Chapter 103 The Sons of Destiny and the Daughters of Destiny are all here!!

Just when Gu Yun and others were flying to the bloody secret realm.

On a plain tens of millions of kilometers away from Nanyunzhou. A bloody vortex hundreds of feet in size was suspended in the air.

The billowing blood flowed continuously.

Exuding scarlet light.

But the plain that should have been deserted was now filled with a large number of monks like ants, densely distributed throughout the plain.

A large number of luxurious and extraordinary flying boats are suspended in the sky.

Exuding bright light.

At the same time, the neighing sounds of various strange beasts can also be heard.

They are all mounts of some big forces.

Most of these strange beasts have the strength of the Yuan Dan realm.

Able to make Yuandan realm beasts become mounts.

It is enough to see the background of these forces.

Even if it is as powerful as the Qingyun Sect, there is no mount with the strength of the Yuan Dan realm.

After all, the more powerful the beast, the higher its IQ.

Most of the characters are unruly and unruly.

They would rather die than become human mounts.

In their view, becoming a human mount is a very shameful thing, so they want to tame these powerful beasts.

Only those powerful forces with deep foundations can do it.

Wow - flying boats flew in from afar.

The originally dense plain was now being visited by a steady stream of monks.

After all, the exits to the ninth bloody secret realm are now available.

That means it's not too late for the bloody secret realm to open.

The entire Tianfeng Dynasty monks rushed towards the entrance to the bloody secret realm that was closest to them.

After all, once the secret realm is opened.

A large number of monks arrived.

The consequence of being too slow may be that you can't even drink the soup.

And on the plains.

An ordinary-looking young monk raised his head and glanced at the bloody vortex suspended in the sky.

A smile appears on the corner of the mouth

"Phew, we finally arrived. Fortunately, the bloody secret realm hasn’t been opened yet."

The young monk let out a long breath.

There was an expectant smile on his face.

If Gu Yun were here, he would definitely recognize him.

This person is Lin Dong, the son of destiny.

He has not been seen for half a month. At this moment, The aura becomes extremely powerful.

The energy and blood in the body are like an oven.

Incomparably strong

"There are so many people."

Glancing at the crowd around him,

Lin Dong couldn't help but complain.

"They are just cannon fodder. Even if these people enter the secret realm"

"It would be good for most people to survive."

The little eagle in my mind laughed contemptuously.

"Lin Dong, you must seize the opportunity in this bloody secret realm."

"There are many opportunities inside, including even the best martial arts at the heaven level."

"If you can obtain heaven-level martial arts, you can defeat other geniuses even if you enter the war of hundreds of dynasties."

The little eagle in his mind continued.

Hearing this,

Lin Dong licked his lips.

A fiery look flashed in his eyes.

Heaven-level martial arts!?

He didn't expect that there was such a level of martial arts in this bloody secret realm. Learning.

If he can get it, it will definitely be of huge benefit to him.

"Hehe, heaven-level martial arts? I guess no one can match this martial arts except me. Lin

Dong said with a smile.

There was an extremely confident look on his face. In just half a month, after getting that opportunity, he not only broke through to the sixth level of the Yuan Dan realm.

Among them, he also made an earth-level top-level refining Physical martial arts, heaven-level mid-level martial arts cultivation to the perfect state. At this moment, he has the power to fight even if he faces the top forces. But at this time, a series of exclamations spread across the bed. Lin Dong was aroused. Notice

"That flying boat? It's the people from Qingyun Sect who are here."

I saw a gorgeous flying boat coming from a distance.

It stopped in mid-air.

Some monks present recognized the flag on the flying boat. They suddenly let out bursts of exclamations.

The entrance to the bloody secret realm here is the most important. Close to Nanyun Prefecture.

Most of the Nanyun Prefecture monks who want to enter the Bloody Secret Realm are here.

And today's Qingyun Sect is definitely the place that the entire Nanyun Prefecture monks most yearn for and worship.

Because that sect gave birth to a No. 1 A hundred peerless geniuses. They are expected to break through the Nirvana realm in the future.

And once Gu Yun breaks through to the Nirvana realm, it means that they also have top forces in Nanyun Province.

"People from Qingyun Sect are here. I wonder if Mr. Gu Yun is here?"

A female monk said with shining eyes.

"With such a great opportunity in the Bloody Secret Realm, how could Mr. Gu Yun not come?"

"I didn't expect to be lucky enough to witness Mr. Gu Yun's heroic appearance today, but I'm quite looking forward to it."

A monk with a goatee said.

There was a look of expectation in his eyes.

Today, Gu Yun is like the totem of Nanyun Prefecture.

Shining and dazzling.

Not only has he broken the tradition that no one in Nanyun Prefecture has had for more than a hundred years. The dilemma of being on the list of geniuses.

And he was in the top 100.

It completely broke the previous record. Listening to the praise of Gu Yun from the people around him,

Lin Dong had a gloomy look on his face.

If it hadn't been for Gu Yun, he would have been beaten by others now. It should be your own to worship and revere.

Gu Yun really deserves to die, he has robbed him of too many things.

When he thinks of the earth-level top-notch martial arts, the Three Mysterious Transformations of Sky Fire, that were taken away by Gu Yun, he still feels pain in his heart.

