Chapter 129: The dragnet is lifeless!!

In the center of the ancient city.

In a magnificent pavilion.

Xuanyin Sect, Netherworld Sect and others gathered here. them at this moment.

Standing on the high pavilion, looking down with a smile. And below, Ji Yunzong and others were sent to the ministers of Tie Pangzi.

Placed in a square in front of the pavilion.

Next to the iron cage, there were a group of Xuanyin Sect disciples guarding it.

Countless monks in the Spiritual Sea Realm and the Ning Yuan Realm and even some casual cultivators in the Yuan Dan Realm.

Their eyes were fixed on the figure in the iron cage on the square.

The expressions on their faces varied.

There is sympathy and pity, and there is also schadenfreude.

Some people were expressionless.

But inside the iron cage, Elder Yun and others looked extremely pale and ugly.

"Damn Xuanyin Sect, if you let me survive this time"

"After I get out, I will definitely slaughter the Xuan Yin Sect."

At this moment, in the cage.

Elder Yun said with a very ugly face.

At this moment, he was extremely angry.

He had never been so humiliated.

Being locked in a cage and treated like a monkey, let alone a monk at the ninth level of the Yuan Dan Realm. A mortal can't accept it.

And the Netherworld Sect deserves to die as well.

If he only relies on the Xuanyin Sect, he has no fear at all.

As a result, the other party does not know when he will form a group with the Netherworld Sect. And among the Netherworld Sect, there are even more A strong man with half-step to the mysteries. If the other party had not been there, he would not have been seriously injured.

And next to him, there were other disciples of the Qingyun Sect.

Among them were several other elders of the Qingyun Sect.

Most of them Both the true disciples and the core disciples are here.

Even the top three core disciples Lin Fengyechuan and others are here.

Their faces are also very disappointed at this moment.

Now they are locked in a cage.

The other party has a half-step There are strong men in Tongxuan.

Even if Gu Yun arrives, he will be dead.

Although Gu Yun killed Zhou Zhen, who was at the fifth level of Yuandan realm, with one punch.

But they did not think that Gu Yun could beat a half-step Tongxuan. strong

"Great Elder, will the Young Sect Master come?"

Although they knew there was little hope, they still asked.

"What if Gu Yun arrives?"

"The damn Xuanyin Sect and Netherworld Sect actually want to use us to lure Gu Yun out"

"Damn it!"

Elder Yun said with some gritted teeth.

"Fortunately, the girl Yizongzhu and Ling'er were not hurt."

"As long as the two of them are here, it doesn't matter if all of us are wiped out."

Another elder also said.

His words are not unreasonable.

After all, the talents of Gu Yun and Luo Ling'er are there.

As long as they are around, Jiyun Sect's Chiwei life will be even stronger.

And other disciples After hearing this, their expressions became a little sad, even though they knew in their hearts that it was true.

But at this moment, they also hoped that Gu Yun could come to save them.

And in the square, the two sects of Ziyang Sect and Wanwu Sect saw Qingyun Sect and others were locked in an iron cage.

Their expressions were a bit complicated.

"Unexpectedly, the Xuan Yin Sect and the Netherworld Sect would attack the Qingyun Sect together."

"Yes, the Netherworld Sect is also a major force in the Netherworld State, far from being comparable to the four major sects of our Nanyun State."

"The Xuanyin Sect was able to invite the Netherworld Sect, and I'm afraid it cost a lot of money."

"Humph, in order to deal with Gu Yun, he even thought of such a despicable method."

A leader of the Ziyang Sect snorted coldly.

Apparently he was quite shameless about the Xuanyin Sect's actions.

"Gu Yun is gifted as a monster, and his growth rate is too fast."

"If Xuan Yin Sect would do this, I am afraid that there is no other way to prevent it."

An elder from the Wanwu Sect said with some regret.

You must know that more than a month ago,

Gu Yun's cultivation was only at the fourth level of the Yuan Dan Realm.

And a month later, he reached the fourth level of the Yuan Dan Realm. This speed is simply astonishing. And the strength is enough to kill the young palace master of Xuanlong Palace with one punch.

If Gu Yun is given another year and a half,

I am afraid that by then, even if the Xuanyin Sect wants to deal with Gu Yun, there will be no way. Got it

"I hope that Gu Yun won't be too impulsive. If he does come, it will be a dead end."

An elder of the Ziyang Sect said.

Hearing this, everyone present nodded in unison.

Apparently they agreed with the elder's words.

After all, the Netherworld Sect has a strong man who is half-way through the mysteries.

The other party He is from the Netherworld Sect in the Netherworld State.

His background is extraordinary.

Far more powerful than the average half-step Tongxuan.

