Chapter 138 Heading to Sword Road Mountain, Luo Ling'er's resentment!!

Although when flying to Kendo Mountain.

Luo Ling'er didn't want Gu Yun to go, after all, if Yuan Jian Sect was still there that day.

It will definitely bring trouble to Gu Yun.

Luo Linger was worried about Gu Yun's safety.

Although Gu Yun was able to kill Zhou Zhen, who was in the fourth level of Yuan Dan realm, with one punch.

But if you face the strong man who is half-step into the mysteries.

I'm afraid he's not an opponent yet.

You must know that Half-Step Tongxuan is much more powerful than the fourth level of Yuan Dan Realm.

Moreover, the strong man who was half-step into the mysteries came from the Tianyuan Sword Sect, the fifteenth-ranked force in the Tianfeng Dynasty.

I don’t know how many levels higher than the Xuanlong Palace.

The opponent's background is not comparable to that of a second-rate force like Xuanlong Palace.

A half-step Tongxuan expert from Tianyuan Sword Sect can even easily defeat several half-step Tongxuan experts from other forces.

After all, the other party practiced heaven-level techniques. Faced with Luo Ling'er's persuasion.

Gu Yun didn't say much.

After all, Luo Ling'er didn't see him when he first saw him beside the Longyuan fruit tree.

Killing those who are half-step into the mysteries is like killing chickens and dogs.

If seen.

Then Luo Ling'er wouldn't let Gu Yun go to the kendo stone tablet.

After all, her current understanding of Gu Yun's strength was still at the entrance to the bloody secret realm. in her thoughts.

No matter how talented Gu Yun is.

After entering the secret realm for such a short time, even if the strength has improved.

It will definitely not improve to the point where it can defeat a half-step Tongxuan strong man. Especially those who are half-step masters from powerful forces.

So Luo Linger tried his best to dissuade him.

However, after Gu Yun slashed open a mountain several thousand meters high with one sword.

Luo Linger shut up.

The look in Gu Yun's eyes suddenly turned a bit resentful.

Seeing the way Luo Ling'er looked at him, Gu Yun was also a little bit dumbfounded.

He knew it.

Since Luo Ling'er entered the secret realm, she has been desperately looking for Jilu.

After a lot of hard work and many setbacks.

Only after he broke through to the second level of Yuan Dan realm, and understood his sword intention to the fourth level, was he able to catch up with Gu Yun.

As a result, Gu Yun's move directly prevented her from doing so.

She had worked hard for so long, and originally thought that the two of them had become closer in strength.

As a result, it seems that the gap in strength between the two is even wider.

Looking at Luo Ling'er's somewhat disappointed expression. After Gu Yun comforted Luo Ling'er.

Looking into the distance

"It seems that I will give Ling'er some elixir to improve his talent in the future."

"Maybe I should get a copy of the heaven-level exercises."

Gu Yun murmured in his heart.

In fact, Luo Ling'er's talent is at an above-average level in the entire Tianfeng Dynasty. The main reason for her weak strength is that the level of the skills she practices is too low.

After all, the foundation of Qingyun Sect is too low.

The skills that Mu Qingli practiced came from the Xuan Realm, and even the cultivation level was hidden. For fear of exposing herself, she naturally would not teach this skill to Luo Ling'er.

Because once the storm happened, it would not be good for the Qingyun Sect. Everyone is definitely in danger, Gu Yun estimated.

If Luo Ling'er was born in one of those top powers with Nirvana realm experts at their command, his martial arts attainment must be much higher than it is now.

Even entering the list of geniuses is not a problem.

"Is that Kendo Mountain?"

After flying for a long time,

Gu Yun murmured while looking at an extremely majestic mountain peak in front of him.

"After understanding the meaning of the sword here, enter the third level."

Gu Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

This is now the second level.

According to the chance information from Lin Dong, the third level's martial arts monument will be opened in three hours.

By then, Anyone can sit under the martial arts monument and understand martial arts.

And he has already snatched the tablet spirit from Lin Dong's hand.

Obtaining that level of top-grade martial arts is a sure thing.

After the martial arts monument, there is the center The district office of a strong man in the Sealing Pressure Realm. There, Ling Yaoer, the daughter of destiny, will take the Nine-turn Shenyin Pill.

And Lin Dong will take the Nine-turn Shenyang Pill.

Once these two pills are taken, If it falls, it will definitely cause the aura in the body to go riot. It is in urgent need of the yin and yang aura to reconcile.

