Gu Xuan became the king, the Golden Crow God Dynasty was destroyed, and the covenant of the three swords began.

In the past few days, the whole world has been focusing on Gu Xuan, looking forward to the results of the three-knife covenant.

Finally, the situation of Gu Xuan's covenant with the Three Swords of the Three Holy Lands was spread.

The first knife broke the Purple Mansion Holy Land Protector Array and the Purple Mansion Heavenly Tower.

The second knife destroyed the flesh weapon of the half-step imperial realm of the White Elephant Holy Land, and took the weapon to refine the soldiers.

With heaven and earth as a furnace, with the power of heaven, forge an unprecedented sword path divine weapon.

The third knife...

Daoyan Holy Land invited the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor to stop Gu Xuan's unstoppable momentum.

Even the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm were shocked, and it stands to reason that this three-sword covenant should also come to an end.

But I never thought...

Gu Xuan's third knife injured the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor.

The Holy Emperor of Wanchu himself said: In the next 10,000 years, Zhongtian should be the world of Gu Xuan alone!

Immediately afterwards, the king list came.

Gu Xuan is the first on the list of kings, and he has to be evaluated - the first king of eternity!


The entire Tianxuan Continent was completely shaken!

All the warriors are crazy.

Who would have believed it if it weren't for the countless people who witnessed the battle?

Who would dare to believe it?!

How long has Gu Xuan been at the top of the life and death list?

In an instant, he became the number one on the king list!

When he first enters the royal realm, he can injure the imperial realm head-on, but what if he becomes the emperor?

Countless people predicted that in this era, there would be a person who would gather the luck of the entire world and achieve an unprecedented throne.

And this person, is it Gu Xuan?

Overnight, countless people regarded Gu Xuan as a great day and became his fanatical supporters and followers.

Zhongzhou Martial Arts, the martial artists who have changed the sword path, have suddenly increased several times!

And the road of the younger generation to fight for the king can be regarded as a complete end.

Even a demon like Yuan Jiansheng who had not been out for thousands of years had become eclipsed under Gu Xuan's light.

As long as Gu Xuan exists for a day, they can fight...

There is only a second.


Yaotai Holy Land.

"Even the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor can't stop his sword?!"

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord suddenly stood up from his seat, his beautiful face full of shock and disbelief.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord muttered to himself, lost his soul.

Yutai Qingyin and Zhu Ziyan stood aside with complicated expressions.

They have been raised by the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord since they were children, and it is the first time they have seen the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord behave like this.

Zhu Ziyan's eyebrows and eyes are dim.

She has always admired Gu Xuan since the battle between life and death.

But now, this thought is basically lost in my heart.

Not to mention that what Gu Xuan likes is Su Qingmo.

Gu Xuan's current strength and height are not beyond her reach.

In this life, she can only act as the person who stands on the ground and looks up at the stars.

Gu Xuan was too far away for her.

The other two kings of the Yaotai Holy Land also looked complicated, and said with relief: "Tianxiang, now that Gu Xuan has become a big trend, you might as well let go of the grudge in your heart and make friends with him."

With the relationship between Qingmo and the girl, everything may not be without a chance of recovery. "

"yes. "

The Heavenly Fragrance Holy Lord's eyes flickered, and he suddenly took a deep breath and said coldly, "I want to go to the Nine Heavens once." "

The two glanced at each other, and they both saw deep helplessness in each other's eyes.


At the same time, Gu Xuan woke up from the retreat.

He opened his eyes, and there seemed to be countless sword shadows flickering in his eyes.

The covenant of the three swords, especially the final battle with the Ten Thousand Beginnings Holy Emperor, Gu Xuan benefited a lot.

Breaking through the double realm of kings is just around the corner.

Anu walked over from the side gently and skillfully, walked to Gu Xuan's side gently, and said, "Childe, where are we going next?"

Gu Xuan raised his head, his eyes seemed to look through the endless void to a distant place.

A figure appeared in Gu Xuan's mind, and he said in a low voice: "Go find someone, I have something that has been stored with him for a long, long time..."

"Yes. "

Anu nodded obediently and obediently followed Gu Xuan's side.

The Iron Throne tore through the void and carried the two of them away.


Heavenly Fortune City.

Countless warriors are bustling and lively.

In Tianyun City, a handsome young man in a blue military robe walked alone.

"Good guy, this Gu Xuan is inevitably too rebellious. "

"The body of the king realm injured the emperor realm, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I was afraid that I would not have dared to believe it if I was a human being in two lives. "

"Hey, such a hegemon who is destined to be honored in an era is too strong. Even if I live again and know most of the secrets of this world, as well as the trend of history, I can't keep up with his footsteps at all, and it is even difficult to be a witness..."

Xiao Chen sighed softly, looking lonely.

"Because of Gu Xuan's birth, what happened in this life is very different from what I experienced in my previous life.

I don't know if the Nine Heavens will collapse and the Underworld invasion will happen in the future.

In his previous life, Yuan Jiansheng carried the banner with his own strength.

With Gu Xuan in this life, Tianxuan may not be so ugly again...

That's a good thing. "

Xiao Chen pondered and walked slowly.

Before he knew it, he noticed that all the noise in his ears was far away from him.

Suddenly looking up, I suddenly found myself still standing on the bustling street of Tianyun City.

But on such a crowded street, a large area was forcibly vacated, and all the people around them took a detour without realizing it.

It's like...

Suddenly, there was a new little world here.

In front of Xiao Chen, two people were standing quietly, looking at him.

These two people, a man and a woman.

The woman's youth is absolutely beautiful, and she has the posture of captivating the country and the city.

The man is even more handsome, extremely rigid and beautiful, and exudes a domineering spirit that looks at the world and dominates the eternity.

It's him?!

Xiao Chen's pupils shrank, his knees weakened, and he fell to his knees with a thud, and said tremblingly: "Gu...King Gu!"

The person in front of him is not Gu Xuan, who else will it be.

Gu Xuan looked at Xiao Chen in front of him calmly.

The seven-colored brilliance on Xiao Chen's body is still gorgeous.

This seven-color level opportunity, he encountered it a long time ago, but until now, he has never succeeded.

It's also harvest time.

"Do you remember me?"

Gu Xuan asked.

Xiao Chen's forehead was sweating.

Although Gu Xuan didn't exude the slightest momentum, he simply stood there, which already brought Xiao Chen an incomparably suffocating and incomparably depressed heavy pressure.

"In the whole world, who can not remember King Gu!"

Xiao Chen replied.

Gu Xuan smiled faintly and said, "I also remember you, not only that, but I am also extremely impressed by you." "


Xiao Chen raised his head suddenly, with a stunned and confused expression on his face.

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly felt Gu Xuan's gaze like a sharp blade, penetrating his eyes and shooting into his heart, making his whole person tremble.

"I'm here today to find out something. It's just..."

Gu Xuan said slowly, word by word.

But when it fell on Xiao Chen's ears, it was no less than countless thunderbolts exploding at the same time.

"...What is your secret?"

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