sect Qin Qingmiao and others also came to the Yaotai Holy Land.

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