Gu Yun is now looking forward to when Lin Dong robs him of his greatest opportunity.

Will the blue luck be directly reduced to white luck?.

After all, in this bloody secret realm,

Lin Dong’s biggest opportunity, to put it bluntly, is to intersect with Ling Yaoer, the daughter of destiny, in the tomb of a strong man in the Fengwang realm. Thus, he can obtain the body and mind of the daughter of destiny.

Intangible This increased his luck.

After all, he was chosen by Heaven as the Son of Destiny's Taoist Companion.

How could he have less prosperous attributes?

Although a girl like Mu Qingli is also a daughter of Destiny, she is constantly striving for self-improvement. The route of revenge has nothing to do with the so-called Son of Destiny.

Not to mention the attributes of a prosperous man.

I am afraid that if Gu Yun had not appeared, he would have broken through the realm of a saint in this life.

After the revenge is over, he will be pure in heart and pursue the pinnacle of martial arts for the rest of his life..

Gu Yun and Luo Ling'er landed on the top of a mountain.

There was a huge sword monument standing on the top of the mountain in the center of the mountain.

This sword monument was hundreds of feet high and was completely black.

It exuded an extremely primitive atmosphere.

But if you feel it carefully, You can feel the vague aura of kendo on it.

A large number of monks gathered around the sword monument.

They sat cross-legged around the sword monument, feeling the aura of kendo emanating from the sword monument.

In an attempt to Use this kendo aura to understand the sword's intention.

It is said that this kendo stone tablet was left by several kendo masters.

This sword tablet contains the kendo insights of these kendo masters. With these kendo insights, the probability of the monks comprehending the sword's intention will be Greatly increased.

And some monks with outstanding talents may be able to obtain the kendo martial arts that the strong kendo master left on this sword monument while comprehending the sword intention.

And if you want to obtain the kendo martial arts on this sword monument.

Then is very sleepy���, barely a few.

Being able to obtain swordsmanship and martial arts, he is almost like a phoenix-feathered charm in the entire bloody secret realm.

Even some strong men who have half-stepped into the mysteries have not gotten it.

But Luo Ling'er got it.

It can be seen from this that Luo Ling'er's talent in swordsmanship is not inferior to that of the geniuses from the top forces.

It was the environment that limited her.

And what Luo Ling'er got was a top-notch kendo martial arts at the prefectural level.

Gu Yun looked at it.

That kendo martial arts is very powerful, if you practice it to perfection.

The power that explodes is not even weaker than some heaven-level low-grade martial arts.

After all, kendo martial arts is already powerful, not to mention that it comes from the sword monument.

"The people from Yuanjian Sect seemed to have left that day."

Landing on the top of the mountain, Luo Ling'er looked around with some worry and said.

Seeing that no one from Tianyuan Sword Sect was there, Luo Ling'er felt relieved.

Although Gu Yun showed that terrifying power , but Luo Ling'er still didn't want people from the Yuanjian Sect to be here that day... because she was worried about Gu Yun's safety.

"Ling'er, we all stayed in that cave for several hours."

"After such a long time, the people from Yuanjian Sect must have left that day."

Gu Yun looked at Luo Ling'er and said with a smile.

For several hours, according to Gui Yun's estimation, the two of them stayed in the cave for at least seven or eight hours. During this period, what did they do?

Gu Yun and Luo Ling'er naturally It was very clear.

As soon as she heard the word cave,

Luo Ling'er's face instantly turned extremely red.

Her beautiful eyes gave Gu Yun an angry look.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing if this kendo stone tablet can help my sword power break through to 60%."

Looking at the huge sword monument in front of him,

Gu Yun said with some anticipation.

A month ago, he relied on the martial arts insights of a strong man in the King's Realm to improve his sword intent to about 50%. In this month, most of his He spends all his time practicing Arhat's whole body technique, the Great Sun Burning Sky Sutra and other martial arts techniques. The realm of swordsmanship is a bit slow.

Now that he has this swordsmanship stone tablet, he may be able to break through to the 60th percentile of his sword power.

For me, Gu Yun is relatively confident in his understanding.

"Well, you sit here and comprehend the sword monument, and I'm here to protect you."

Luo Ling'er said softly to Gu Yun.

Gu Yun nodded.

Without saying anything more, he sat down cross-legged. He closed his eyes and began to feel the kendo aura emanating from the sword monument. With this sword monument, he will definitely be able to Comprehend the 60% sword intention.

When the time comes, his strength will skyrocket to a new level again.

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