"What do you mean?"

The Great Elder of the Life Clan narrowed his eyes and looked at Shangguan Yue coldly.

Shangguan Yue stopped talking, just smiled slightly.

This smile made the Great Elder of the Life Clan very displeased.

Obviously, the other party is now his caged bird, the beast in the prison, and the situation of letting him slaughter has always given him a feeling that everything is under control.

He should be the one who feels this way!

"Bluff! hum..........."

The Great Elder of the Life Clan sneered and said, "Once the old man sets foot in the Imperial Realm with the way of fate, I don't believe that anyone in the Tianxuan Continent can stop me. Huh..."

With absolute strength, you can firmly control your destiny in your own hands.

The so-called variables are just excuses made by the weak because of their own lack of strength.

"In time, the old man will be the only prophet in the Tianxuan Continent!"

The Great Elder of the Life Clan said confidently, as if he had seen that day coming.

He sneered at Shangguan Yue and left with his sleeves.

After the Great Elder of the Standby Clan left, the smile on Shangguan Yue's face gradually faded.

She looked up, her gaze seeming to see through the prohibitions and obstacles.

Lingxiu's eyes revealed a little expectation, a little confused, a little puzzled, and a little... Worry.


"Don't worry, if something really happened, Wu Xia and they would have killed me a long time ago, instead of just imprisoning me.

Great Elder, as long as I am allowed to see the Great Elder, we will be fine. "

In prison, Ye Tian comforted Qiao'er one by one.

Qiao'er's worried face gradually eased, and she obediently leaned her head on Ye Tian's shoulder.

The two were exchanging words of encouragement and comfort when suddenly, clear footsteps could be heard outside the cell.

"Ye Tian, your time of death has arrived. "

Wu Xia walked into the cell with a sneer, looking at Ye Tian condescendingly, with an undisguised cold killing intent in his eyes.

Ye Tian was shocked, but he quickly mustered up the courage and said loudly: "Great Elder, I want to see Great Elder!"

"The Great Elder doesn't want to see you. Moreover, the Great Elder has commanded that the lives of the two of you shall be at my disposal. "

Wu Xia said lightly.


Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, he couldn't believe that the amiable Great Elder of the Life Clan in his memory who took care of him in every way would ignore him, and couldn't help but say, "Wu Xia, you dare to attack me behind the Great Elder's back?"

Ye Tian decided that Wu Xia must have concealed it from the Great Elder, otherwise with the Great Elder's temper, it would be impossible not to even give him a chance to see him.

"Hehe, what do you think you are, why does the Great Elder want to see you?"

Wu Xia sneered, stretched out his right hand to Ye Tian, and slowly closed it.

A huge and invisible force instantly fell on Ye Tian's body, Ye Tian's face changed, and he quickly became painful, and the bones of his whole body made a "crunch" overwhelmed sound, obviously under great pressure.

"Brother Ye!"

Qiao'er exclaimed in surprise and wanted to go up to help.

But she and Ye Tian had already been banned, and their cultivation was sealed.

And even if the cultivation of the two of them was not affected, they were by no means the opponents of Wu Xia in the Life and Death Realm.

As soon as Qiao'er pounced, she was slapped by Wu Xia casually, and she was thrown away like a fly.

"Get out of here!"

Wu Xia looked at Qiao'er coldly, and said in disgust: "As one of the candidate saints of our clan, I am willing to follow an outsider. Willing to fall, shameless, shameful to our people, the most damned is you!"

As he spoke, Wu Xia slapped his backhand again.

Qiao'er's body was thrown away like a rag doll under this terrifying force, and a large amount of blood oozed from her body.


Ye Tian's eyes were cracked, and he roared, wanting to struggle but to no avail.

Although he has constant opportunities and adventures, his cultivation has increased rapidly.

But compared to a top genius like Wu Xia, he is still too bad, and in Wu Xia's hands, he is simply at the mercy of others.

"Brother Ye.."

Qiao'er was seriously injured and angry, but she tried her best to squeeze out a smile to Ye Tian and said with relief: "Don't worry, you are a person of destiny, your luck is like a rainbow, and you will turn evil into good fortune and survive in desperate places." It's going to be fine..."


Two lines of hot tears flowed from Ye Tian's eyes, and he turned his head to look at Wu Xia suddenly, the anger in his eyes almost erupted, he couldn't wait to devour Wu Xia alive, he really hated it to the core.

Wu Xia looked at the scene between the two, and the ridicule and coldness on his face were even worse.

The strength of his hand gradually increased, and he said coldly: "

This is the underground, or the land of my life clan, ordinary people will not want to find this place for several lifetimes.

Even if you find it, there are also great elders in charge, even if you are a strong person in the Wang Realm, don't want to make any waves.

I want to see how this kid can turn evil into good fortune in my hands today!

Give me death!"

Wu Xia's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he was about to kill Qiao'er and abolish Ye Tian.

But at this moment, a strange spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared in the cell.

Wu Xia was stunned.

The next moment, he saw it.

In the open space in the middle of the cell, the void rippled like the surface of the water.

A black dot quietly appeared.

Then it expanded rapidly, and in an instant, it expanded to the height of more than a person, turning into a pitch-black passage.

Before Wu Xia could react, he saw two figures walking out of the passage.

A man and a woman, both handsome and beautiful.

Among them, the man instantly turned into the center of the world as soon as he appeared, and the brilliance of heaven and earth was taken away by him.

Even Wu Xia, who has always been arrogant and self-proclaimed as a top-notch genius, has an irrepressible sense of shame in front of this person.

Ye Tian and Qiao'er were also stunned.

This man and woman have outstanding temperaments like the sun and the moon, giving people the feeling that they can't be looked at directly, and both of them are a little dizzy for a while.

Suddenly, Ye Tian's pupils contracted violently, as if he had seen an extremely incredible scene, and he didn't dare to confirm and muttered: "Gu.... Brother Gu?!"

"Ye Tian?!"

Gu Xuan naturally recognized Ye Tian and Qiao'er's identities at a glance, and was quite surprised.

"I really deserve to be the child of destiny in this great world, my body is like a whirlpool, and everything around me will not be involuntarily affected by it, stirred by it, and pulled by it, even if I am no exception. "

In other words, Gu Xuan suspected that it was this Fang Tiandao who specially arranged for him to come to Ye Tian's side to relieve him from the siege.

Because Ye Tian is the "own son" of Tiandao, he can't die at this stage.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why the point where he crossed the void had a deviation of one in ten thousand, which happened to fall here.

"Since it happened, it doesn't hurt to help. "

Gu Xuan's "relationship" with Tiandao has always been good, and this kind of effortless thing can still make Tiandao "owe himself a favor", so why not do it.

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at Wu Xia on the side.


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