Chapter 197: Hug!!

This month's time.

Gu Yundu tried every means to calm Mu Qingli's anger.

However, Mu Qingli didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

Whenever he came close, he would be knocked away without mercy.

Either it was knocked away, or it flew away on its own.

As a result, Gu Yun didn't even touch her hand this month. Mu Qingli didn't give Gu Yun the slightest chance to explain.

Gu Yun was also a little helpless about this.

If it weren't for this time, he would have to participate in the seed selection for the Hundred Dynasties War.

I'm afraid Mu Qingli won't follow either.

After all, Mu Qingli still puts his safety first.

If not, just rely on Mu Qingli's temper.

Gu Yun felt that she could still persist in ignoring him for a year and a half.

Now Mu Qingli is on the flying boat.

Gu Yun knew that this was the best time for the two of them to bridge the gap.

Watching Mu Qingli walk towards the deck.

Gu Yun also followed.

Then after taking a few steps, I found an invisible barrier in front of me.

And this barrier was obviously arranged by Mu Qingli's extremely yin energy.

He just didn’t want Gu Yun to get close.

As Gu Yun's woman, she would naturally follow Gu Yun shamelessly if he knew she was on the flying boat.

If you really let him follow you, he might take advantage of you in some way.

So naturally she won't let Gu Yun get close to her


Touching this barrier, Gu Yun also smiled slightly. It was a barrier set up by Mu Qingli, who was at the peak of the Nirvana realm. I am afraid that even a dozen Xiu Shi who are at the peak of the Nirvana realm may not be able to break through it. But for him,

I am afraid that it will be different from the decorations. Almost.

Gu Yun was already very familiar with Mu Qingli's extremely yin aura.

With a thought, he also set up a barrier behind himself. On this barrier, not only could outsiders not come in, but also You can't see the scene inside.

Now he has already reached the third level of Tongxuan Realm.

He is almost the most powerful existence in the entire Qingyun Sect. Even Elder Yun cannot break the barrier he set up.

In the design After getting off the barrier,

Gu Yun also raised his hand slightly.

On his palm, the terrifying Great Sun Burning Heaven Yuan kept pouring out.

At this time, the Great Sun Burning Heaven Yuan had just been released, shooting at the extremely Yin Qi.

On the barrier The extremely Yin Qi suddenly trembled.

The extremely Yin Qi that originally wanted to seal the Great Sun Burning Tianyuan stagnated slightly. It seemed that they sensed that the Great Sun Burning Tianyuan carried a very familiar smell. Obviously, they recognized it. When Tian Ri Fen Tian Yuan came out, he was carrying Gu Yun's extremely rich Yuanyang aura. He suddenly became extremely excited. They immediately blended with each other.

Like water and milk.

Then Gu Yun saw a two-meter-high The gap was opened.

Gu Yun also entered through this gap.

After sensing Gu Yun's entry,

Mu Qingli's delicate body standing in front of the deck also froze slightly. She forgot that her extremely yin energy could not be blocked. Gu Yun's.

After all, it was more than a month ago. During that period of several months, the two of them stayed together almost every day, and the yin energy in her body absorbed and refined Gu Yun's yang energy almost every day.

It was obviously impossible to block Gu Yun with her own extremely yin energy, and she also forgot about this.

Sensing Gu Yun walking towards her,

Mu Qingli's heartbeat slowly accelerated.

But still He said coldly to Gu Yun:"Get out."

When the cold voice came, Gu Yun was not stupid enough to actually go out.

Instead, he stood still one meter behind Mu Qingli.

Maintaining this distance, neither moving forward nor retreating.

He knew , if you make big moves as soon as you come in,

I am afraid it will offend Mu Qingli and resist.

So standing one meter behind Mu Qingli is probably the most suitable distance.

Seeing Gu Yun, there is no other She moved, but just stood behind her.

Mu Qingli's extremely beautiful eyebrows also wrinkled slightly.

But she didn't say anything.

This is not another place.

She also knew that she could not hide from Gu Yun forever.

Now Gu Yun Yun was standing behind her, and she felt that she could still accept it.

Her beautiful eyes were raised slightly, and she continued to squint at the distant mountains and rivers. Gu Yun, who was standing behind her, naturally glanced at the mountains and rivers.

Then his eyes were straight. He stared at Mu Qingli.

Looking at Mu Qingli's charming body, he admired her slightly. Mu Qingli was wearing a long purple dress, and her long black hair, as black as ink, was floating gently. Her face was as dark as ink.

The contours on her body were so beautiful that just a glimpse of her profile made Gu Yun feel a little dazed.

And her figure was even more graceful and charming, especially her exquisite figure.

Any man who saw it would probably not be able to move away. Open your eyes.

Moreover, the skin on Mu Qingli's body is even more snow-white and crystal clear.

It exudes a sparkling luster.

Coupled with the cold aura that is involuntarily emitted, it is probably very attractive to any man.

Even if she has practiced with Mu Qingli So many times.

But Gu Yun still had to admit that

Mu Qingli still made him want to stop.

At this moment, Mu Qingli's heart was also full of complicated feelings.

Before the woman came, she originally thought she was very powerful. I even felt complacent about having broken through from the peak of Tongxuan Realm to the peak of Nirvana Realm in just a few months. But after that woman came, I realized how weak I was.

This time, when Gu Yun went there After the ancient battlefield,

I am afraid that I will have to enter the mysterious realm again.

As long as I get the inheritance of my family, I can grow up quickly.

Mu Qingli thought in her heart.

Although as long as she and Gu Yun continue to practice, she can quickly become stronger..

But when Gu Yun entered the ancient battlefield, it was impossible for her to follow him.

After all, her cultivation was at the peak of the Nirvana realm.

Once she entered the ancient battlefield, she would probably be discovered by those super powerful people immediately.

By then I'm afraid that not only will she not be able to help Gu Yun, but she will bring disaster to him.

Thinking of this, she sighed slightly.

However, just as she was sighing, a pair of men's hands gently hugged her into his arms. Suddenly , Mu Qingli's beautiful eyes widened, and her pupils trembled slightly.

But she immediately woke up.

Then she said coldly to Gu Yun:"Don't touch me."

Putting his hands on Mu Qingli's seemingly weak waist, his upper body was pressed against Mu Qingli's jade back.

Gu Yun also said slightly:"After such a long time, the anger should have gone away, right?"

"Do you want to be angry with me forever?"

After Gu Yun said this, he stopped talking.

But he didn't let go. Instead, he hugged Mu Qingli harder into his arms.

Hearing this, Mu Qingli bit her teeth and stared angrily. Gu Yun glanced at him.

But there were no words or resistance.

The two just hugged each other quietly.

The atmosphere at this moment was so beautiful that people couldn't bear to break up.

However, a moment later, a cold voice broke the atmosphere.

"I've already made a huge concession by letting you touch me. You'd better keep your hands calm."

Mu Qingli tilted her head slightly and stared at Gu Yun coldly.

Hearing this, Gu Yun also stopped what he was doing.

His hands were quietly placed on Mu Qingli's white and smooth waist.

But even so.

Mu Qingli's face gradually turned red with embarrassment, and she became a little unnatural.

Because she felt something strange about Gu Yun's body.

This dog man, every time he was with her, couldn't his mind think of something else?

Mu Qingli was ashamed and annoyed. Daoyi...

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