
Looking at Wang Jing, who was seriously injured by his own casual blow, the black-robed man couldn't help but sneer: "Even if my clan takes pills and forcibly breaks through. You can only stay in one level of the kingdom for life, and you are several times stronger than you. Where did you get the confidence to be kings when you are so weak?"

The black-robed man next to him smiled and said: "The Tianxuan Realm is a small realm, and this is the corner of the Tianxuan, it is already good to be able to produce a few royal realms, why ask so much for them."

"Yes. "

The two black-robed men talked to each other as if no one was around, as if everyone was in their eyes right now.

Several kings of the Southern Regions listened to their conversation, their faces changed, and their hearts were both ashamed and shocked.

God knows where these two mysterious people came from, their strength is terrifying, they are both kings, they are like dough in the hands of the black-robed people, let them knead it.

Several kings of the Southern Regions took advantage of the conversation between the two black-robed people, glanced at each other, and reached a consensus in an instant.


When I went back to move the rescue troops, I had to spread the news.

Almost at the same time, several great king realms tore through the void in unison.

But at this moment, a chuckle sounded in everyone's ears.

"Do you still want to escape?

In an instant, the two black-robed men disappeared.

The people below only saw a few black shadows quickly passing through the air.

Followed by...

"Bang bang bang...."

Several Wang Realm powerhouses who tried to escape fell from mid-air like dumplings.

Look at the two black-robed people again, standing in place with their arms crossed and mocking with a playful expression, as if they had never moved their bodies.


There was a gasp in the room.

Many Southern Regions martial arts geniuses all had terrifying expressions on their faces.

Who would have thought that the powerhouses of the Wang Realm, who were high in their hearts and regarded as their lifelong goals, would have such a time when they were embarrassed and weak.

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at the black-robed man, and they became extremely frightened.

"Everyone, let me wait to plant the underworld, otherwise... Die!"

The black-robed man spoke coldly.

Two powerful divine thoughts far beyond the Southern Regions King Realm rolled and crushed down, and the martial artists under the King Realm could hardly help but fall to their knees under the pressure of this terrifying divine thought.

"This sucks now..."

Youyue's face was ugly.

Xie Tianyi said with a solemn face: "Don't let go of the gods, once we are planted with the underworld, I suspect that we will all become the lackeys of this so-called underworld, just like the prince of the ghost spirit..."

As he spoke, Xie Tianyi glanced in the direction of the Ghost Spirit Prince.

At this time, the ghost spirit prince was dancing with his hands, looking like crazy.

The strength of the black-robed man made the vanity of the ghost spirit prince swell to the extreme, and the whole person was excited and fanatical to the extreme.

"Hmm. "

Yuyue nodded, but her brow furrowed.

No one wants to be a lackey of another race, but in its current form, no one can escape this fate.

It's no wonder that the Ghost Spirit Prince suddenly appeared in this genius battle, the fundamental purpose is to let the black-robed people control the most elite genius martial artists in the entire Southern Regions.

Once they succeeded, it would be equivalent to controlling the future of the entire Southern Regions cultivation world in disguise.

"In another hundred years, I'm afraid that the entire Southern Regions will become the territory of this underworld..."

There are not many warriors who can see this, but no one has any good countermeasures, and they are all worried.

Unless all the King Realm powerhouses in the Southern Regions are now gathered here, relying on the advantage in numbers may be able to force back the two black-robed people.

But if you want to do this, you can't do it right now.

Even if it does, who can guarantee that the strength of the black-robed man is only what he is in front of him.


All of a sudden, there was a deep sense of despair in the hearts of everyone present.

"Let's start with the King's Realm..."

The two black-robed men opened their mouths and spat out a cloud of gray gas from their mouths.

As soon as this gray qi appeared, it quickly collapsed, turning into countless points of light.

The color of the light spots varies from gray to black, and the darkest is purple-black, the largest and least numerous.

The two black-robed men manipulated purple-black points of light and flew towards several seriously injured Southern Regions King Realm powerhouses.

Several people wanted to struggle, but they were firmly suppressed by the black-robed man.

I could only watch as the purple-black light bit by little submerged into the sea of my eyebrows.


A black-robed man snorted and divided ten black underworld seeds.

"You first plant the ten most talented people here..."


The Ghost Spirit Prince nodded busily and carefully took the Underworld Seed.

As soon as he turned his head, the smile became strange and evil.

"Let's start with a few of you..."

The Ghost Prince's gaze fell on Youyue Xie Tianyi and the others first.

Youyue and the others had just fought with him and lost his face.

The Ghost Spirit Prince is a narrow-minded person, and if he has the opportunity to take revenge, he will naturally not let it go.

"The Pearl of the Lunar Moon, hehe..."

The evil gaze of the Ghost Spirit Prince wandered up and down Youyue's body, and said with an evil smile: "Wait for me to plant the underworld seed for you, and see how I can concoct you well in the future... Haha.."

Youyue's face was extremely ugly, and there was murder in her eyes.

She gritted her teeth and tried to gather momentum to resist, but a powerful divine thought instantly fell on her, firmly suppressing the power of her whole body.

It was the two black-robed people who specially assigned a part of their divine thoughts to assist the Ghost Spirit Prince's actions.

"Damn it!"

Youyue struggled desperately, but she couldn't even move her little finger, and for a while, the feelings of shame, anger, and despair in her heart surged up like a tide.

Xie Tianyi and Phantom are in a similar state to her, and they can't protect themselves, and they can't help her at all.

The Ghost Prince smiled evilly and walked towards Youyue step by step.

At this time, a figure quickly rushed out from behind Youyue, pulled out a long knife with a "bang", blocked it in front of Youyue, and said loudly: "Waste, if you want to move Aunt You, you have to ask me first!"

The Ghost Spirit Prince was stunned for a moment when he saw Yan Shaoyang, and then his eyes lit up, and a thick killing intent flowed out of his eyes.

"Good boy, if you don't come forward, I almost forgot about you..."

The ghost prince was overjoyed, and stretched out his hand to grab Yan Shaoyang.

"Boy, give me death!"

Yan Shaoyang was intimidated by the powerful momentum that erupted from the Ghost Spirit Prince's body, and he couldn't help but retreat in fright.

Behind him, Youyue and the others were so anxious that their eyes were split.

They wanted to help, but they couldn't.

"Shaoyang, get out of the way!"


The Ghost Spirit Prince's laughter became more and more rampant, and his figure quickly enlarged in Yan Shaoyang's eyes.

The violent force brought a violent wind, blowing so that Yan Shaoyang could barely open his eyes.

He felt the pressure that almost crushed his body.

A strong sense of death and crisis spread like a tide, and soon he was about to be overwhelmed.

"Are you going to die?..."

Yan Shaoyang thought silently in his heart, gritted his teeth, and tried to correct the knife in his hand.

"I'm Gu Xuan's disciple!"

"My master is the immortal Heavenly Pride of the Southern Regions!"

"My master suppressed the Southern Regions True Dragon List generation!"

"My master is invincible!"

"I can't lose face as a master!"

"So... You can't go back even if you die!"

In an instant, Yan Shaoyang had a bloody heart in his heart, his face showed generosity and perseverance, and he struck a blow at the overwhelming ghost prince, difficult but firm slowly... Swing the knife!

The terrifying palm of the Ghost Spirit Prince was getting closer and closer, seeing that Yan Shaoyang was about to be engulfed.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the ears of everyone in the audience.

The voice was gentle and calm, young and indifferent.

As if he was teaching something, he said:

"Yes, just like I taught you. Take out the knife and slash it hard. "


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