
It's like two meteorites, colliding together.

The void shattered directly, exploding a black hole with wriggling edges.

In a black hole, a person and an image are constantly colliding.

The terrifying power generated by the collision continued to expand the void rift, and even the void turbulence escaped from the crack and landed on the two of them, making a sound of gold and iron clanging.


The onlookers opened their eyes wide one by one, and their faces showed extreme shock.

"Gu Xuan can actually resist the void turbulence with his physical body, and he will not fall behind against the white elephant weapon of the half-step Emperor Realm?!"

I saw Gu Xuan's body body floating, the divine light escaping, and in a gesture, the inexplicable mystery between heaven and earth was pulled.

There was a surging sound like the Yangtze River in the body, and there was a "boom" sound of the door opening.

Gu Xuan's every move brought boundless power, with the charm of simplicity.

The huge white elephant was terrifying, but he was forced to be crushed by him and beaten violently.


Gu Xuan punched the white elephant hard.


Like the sound of porcelain breaking, the huge white elephant screamed, and was knocked out by Gu Xuan like a leather ball, smashing on the white elephant holy mountain, one-third of the holy mountain was crushed, and a large amount of earth and stone rolled down.


Many of the kings and warriors who were watching gasped and looked terrified.

The half-step Emperor Realm White Elephant weapons in the White Elephant Holy Land were all shattered by Gu Xuan's punch.

How terrifying should Gu Xuan's physical strength be?

Really... Comparable to the Imperial Realm!

Gu Xuan's eyes were scorching, and he took one step, and the Dao patterns around his body floated, appearing on the side of the white elephant in an instant, and then raised his iron fist and smashed it on the white elephant with one punch.


The sound of cracking rang out one after another.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, punching one punch after another, without stopping for a moment.

This scene reminds people of the innate gods born in chaos in ancient legends.

The physical body is extremely powerful, and it can subdue the white elephant and tear the real dragon alive!

"Divine body! To have a body comparable to the Imperial Realm in the King Realm, only the legendary Divine Body can do it!"

A Wang Realm powerhouse took a deep breath and said slowly.

Everyone looked shaken, and it was difficult to describe the shock in their hearts.

Suddenly, Gu Xuan, who was fighting, reached out and grabbed the two tusks of the huge white elephant.

His eyes flickered, and the Divine Power Dao Palace in his body continued to open.


The strength of the flesh soared wildly, and the mystery of power was revealed more and more clearly.

Sixty percent...

Seventy percent...



With two extremely crisp sounds, Gu Xuan was forced to pull out the two tusks of the huge white elephant from its mouth!


The wail of the huge white elephant resounded through the heavens and the earth.

A group of onlookers saw that their pupils contracted, and they collectively lost their voices.

Even the hearts of more than a dozen kings, including the Seven Xuan Saint Lords, beat wildly and contracted.




Two voices of surprise and anger suddenly sounded, and two middle-aged men with knotted muscles and white skin and hairless flew out of the White Elephant Holy Mountain.

The two of them were the only two remaining kings in the White Elephant Holy Land, and they had been hiding in the shadows before.

Seeing that the tusks of the huge white elephant were pulled out by Gu Xuan, the two of them were so anxious that they didn't care anymore and rushed out directly.

Gu Xuan glanced at the two of them and sneered.

"Hmph! The one-knife covenant has passed, and you dare to provoke this seat. Then this cause and effect will simply be bigger!"

As he spoke, Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, his hands turned into claws, and he slammed into the white elephant's body, and then tore it violently....


An earth-shattering wail appeared in the mouth of the white elephant, and its huge body was torn in half by Gu Xuan.

The white elephant turned into a corpse, and drops of essence blood rolled down like pearls, revealing the golden and jade-like bones in the body.

Every bone is engraved with dense small characters.

"Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace"!

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"That's right, just enough to make up for my lack of body refining!"

As he spoke, he directly waved his hand and took away the entire white elephant corpse.


Seeing this scene, the two White Elephant Holy Land Kings were completely stunned, and their hearts were extremely painful, but they were afraid of Gu Xuan's terrifying power, so they only dared to look at them angrily and did not dare to take a step forward.


Gu Xuan sneered, took out two white jade teeth, and suddenly stretched out his hand towards the sky.

In an instant, wherever his finger pointed, large clouds of fire spread in all directions.

Immediately afterward, a huge crack opened in the heavenly vault, and brilliant thunder and fire fell down from the crack.

Gu Xuan casually threw two white jade tusks into the air.

The thunder fire that fell from the sky wrapped the white jade tusks and burned them rapidly, and the white jade tusks showed signs of melting in the purple-gold thunder fire.

After the two white jade tusks completely melted into a puddle of jade liquid, Gu Xuan took out the Minghong knife and threw it into the thunder fire.

He also took out all kinds of treasured treasures, heavenly and earth-level swordsmen, and threw them all into the thunder and fire.

Along the way, he defeated countless strong people Tianjiao who had been killed, and the weapons and treasures accumulated in his hands were also calculated in a massive amount.

At this time, he was not stingy, and all of them were used to feed Ming Hongdao.

Below, a group of onlookers were dazzled.

"Heaven summons thunder and fire to forge divine soldiers..."

Heaven and earth are furnaces, thunder is salaries, and divine fire is the guide, and the treasure of snatching people in front of everyone is used to forge their own blades.

This kind of supernatural means, courage and courage, has far exceeded everyone's expectations and insights.

At this moment, under the clouds of fire in the sky, Gu Xuan, who was high on the Iron Throne.

The peerless and dazzling style is so beautiful that even the opponents who are at odds with it have to break their hearts.

"This son is really a born hero!"

The Seven Xuan Saint Lord's expression was complicated, and he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

After Gu Xuan continued to throw all kinds of treasures into the thunder fire, the training of the Ming Hong Knife in the thunder fire also came to an end.


With a trembling sound that pierced through the clouds and cracked stones, the thunder and fire disintegrated, and a three-foot long knife with a snow-white body that looked like a white jade carving jumped out.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth were filled with an incomparable earth-shattering sword aura.

The blades in the hands of everyone present trembled, as if they were cheering, jumping, and fearing....

Congratulations on the birth of the Monarch of the Blades!

The Ming Hong Knife flew around the White Elephant Holy Mountain, and finally fell into Gu Xuan's hands lightly and skillfully.

When Gu Xuan caught the brand-new Minghong Knife, a clear crack appeared in the White Elephant Holy Mountain under his feet from the mountainside, and then...


The entire White Elephant Holy Mountain directly collapsed in half!


There was a gasp on the field.

Even a King Realm powerhouse like the Seven Xuan Saint Lords couldn't help but swallow their saliva bitterly when they saw the sharpness of the new Ming Hong Sword.

Gu Xuan was already strong against the sky, and now he has a shocking blade in his hand.

Come back twice as strong.

From now on, under the imperial realm, who else can be his opponent?

And that coming third knife ....

How should the Daoyan Holy Land be received?

How to pick up?!

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