
The second elder of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance had an ugly face and muttered.

Although the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance is not very strong, it also has him and the two great kings of the Great Venerable, and the top-level combat power is not inferior to the ordinary third-grade or even second-grade holy land forces.

And before the disaster came, it could bring these people such a terrifying feeling, as if the entire Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance could be overturned at any time.

It had to be a second-grade holy land pouring out, and several kings formed a lore game, and even said... The powerhouse of the Imperial Realm came in person.

It's possible.

And how can they be in the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, and they can provoke such forces and figures?!

Therefore, this omen-like feeling of catastrophe is really inexplicable, and they are both panicked and unable to understand.

The Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance's Great Venerable Elder stared at the distant sky, the source of the feeling of uneasiness, and his brows tightened.

Just when everyone was uneasy, the Great Venerable Elder, who had been silent, suddenly stared at him and said, "It's here." "

Everyone in the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance hurriedly looked in the direction of the Great Venerable Elder's gaze.

At the sight of the sky, everyone's pupils contracted.

I saw that in the far away sky, a piece of purple gas spread rapidly.

This purple air is magnificent, like a carpet, coming from the east.

The purple qi is getting stronger and stronger, covering almost the entire eastern sky, which is extremely spectacular.

This scene attracted the attention of countless disciples in Extreme Immortal City, and they all ran out to watch.

The eyes of many elders of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance widened.

Purple has been respected since ancient times, and purple qi has come tens of thousands of miles from the east, what kind of noble and extraordinary person can create such a majestic vision? !


Soon, a black spot appeared at the end of the purple qi.

The black dot is getting bigger and bigger.

And it was clear to them that it was a throne.

The throne is pure black and domineering, as if countless swords were fused and poured.

The entire throne exuded a sky-high sword aura.

This sword qi almost cut the heavenly dome, and where it passed, the clouds parted to both sides, like ocean waves.

And above that throne, two figures were revealed.

One of them is extremely beautiful, with a world-class face, and a temperament like a fairy, and he is standing on the side of the throne at this time.

It is hard to imagine that such a high-ranking celestial maiden would also make a maid posture.

But when everyone saw the people on the throne clearly, they felt that everything was taken for granted and reasonable.

The young man was dressed in a black robe, his appearance was handsome, and his temperament was even more noble.

The young man just held his cheeks sideways, and sat casually, but he gave people a sense of peerless domineering in heaven and earth.

As soon as this person appeared, the boulder that pressed on the hearts of everyone in the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance seemed to be heavier countless times at once, almost making people breathless.

Everyone in the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance looked terrified.

"Who the hell is this person, when did the Tianxuan Continent have such a hegemon-like figure again?"

Not long after, the throne came to the sky above the Extreme Immortal City.

The huge throne, wrapped in thousands of miles of purple qi, pressed the entire Extreme Immortal City impenetrable.

Countless people in Extreme Immortal City looked up at the youth and the throne with a confused and respectful expression, as if they were looking up at the gods.

The Great Venerable Elder of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance took a deep breath, bowed deeply to the young man, and said: "Your Excellency has come to my Extreme Immortal City, and the Extreme Immortal City is full of sparkling, dare to ask Your Excellency who is..."

The young man raised his eyes slightly, looked down at the Great Venerable Elder condescendingly, and said lightly: "This seat Gu Xuan." "

Gu Xuan?!

As soon as these two words were spoken, the eyes of everyone below suddenly widened, and they gasped.

The youngest god in the history of the Tianxuan Continent.

The youngest life and death realm in the history of the Tianxuan Continent.

The youngest king realm in the history of the Tianxuan Continent.

Kill the four kings with one sword.

Destroy the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty with his own strength.

The covenant of three knives, one person and one knife forcibly subdued the three holy places.

With the body of the king realm, he forced back the Holy Emperor of Ten Thousand Beginnings.

The first king of eternity.


Countless halos, countless appalling achievements...

It can be said that in the history of the Tianxuan Continent, there has never been a person who can be comparable to, or even compared.


Unprecedented, unprecedented.

Such a character suddenly descended on the Extreme Dao Immortal League, and with a suffocating sense of oppression and crisis, how could not let everyone in the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance panic.

And after hearing Gu Xuan's name, the countless Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance disciples below also showed an incomparable look of excitement and joy on their faces, and their expressions were almost fanatical.

For them, Gu Xuan is a living legend.

The elder of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance looked shocked, took a deep breath, tried to suppress the agitation and uneasiness in his heart, and slowly spoke: "The old man has seen King Gu, I don't know why King Gu came to my Extreme Immortal City today?"

Gu Xuan's expression was indifferent, he swept around the people below, and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just a cause and effect." "

The Great Venerable looked stunned and asked, "I don't know King Gu, what cause and effect can I have with our Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance?"

The rest of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance also looked at each other, not knowing why.

Gu Xuan showed a smile on his face, his eyes scanned the audience, and finally seemed to inadvertently fall on the two elders of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance.

"This seat is from the Southern Regions..."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance seemed to think of something, and their faces changed suddenly.

"Southern Regions?!"

"Could it be because..."

The two old faces were ugly.

Their Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance had conducted a Tianjiao hunt in the Southern Regions, in a vain attempt to seize the luck of Tianjiao in the Southern Regions to pave the martial arts of the children of the Immortal Alliance.

But that hunt ultimately failed.

A Southern Regions Tianjiao was born out of thin air, and killed the ten sons of the Immortal League like cutting melons and vegetables, which shocked the Immortal League at the beginning.

Until now, the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance is still a little green.

Could it be...

The second elder blurted out: "You are the one from the Southern Regions at the beginning..."

Halfway through his words, the second elder shut up violently, and he saw Gu Xuan looking at him with a smile.

"That's a good guess, that kid was this seat at the beginning. "


Suddenly, many Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance elders on the field gasped.

Many people, including the second elder, turned pale, and cold sweat rolled down.

At the beginning, they regarded the heavens of the Southern Regions as arrogant as pigs and dogs, and slaughtered wantonly, but now Gu Xuangong has become famous, reaching a height that even the entire Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance can hardly reach.

The purpose of this visit is self-evident.

It is no wonder that there is a sense of impending catastrophe in the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, it turns out that the root cause is here.

The Great Venerable Elder also looked solemn, thought for a while and said, "I don't know how King Gu wants to end the cause and effect?"

Gu Xuan smiled slightly, and said casually: "Elder Venerable don't be nervous, I, Gu Xuan, am not an unreasonable person..."

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone in the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance lit up, as if they saw hope, and they raised their heads with joy.

If Gu Xuan can not care, it will be better.

Thinking about it carefully, today's Gu Xuan's name is shocking, and the dignity of his identity is unimaginable, and it is natural not to worry about these little people.

Even the second elder was secretly relieved.

didn't wait for everyone's hanging hearts to let go, but they heard the second half of Gu Xuan's words.

“... As long as you casually take dozens or hundreds of heads from your alliance, and pay tribute to the souls of many heroes who have died in my southern region, you can do it. "

When the words fell, Gu Xuan pointed into a knife and slashed at the people of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance.

Suddenly, everyone in the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance looked terrified and frightened.

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