The two people who came out of the darkness were not Gu Xuan, who would be Yurou.

"Brother, long time no see. "

Gu Xuan had a faint smile on his face, and Can Shaokang couldn't help himself from being excited.

Usually steady and deep, he can only keep repeating at the moment: "Long time no see, long time no see." The Ten Elders of the Great Xia King on the side of Bik felt the incomparable power emanating from Gu Xuan's body, and his heart trembled.

He couldn't look directly into Gu Xuan's eyes at all, so he could only hide in the dark and wait.

Marriage Yurou was also quite happy to see Shaokang, the two had not seen each other for many years.

Although the Yin Yue Dynasty was not very far from Great Xia, she was afraid of missing Gu Xuan's return, and the Xuanyue Palace, which had been staying in the Yin Moon Imperial Capital for the past few days, had never returned.

Now that I have returned, many emotions are rightly deserved.

Gu Xuanmiaoyu and Shaokang talked casually, and roughly understood the situation in Daxia now.

Soon two hours passed, and Gu Xuan shifted his gaze to the old worshippers of the royal family beside Shaokang.

"Youlao's seniors have been taking care of her for a while...

The old worship was looked at by Gu Xuan, his body trembled slightly involuntarily, and he hurriedly lowered his head, and said respectfully: "The champion king is polite, protecting the prince is my business.."

Before he could finish speaking, the old worshipper suddenly felt a hand gently pat him on the shoulder.

He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but his body seemed to be imprisoned, and he couldn't move.

The next moment, an incomparably Pengbai dead aura poured out from the palm of that hand.

In a short period of time, the dead qi in the old worship's body reached a full state, and a rotten aura surrounded him entirely

"Champion King?!

The old worshipper was frightened and screamed, he was afraid that he would be swallowed up in an instant with such a thick death tribulation.

But soon, these dead qi were easily withdrawn by the palm of the hand.

After the dead air, there is a stream of vitality again.


The old worship cultivator skyrocketed, and his body also made a series of crisp sounds, sweating profusely, and a large amount of impurities were discharged from his body.

In just a few breaths, the old man turned into a man in the prime of life with a strong physique and full of qi and blood, and the whole person was at least twenty years younger.


Lao Xian looked at his young hands again, feeling the surging qi and blood vitality in his body and the surging cultivation, and he couldn't believe his eyes in amazement.

The old worship was originally just a heavy cultivation in the realm of life and death, but because of old age and weak qi and blood, it was basically impossible to break through the next level in this life.

Because he has no hope of surviving the double catastrophe of life and death.

But just now, Gu Xuan not only helped him break through the death tribulation and reach the dual realm of life and death.

also helped him refine his flesh and blood by the way, so that he could regain his vitality, and not only did his life increase in the future, but even the way forward was blocked.

In his lifetime, he may even impact the fourfold or even fivefold realm of life and death.

What kind of unpredictable magical power is this method of forcibly broadening the martial arts of others.

And Gu Xuan, who has done all this, what kind of strength and realm should he be?

For a while, the old worshipper had an incomparable admiration and awe for Gu Xuan in his heart, knelt down and kowtowed respectfully to Gu Xuan, and said gratefully: "Thank you Champion King." "

Gu Xuan nodded slightly and said, "It's okay." "

After speaking, he said hello to Shao, and disappeared into the hall with her softness.

Shao Kang looked at the direction in which Gu Xuan disappeared, and his eyes suddenly became more determined little by little

With a confident smile on his face, he said, "You say, if the Fifth Prince and the others knew the news of Brother Gu's return to Great Xia, would they still have the idea of fighting with me for this throne?"

The old worshipper replied with a complicated face: "With the champion king here, Your Highness can't say that he will sit on the throne, I am afraid that he will have the opportunity to become the longest-reigning emperor in the history of my Great Xia." A big man like the champion king, who casually leaks something between his fingers, is a supreme opportunity for us...

Shaokang seemed extremely happy when he heard the words of the old worship, and couldn't help laughing.


Great Xia, Spirit Sword Sect.

"My Spirit Sword Sect is the only four-grade sect in Great Xia, and there are countless strong people in the sect.

The younger generation, walking happily, Brother Weishanshan and others are all on the list of talents in Daxia.

The younger generation, Yang Miao, Senior Brother Li Qingyang and others, have all condensed the Xuandan.

Further up,

At the foot of the Spirit Sword Sect Mountain, a chubby and stubbornly dressed disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect said to the two people who came to apprentice, an old man and a young man, "You should know that my Spirit Sword Sect, oh no, who is the reason for the prosperity of our entire Great Xia and even the entire Yin Moon Dynasty, right?"

"I know, I know!"

The richly dressed young man of the two immediately jumped up and shouted, "Of course, it's Gu Xuan, a peerless Tianjiao who is famous in the Southern Regions!

The young man muttered with fanatical adoration: "Young Master Ben specially rushed all the way from the Great Departure Dynasty to follow in the footsteps of Gu Xuan, the first in the Southern Regions. "

"It's good to know. "

The fat man sneered, and said quite proudly: "The place where Gu Zeyuan practiced martial arts is still located in my Spirit Sword Sect, and the three thousand servants who were originally included in the peak by Senior Brother Gu are now extraordinary...

"So you say, such a holy place of martial arts, a place with strong martial arts...

The fat man checked the bulging bag in his hand, and said with a smile: "I will charge you a thousand lower grade spirit stones, is it expensive?"

The young man in Chinese clothes gritted his teeth and said, "It's not expensive, but you have to ensure that we enter the Spirit Sword Sect smoothly!"

"As long as you are not badly qualified, you will definitely be able to enter!

"Will this young master's qualifications be poor?"


"Husband, you see how famous you are, even people who are thousands of miles away from the dynasty have to come here and enter the Spirit Sword Sect to apprentice...

Punch Yurou looked at the arguing Hua Li, okay) The young man and the fat man said to Gu Xuan with a smile.

Gu Xuan shook his head helplessly, retracted his gaze and looked at everything around him, Gu Xuan couldn't help but feel a little wrong.

Today's Spirit Sword Sect has really changed too much compared to the beginning.

He could only make out a tenth of the old land at most.

He Gu Xuan was cultivated by the Spirit Sword Sect when he was at the end of the Wei Dynasty, and he became strong later, and the Spirit Sword Sect flourished because of him.

A drink and a peck, as a matter of course.

However, Gu Xuan's mind was very clear.

Although his roots are in the Spirit Sword Sect, the Spirit Sword Sect can do anything with the help of his name, whether it is good or bad, Gu Xuan doesn't care about the number.

After all, he is not a person who cares about that little bit of false fame, let alone an upright saint. If the BIK Spirit Sword Sect is in trouble, he will naturally help.

But if the Spirit Sword Sect eventually went into decline due to its own mismanagement, Gu Xuan would not interfere.

Everything goes with the flow.

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