Chapter 149: The number one person in the Tianfeng Dynasty, True Dragon Boxing!!

Everyone in the square looked at those four characters.

His eyes were frozen, and his throat seemed to be strangled by someone else.

Not a word could be uttered.

They couldn't imagine that someone would actually comprehend that level of top-notch martial arts.

Even the eyes of the three Ling Yaoer girls looking at Gu Yun were full of shock.

"Gu Yun... actually comprehended heaven-level martial arts."

Ling Yaoer looked at Gu Yun and said in surprise.

Her plump breasts were rising and falling violently.

At this moment, her heart was like a turbulent sea, and she could not calm down for a long time.

As a saint of the Taiqing Holy Palace in the Xuan Domain,

Ling Yao Er was extremely confident in her own talent.

But even she could not understand the top-level martial arts from the martial arts tablet. She once thought that the top-level martial arts in the martial arts tablet did not exist.

After all, even with her Talent cannot communicate the top-level martial arts from this martial arts tablet.

You must know that her talent can reach the realm of a saint."Zero zero talent of a saint cannot communicate.""

Then this martial arts tablet contains the so-called heaven-level martial arts.

I'm afraid it's just a myth.

But she didn't expect that Gu Yun would actually comprehend it.

Could it be that Gu Yun's talent is even more powerful than hers, but She did not sense the aura of some powerful physique in Gu Yun.

Thinking of this, she was filled with doubts.

As for Luo Ling'er, she looked at Gu Yun with joy.

Gu Yun was able to comprehend the best martial arts at the heaven level.

Luo Ling'er was naturally happy for him.

Even the top forces in the Tianfeng Dynasty had never possessed the best heaven-level martial arts.

But Gu Yun actually understood it.

This is enough to prove how terrifying Gu Yun's talent is.

This After seeing this, once the news about Gu Yun's understanding of heaven-level martial arts spreads out,

Gu Yun will definitely be ranked first on the list of geniuses.

Even if not, the entire Tianfeng Dynasty will probably think that this person is number one on the list of geniuses. The ranking belongs to Gu Yun.

After all, being able to comprehend the existence of the best heaven-level martial arts, his talent is self-evident.

But at this moment, Luo Ling'er also felt a little worried in her heart.

It is true that Gu Yun can comprehend the best heaven-level martial arts. It is a good thing, but relying on the strength of Qingyun Sect, it may not be able to maintain this heaven-level martial arts.

Thinking of this, Luo Ling'er couldn't help but become a little worried.

And Mo Xiaoshuang looked at Gu Yun with wide eyes.

Then Zhang Jingying's little mouth is wide enough to stuff an egg into

"Oh my god, brother Gu Yun actually comprehended the best martial arts at the heaven level"

"This talent is too powerful."

Mo Xiaoshuang said in shock.

Even her father could only comprehend the middle-grade heaven-level martial arts.

And sister Yao'er on the side, as a saint of Taiqing Holy Palace, had only comprehended the top-grade heaven-level martial arts.

And But Gu Yun realized the legendary heaven-level masterpiece.

Doesn't that mean that brother Gu Yun's talent is higher than that of sister Yao'er.

Thinking of this, she couldn't believe it.

A few minutes ago,

Gu Yun's consciousness just entered this In the martial arts monument,

I saw martial arts floating around me, exuding sacred light.

These martial arts are like stars in the sky, countless. The higher the level of martial arts, the stronger the light..

Looking at the many martial arts in front of him,

Gu Yun was filled with amazement.

This martial arts stele is really powerful, it actually hides so many martial arts.

And Gu Yun did not immediately use the spirit of the stele to obtain the heaven-level top-grade martial arts..

Instead, he relaxed his mind to communicate with other heaven-level high-grade martial arts.

He wanted to verify his understanding. Sure enough

, as he went to communicate, the heaven-level high-grade martial arts trembled and immediately flew towards Gu Yun.

Heaven-level high-grade martial arts: Arhat to Heavenly Seal

Heaven-level high-grade martial arts: Xuanhuang Sword Qi Jue Heaven-level high-grade martial arts: Sun Mountain River Palm looked at the heaven-level high-grade martial arts in front of him, Gu Yun was also very helpful, At this moment, all he had to do was reach out and hold out a heaven-level top-grade martial arts in front of him, and he would be able to get it.

But Gu Yun did not do that.

Because what he wanted was a heaven-level top-grade martial arts.

He opened his palm, and a blue soul Gen appeared in Gu Yun's hand.

For a moment, this soul was beating on Gu Yun's palm like a blue flame.

A smile appeared on Gu Yun's face.

As soon as he entered the martial arts monument,

Gu Yun felt this The Tao soul becomes active.

With this soul, he can obtain the best martial arts at that level.

Moreover, he has successfully robbed Lin Dong of his opportunity, and then he can get the system's critical hit reward.


The stele spirit slowly floated forward, and finally slowly merged into the void.

Immediately, a portal slowly opened.

From inside the portal, a martial art emitting extremely rich golden light slowly floated out.

Gu Yun did not Too many words.

When I saw the top-level martial arts of that day,

I stretched out my hand and held it in my hand.

Suddenly, the top-level martial arts instantly turned into a full light.

It poured into the center of Gu Yun's eyebrows.

And Gu Yun also got it. This heaven-level martial arts.

At the same time, the sound of a system critical strike sounded in his mind.

Outside the martial arts monument.

At this moment, Gu Yun's information also appeared on the martial arts monument.

At the same time, he quickly occupied the top position.

Name: Gu Yun realm: fifth level of Yuan Dan realm. Sect to which he belongs: Qingyun Sect. Comprehended martial arts: True Dragon Boxing. Grade: Heavenly level.

Immediately, countless people were shocked, looking at the information on the martial arts monument with shock.

"Damn it, that guy then realized the heaven-level martial arts. How could this be possible? Just him."

Lin Dong said with great resentment.

His eyes were full of jealousy. You must know that it is a heaven-level martial arts.

Even if he didn't get it, why could Gu Yun get it?

At this moment, Xiaodiao in his mind also said in shock :"How can this be?"

"Without that key, I would not be able to take out that heaven-level top-grade martial arts even if I"

"How did that kid do it?"

"Could it be that soul?"

As a strong man in the human emperor realm in the past, he immediately remembered the blue soul that was snatched away by Gu Yun before.

When Lin Dong heard this, his face was startled, and his expression soon became even more intense. Embarrassed

"It's him again, damn it, originally this heaven-level martial arts belonged to me."

Remembering the blue soul that was snatched away by Gu Yun.

Lin Dong's face became very ugly.

An astonishing killing intent erupted from him. He originally thought it was an ordinary soul, but it turned out that it was an ordinary soul. The key to heaven-level martial arts.

And if Gu Yun hadn't snatched it away, then this heaven-level martial arts should belong to him.

Thinking of this, Lin Dong felt extremely aggrieved. Looking at Gu Yun, his eyes were like A vicious beast.

On the other side,

Gu Yun's eyes opened, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

After getting the martial arts in his mind,

Gu Yun also had a smile on his lips.

He slowly stood up from the ground.

The three women immediately gathered around and asked Gu Yun.

However, before Gu Yun could answer, powerful auras descended instantly.

An extremely tough voice came from

"Hand over the top level martial arts, that martial arts is not something you can possess. Gu Yun slowly narrowed his eyes and looked up."

I saw all the top forces from the Tianfeng Dynasty surrounding them. Their eyes looking at Gu Yun were full of passion and greed.

They were obviously eyeing Gu Yun's heaven-level martial arts...

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