But , this so-called Tianji Pavilion is really rubbish.

A waste like Gu Yun deserves to be ranked above him.

Lin Dong's eyes are a little disdainful.

In his opinion, Gu Yun can achieve what he has today.

Most of it is because of That's the Qingyun Sect.

But at this moment, silhouettes flew out from the flying boat.

The field instantly became more excited.

"It's Gu Yun, Gu Yun appears"

"As expected, he is so heroic and majestic!"

"So handsome, Gu Yun. I am willing to become a Taoist couple with Mr. Gu Yun."

"Bah, you don’t even look at what you look like. Apart from your big breasts, what other advantages do you have? I’m the only one who can be a Taoist companion with Mr. Gu Yun..."

Many women in Nanyun Prefecture began to become jealous of Gu Yun.

This fragrant scene can be regarded as a spectacle. At this moment, Gu Yun, dressed in white, is suspended in mid-air.

He is majestic and has an extraordinary posture.

He has a transcendent temperament, like an elegant immortal.

He looks handsome. His appearance, coupled with that terrifying talent, is enough to drive countless women crazy.

Even if they are not female monks from Nanyun Province, when they see Gu Yun, their faces are slightly startled.

Then they become infatuated.

"Junior Brother Gu, you are so charming. Luo

Ling'er on the side looked at the fragrant scene and said with some jealousy.

"Haha, senior sister, don’t worry about it"

"There is only one senior sister in my heart."

Gu Yun is also an old man, so he said it casually.

Suddenly Luo Ling'er's face turned red with embarrassment.

She gave Gu Yun an angry look.

If Mu Qingli heard this, she didn't know what she would think.

Of course, it was Mu Jili who was hiding there. Here.

Even if he gave Gu Yun hundreds of courage, he wouldn't dare to say that. With a hundred points of favorability, it would be absolutely impossible to say that he didn't like Gu Yun at that time.

If he heard Gu Yun say this,

Yi Mu Qing Li's temperament makes her want to bite off a piece of Gu Yun's body.

"Damn Gu Yun!"

After hearing the words of the women around him and the look on Luo Ling'er's face in the sky,

Lin Dong suddenly became extremely jealous. His eyes looking at Gu Yun became more sinister at that time.

Regarding Gu Yun's appearance, he also Very jealous.

When I heard the words of admiration and love for Gu Yun from the women around me, this jealousy was infinitely amplified.

"When we enter that bloody secret realm, we will settle our old and new grudges together. Lin

Dong said with cold eyes.

Although he can kill Gu Yun directly now, there are so many people present.

Among them are some very powerful people, and the Yuan Dan realm powerful people around Gu Yun are even more powerful. It has numbers.

If you want to kill Gu Yun, you will probably have to spend a lot of trump cards.

It would be quite unwise if so many people know your trump cards.

"Boy, Gu Yun is still your opponent now"

"If you encounter something like that once you enter the bloody secret realm, you can kill it at any time."

"What you need to pay attention to is that the two women in the distance"


Under Xiaodiao's reminder,

Lin Dong looked into the distance.

He saw two women standing among the crowd.

The two women were wearing palace skirts and veils.

They hid their aura.

But the ones on their bodies That kind of noble and extraordinary temperament cannot be hidden at all.

Lin Dong has seen many women with outstanding looks.

He can tell just from the graceful figure of the other party and the beautiful eyes that can make the world pale.

The appearance of these two women Definitely not vulgar.

Especially the woman wearing a white palace skirt

"Are those two women strong?"

Lin Dong asked in his mind

"Very strong, especially the woman wearing a white palace dress. Even I can't see through her."

"I didn't expect to meet you here���kind of character."

Hearing Xiaodiao's words,

Lin Dong's face suddenly became serious. Unexpectedly, the woman couldn't even see through Xiaobi.

It seems that the other party is definitely not simple.

"Sister Yaoer, the one named Gu Yun, seems to be really handsome."

Mo Xiaoshuang, who was wearing a veil, said to Ling Yao'er next to her.

There was a bit of surprise on her face.

As a daughter of the royal family, she has seen many geniuses.

One as handsome as Gu Yun is still the first. times seen

"You little pervert!"

After hearing this, Ling Yaoer felt helpless and scratched Mo Xiaoshuang's nose.

At the same time, she shook her head.

"But is he really handsome?"

Mo Xiaoshuang said with some grievance.

Ling Yaoer was also a little helpless about this.

She admitted that Gu Yun was indeed different from other men.

But she was not interested at all.

In her eyes, there was only cultivation.


At this moment, Ling Yao'er's extremely beautiful brows wrinkled.

She felt someone was looking at her.

When she looked around, she immediately stared at Lin Dong's eyes.

Her face was slightly cold.

"To be able to find me, that woman is really not that simple."

Xiao Diao in his mind said with some surprise.

And Lin Dong looked at Ling Yao'er who was looking over.

When he saw the other party's beautiful eyes, he was also slightly surprised.

Just from these eyes, he knew that the other party must be a An extremely beautiful woman.

Seeing the other person looking at him,

Lin Dong showed a smile that he thought was extremely handsome.

For such a beautiful woman, he wouldn't mind letting the other person become his woman.

In his opinion, this is the other person's blessing. Points.

Ling Yaoer:"???"

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