At this time, the crowd watching from the sidelines was only shocked in their hearts.

The Ancient Saint Emperor was defeated?!

You must know that even if the Ancient Saint Emperor of Annihilation is just a wisp of divine soul clone descending, its strength is not something that the powerhouses of the King Realm can compete with.

The gap between the royal realm and the imperial realm is like the gap between a lake and a river and sea.

Even if it is only one thousandth of a river or sea, it is not comparable to a lake.

But Gu Xuan's lake showed a vastness and courage comparable to the rivers and seas, and the waves were so turbulent that the rivers and seas were forced back.

It's incredible.

Especially the Void King.

The process of the confrontation between Gu Xuan and the Ancient Saint Emperor just now seemed a little strange in the eyes of others, and they couldn't understand it.

But in the eyes of the Void King, it is no less than setting off a stormy wave.

"It's not that the Holy Emperor doesn't let go of the attack, but that he can't attack at all, he can't attack him. "

"The Holy Emperor has entered the Emperor Realm with the Dao of Space for thousands of years, and his attainments in the Dao of Space are many times more than mine, and who in the world can hide from his fingers. couldn't attack Gu Xuan, and had to take the initiative to give up, doesn't this mean..."

A thought popped up in the Void King's mind that shook his heart.

“... Gu Xuan's attainments in the way of space are even better than those of the Holy Emperor?!"



The Void King subconsciously denied this possibility, he couldn't believe it at all.

But no matter what, the strength that Gu Xuan showed was beyond his reach.

"I heard that Gu Xuan had injured the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor head-on, and I thought it was an exaggeration of rumors, but now I know..."

The Void King took a deep breath and slowly said to himself: "The strength of this son is even more rumored!"

The Void King is still like this, let alone others.

At this time, the mouth of the Ancient Saint Son grew up, and the whole person was already frightened.

He had been in retreat and cultivation in the Ancient Holy Land, and he had heard a little about the Tianjiao figures who stirred up the storm on the Tianxuan Continent, but he didn't know much.

He had also heard some rumors about Gu Xuan.

But they only believe in three points, thinking that it is just that the rumors are exaggerated.

The Ancient Saint Son has always felt that he may not be worse than Gu Xuan and Yuan Jiansheng, who are famous in Zhongzhou.

"The great world has just begun, and those who go fast now may not be the winners. The one who can laugh to the end is the real protagonist. "

This was what the Ancient Holy Emperor said to him.

But now, the pride and self-confidence of the Ancient Son of Oblivion have all collapsed.

He finally knew why a peerless beauty like Qin Qingmiao was willing to get pregnant before marriage, and the pearl fetus was secretly knotted.

Because that person is Gu Xuan!

Even the Ancient Saint Emperor had to retreat under his sword, and he had to praise him as "unprecedented".

The Ancient Saint Son looked up at Gu Xuan, only to feel that his body was boundless and majestic, almost reaching the height of the Holy Emperor.

Not to mention comparison, even the heart of catching up is difficult to rise.

When Gu Xuan's gaze fell on the Ancient Saint Son, fear immediately surged into the heart of the Ancient Saint Son like a tide.

His body could barely help but begin to tremble.

Just as he was about to say something, a divine soul knife had already slashed at his body.

The Ancient Son of Oblivion fell from mid-air like a stone, his eyes were ashen, and he had completely lost all his breath of life.

"The Son ..."

The Void King's pupils shrank and he exhaled in a low voice.

In the next moment, the hairs on his body stood on end, as if he was being targeted by some desolate beast.

This feeling has not been experienced for hundreds of years after the Void King achieved the King Realm.

Gu Xuan's divine thoughts, locked it.

The Void King subconsciously wanted to escape, but found that a powerful domain had enveloped him.

He is like a mosquito in amber.

Don't say that it is extremely difficult to break free, and it is extremely difficult to even move.

Obviously, he is also in the same royal realm, and his cultivation is still the Supreme Space Dao, but in front of Gu Xuan, he is like a mortal with no power to let him slaughter.

How strong is Gu Xuan?!

It's just terrifying.

Large drops of sweat rolled down the forehead of the Void King, and many desperate emotions were born in his heart.

But at this moment, the divine thoughts that locked on his body suddenly loosened, and Gu Xuan's voice sounded in his ears.

"Go back and tell the Ancient Holy Emperor that I will still give him face. Today he will take the life of only this little one. "

The Void King didn't look at it, just saluted Gu Xuan slightly, then tore through the void, and fled away without looking back.

The Heavenly Demon Sect Master looked at the fallen body of the Ancient Saint Son, as well as the back of the Void King fleeing in embarrassment, and for a moment, his heart was full of mixed feelings.

The two of them are the Holy Sons and Elders of the Ancient Holy Land of the First Rank Holy Land, even if they look at the entire Tianxuan Continent, their identities are all first-class nobles, and those who are idle don't even have a chance to see them.

Even the sect master of the Sanpin Holy Land had to be sincerely afraid in front of the two of them.

Just like her Heavenly Demon Sect.

But now, the two of them died and fled, and even the Ancient Saint Emperor couldn't protect them.

I'm afraid no one will believe this thing, it's incredible.

But it did happen.

It's all because of one person.

The Heavenly Demon Sect Master's gaze fell on the handsome and boundless man in front of him, and his eyes were complicated.

Gu Xuan has completely revealed the overlord posture of swallowing the world and covering the world.

This kind of man can be called the ultimate goal of their Heavenly Demon Sect heirs.

The towering tree that is most eager to climb.

The Heavenly Demon Sect Master had no doubt that if he was a few hundred years younger, he would have to put his face down and fight with other women.

"Such a strange man who has passed through the heavens and the earth, can there be any woman in the world who is not moved?"

The Heavenly Demon Sect Master glanced sideways at Qin Qingmiao, who was caressing his lower abdomen.

At this moment, the Heavenly Demon Sect Master was actually a little jealous of his beloved disciple in his heart.

Gu Xuan's gaze finally fell on Qin Qingmiao, gradually revealing a bit of tenderness.

Anu followed behind Gu Xuan, looking at the woman below curiously, secretly comparing her beauty in her heart.

Gu Xuan took a step forward and appeared in front of Qin Qingmiao.

Qin Qingmiao's eyelashes twitched, she had always been comfortable in front of any man, and she could easily play countless Holy Son Tianjiao in the applause of a generation of witches, but at this moment, she was inexplicably shy.

The head drooped slightly, not daring to look at Gu Xuan, and his cheeks, which were countless times better than Bai Yu, were suddenly dyed with a little red.

Gu Xuan looked at Qin Qingmiao, his gaze moved downward, and landed on her lower abdomen.

With the strength of his divine thoughts, he could naturally easily sense that Qin Qingmiao's body was pregnant with a powerful and active life form.

Moreover, this life form constantly echoes with him.

It is clearly his Gu Xuan's bloodline.

"Now that you're pregnant, why didn't you tell me earlier..."

Gu Xuan asked Qin Qingmiao softly.

Qin Qingmiao raised her head, and her expression suddenly became sad.

"How dare I come to you?" and when will you give me the opportunity to meet you?"

Glancing at Anu beside Gu Xuan again, he said a little sourly: "As soon as you become a king, you will stand up for others, even at the expense of being the enemy of the world."

And I...."

Qin Qing sighed faintly.

"I'm not even qualified to say a word to you, every time... can only look at you from afar, how beautiful... Hey!"

This soft sigh made Gu Xuan's heart tremble slightly.

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