And now that this demon star has grown up, I can't imagine that there will be anyone who can restrain his edge in the future.

Yuan Jiansheng had been standing in place for a long time with one movement and expression.

The corpses of the four King Realm powerhouses fell from his eyes, and white light rained down one after another.

He felt the great sorrow between heaven and earth, but his heart was cold.

"Before entering the king's realm, you are not worthy of letting me go out of the sword!"

"Is this your true strength after the knife is actually slashed?"

Ordinary people only saw the horror of Gu Xuan's knife in the world, which was amazing.

Yuan Jiansheng, on the other hand, has to look further.

He knew that Gu Xuan had always had three swords: heaven, earth and man.

Each type of sword is supreme.

But these three sword paths are also strong and weak.

The strongest is the Heavenly Sword, Yuan Jiansheng has seen it once, Gu Xuan was in the tomb of the Sword Emperor, and he used this knife to kill the descendants of the Sword Emperor to stop killing.

Poor stop killing and sharpening knives for decades, should be a person who is amazing and brilliant, and the light shines on the entire Zhongzhou.

Under this knife, not even a name was left, and it was forgotten.

The Heavenly Sword was amazing, and Yuan Jiansheng was amazed, and even had the idea that it was difficult to match at that time.

The second is the Earth Knife, the Nine Shadows Knife.

This is also Gu Xuan's most commonly used sword path, and its power is also extraordinary.

And the human knife, the knife of the world.

Gu Xuan rarely uses it.

Because this is the weakest of his three swords.

But now, after Gu Xuan became the king, he could easily kill the powerhouses of the four kings realm with just a human sword.

The sword that evolved the rise and fall of human dynasties was brilliant, and even he was amazed.

Heaven and earth are not out, and the divine body is not visible, Gu Xuan already has this terrifying combat power.

If he shows it with a sword from heaven to earth, what kind of scene should it be like destroying the world?

Can the king realm fight the emperor?!

It doesn't have to be impossible!

Yuan Jiansheng had lamented countless times that he was born at the wrong time, he was not born in the era when the Lingxiao Sword Sect existed, and he could not compete with the Ancient Sword Emperor Demon Heaven.

But the line stopped, and Yuan Jiansheng found out that he was wrong.

He was born at the right time, he was lucky, he was unlucky.

In this era, although there is no Ancient Sword Emperor Demon Heaven.

But there are talents and talents that exceed the magic robe heaven I don't know how many times.... Gu Xuan!

Zhongtian Dao, should be headed by him.

Ancient and unparalleled!

In the crowd, those sons of Tianjiao who had intersected with Gu Xuan, looked up at Gu Xuan like a heavenly sword and a big sun at this time, and they had long lost any thoughts of chasing and competing in their hearts.

The current Gu Xuan, in their hearts, is God!

Not an impassable mountain, but a sky.

Man, how can he transcend the sky?!

Xiao Chen, dressed in blue, stood in the crowd, looking in a trance, muttering in his mouth.

"Gu Xuan... Gu Xuan... This person is really the protagonist of this era, and the only one!

It's changed, everything in the previous life has changed.

The four kings have fallen, the heavens and the earth are sad, and many holy lands will surely shake.

The Great World, the legendary Great World is finally about to begin.

Gu Xuan is the person who controls the ups and downs in the world, the person who holds the flag, and the person who suppresses the times.

The trajectory of the times has changed, so where do I go from here?"

At this moment, Xiao Chen finally felt a little confused.

For the first time, he had doubts about the identity of his reborn.

He began to think about the truth of his own rebirth, the meaning of rebirth, the reason for his rebirth.... What is it?


In the Yaotai Holy Land, two figures flew out quickly.

Both of them are women in palace clothes, with stunning appearances, one year older and one younger, and all of them exude the aura of belonging to the royal realm.

As a second-grade holy land, Yaotai Holy Land naturally has more than one king.

The two Yaotai King Realm powerhouses protected the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord one on the left and one on the right, looking at Gu Xuan as if they were facing a great enemy.

Gu Xuan only glanced at the two of them lightly, and his gaze crossed the two of them and fell on the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord.

"Remembering that you have the grace of educating and nurturing Anu, I will not kill you with this knife.

But if you try to stop me again...

The next sword, you will die!"

The resoluteness and chill revealed in the plain words shook the delicate bodies of the three kings of Yaotai, and a deep chill was born in their hearts.

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord looked unconvinced, and wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the other two.

Especially the older one, he said very seriously: "This son has achieved the weather, and it is not something that my Yaotai Holy Land can match, let him go." "

The appearance of the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord Allure was slightly distorted, and his face showed unwillingness, but in the end, he still did not speak.

With no one to restrain her, Su Qingmo was finally able to regain her freedom.

Gu Xuan stretched out his hand to Su Qingmo, and tears came out of Su Qingmo's eyes.

She ran quickly towards Gu Xuan.

Her right hand gripped the necklace around her neck.

It was the most common, low-level storage ring.

In the past five years, she has not left him for a moment.


This was given to her by Childe.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you. "

"Anu, wait for Childe to pick you up. "

On this day, Su Qingmo waited for five years.

Now, she's finally there.

She is not Su Qingmo.

She is not the second saint of Yaotai.

Her name is Anu.

She's just... Childe's little maid is just a little maid.

Anu threw herself into Gu Xuan's arms like a milk swallow returning to her nest, crying with joy.

"Childe.. Childe..."

She called Gu Xuan's name softly, raised her head, and there was a hint of confusion in her tearful eyes.

She wanted to reach out and touch Gu Xuan's face, but she didn't dare.

She was afraid it was just a dream.

After waking up, all that was in front of him was the cold jade bed and spirit stones.

"Anu isn't dreaming, is he?"

Gu Xuan smiled, gently touched Anu's head, and said, "It's not a dream, Childe will take you away now." "

"Where are you going?"

Anu asked stupidly.

Gu Xuan raised his head, his eyes scanned the audience, and finally waved his sleeves.

Roll up the four royal corpses on the ground.

"Go kill someone. "

These three words spit out from Gu Xuan's mouth, and everyone in the audience, including the powerhouses of the Wang Realm, all trembled violently.

"Besieging and killing me Gu Xuan twice, it's not something that can be solved by dying in one King Realm..."

Gu Xuan said this sentence incomparably flat, and then stepped on the void and disappeared into the sky with Anu.

Behind him, thousands of swords and soldiers followed, like soldiers who followed the monarch to fight in all directions.

Everyone stared blankly at the direction in which Gu Xuan had disappeared, looking at the white light rain that was still falling above their heads.

Someone looked dazed and muttered, "Tianxuan Continent... It's going to change..."

Everyone has the same thought in their minds.

Gu Xuan is known as the Sword Dao Demon Star, and he will be ruthless and ruthless.

When the realm of life and death was shaken, Zhongzhou was shaken, and now that he has the strength to kill the king realm, what kind of monstrous storm should he stir up.


The Seven Xuan Holy Lord suddenly came to his senses, and said in a nervous voice: "Gu Xuan must have gone to find trouble with the Four Great Holy Lands, and this matter needs to be notified to them immediately..."


The plot behind is basically a horizontal push and a pretending to be forced.... A long climactic plot... Try to ensure two shifts a day.

In the end, I begged for a full order with a shy face, a monthly pass and flowers....

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