Even if Gu Yun can kill Zhou Zhen with one punch, he is definitely not his opponent.

The two leaders of their sects are elders. Although they are all at the ninth level of the Yuan Dan Realm.

However, because the background of Ziyang Sect and Wanwu Sect is too weak, their combat power is far inferior to that of other major forces at the ninth level of the Yuan Dan Realm.

Even the Yuan Dan Realm None of the eight levels are their opponents.

After all, the skills they practice are only low-level at the earth level.

But those powerful people among the big forces practice high-level or even top-level skills at the earth level.

Even if they are one level higher than their opponent, sometimes their The elders who led the team were no match for him.

It was precisely because of this that they planned to find some opportunities in this ancient city.

And in the attic, a group of people gathered here. At this moment, Bai Chen held a cup of hot tea and respectfully presented In front of an old man, he said in awe:"Thanks to Elder You, we were able to take down the Qingyun Sect and others."

At this moment, Bai Chen's eyes were full of awe and flattery.

The old man in front of him was a half-step master in Netherworld State. His strength was very powerful, far beyond what he could compare with.

Even if he broke through to half-step master ,.

I am afraid that he is not the enemy of this old man.

After all, the skills practiced by the other party are top-notch at the earth level.

If he can establish a relationship with this old man, it will definitely be of great benefit to him.


You Ye nodded faintly and reached out to take it. His eyes were stern, and he looked aloof. He had not yet paid attention to a small Xuanyin Sect. Even the leader of the other sect himself was very polite to him.

Although he He only has half-step to the profound realm, but the strength of Netherworld Sect is there

"Elder You, wait a minute if that Gu Yun comes"

"I'm afraid I still have to rely on you."

Bai Chen said flatteringly at this moment

"Of course, a little Gu Yun is not a problem."

You Ye replied lightly.

A look of contempt flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't even deal with a small Gu Yun.

This Xuanyin Sect is really a useless sect.

No wonder even a small Nanyun Prefecture cannot be unified.

Hearing this, Bai Chen was immediately overjoyed.

The smile on his face could not be concealed at all, and a look of anticipation and excitement flashed in his eyes.

After entering the second floor, he heard that Gu Yun had been at the entrance to another secret realm. Not only did he break through to the fourth level of the Yuan Dan realm, but he also killed the young palace master of Xuanlong Palace with one punch.

When he learned the news, he was extremely shocked.

Then the little beast grew to this level.

If If he continues to grow, I'm afraid they, the Xuanyin Sect, will have no choice.

It is precisely because of this that he has even more murderous intentions towards Gu Yun.

However, now there are the gangster elders of the Netherworld Sect. As long as Gu Yun dares If you come, you will definitely die.

Thinking of this, he slowly walked to the pavilion railing. He looked at Elder Yun in the iron cage below.

He smiled mischievously and said:"Old Ghost Yun, if Gu Yun of your Qingyun Sect doesn't come again, suitable"

"I'm afraid you guys are all going to die."

Bai Chen's face was full of teasing.

Hearing this, Elder Yun suddenly became furious.

He pointed at Bai Chen's nose and cursed:"Old Ghost Bai, if you let me go out,"

"I must kill your Xuanyin Sect!"

As soon as these words came out,

Bai Chen's face suddenly turned cold.

He snorted coldly:"Old Ghost Yun, you haven't figured out the situation yet!"

"Then kill a few Qingyun Sect disciples first, and then see if you can still be stubborn. Bai Chen's face turned cold."

The palm of his hand stretched out, and the true energy in his body surged out.

He shot towards the void, and immediately several palm prints were blasted towards the iron cage below.

When they saw this scene, everyone present was shocked.

The Qingyun Sect disciples in the cage even had expressions on their faces. Pale.

All their cultivation levels have been sealed.

Even if they are not sealed, facing the attack of a strong man at the ninth level of Yuan Dan Realm, it will still be a dead end.

"Damn it."

Looking at Bai Chen's attack, the great elder's face was livid, and he was extremely angry.

As for the disciples of the Qingyun Sect, they closed their eyes in fear when they looked at the white palm prints flying towards them.

They knew who at this moment He couldn't save them.

And when the white palm print was about to hit the Qingyun Sect disciple, bang bang!!

Suddenly two voices sounded.

The two white palm prints then shattered out of thin air.���


Bai Chen exclaimed.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was also in an uproar. I saw a white figure slowly appeared in front of everyone in the surprised eyes. The white figure stood suspended. It had a slender figure and a beautiful face. Ling Lang. He has a transcendent temperament, like a banished immortal. And his deep eyes are looking straight up. There is no joy or anger in his extremely deep eyes...

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